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Results for "magdalena brunner"

Name: Magdalena Brunner

Birth: 26 April 1834 Brienz, Switzerland

Death: 24 Sep 1894 Burnside, Goodhue, Minnesota, USA

Father: Ulrich Kienholz

Mother: Magdalena Wyss

Name: Magdalena Brunner

Birth: abt 1863 Germany

Death: 4 Nov 1915 Queens, New York, USA

Father: Franz Hemberger

Mother: Theresia Eberhard

Name: Magdalena Brunner

Birth: 29 .9. 1860 Wittichsthal Nr. 4. CZ

Death: 24.10.1900 PaulusbrunnNr.27, Kreis Tachau/CZ

Father: Ferdinand Brunner

Mother: Maria Anna Moos

Name: Magdalena Brunner

Birth: 29 Jul 1825 Obersdorf, Mistelbach, Niederoesterreich, Austria

Death: 13 Mar 1882 Pillichsdorf, Mistelbach, Niederoesterreich, Austria

Father: Philipp Brunner

Mother: Theresia Eder

Name: Magdalena Brunner

Birth: 17 Dec 1820 Rosenberg

Death: 30 Jan 1867 Rosenberg

Father: Martin Brunner

Mother: Elisabeth Pamberger

Name: Magdalena Brunner

Birth: 22. Juli 1813 Schippach

Death: 15. Oktober 1898 Kirchzell, Bayern, Deutschland

Father: Benedikt Brunner

Mother: Barbara Hess


Birth: 1779 Schlag Nr. 15 Litschau,Niederösterreich, Österreich

Death: 26.DEZEMBER 1844 Schlag 12 Litschau,Niederösterreich, Österreich



Name: Magdalena Brunner

Birth: 21.7.1800 Schellert, Bayern, Deutschland

Death: 29.4.1874 Stieglitz, Steiermark, Österreich

Father: Johann Georg Bronner

Mother: Apollonia Hupfer

Name: Magdalena Brunner

Birth: 15 Aug 1816 Netstal, Glarus, Switzerland

Death: 10 Dec 1875 Glarus, Glarus, Switzerland

Father: Heinrich Brunner

Mother: Anna Maria Marti

Name: Magdalena Brunner

Birth: 08 JUL 1902 Basel, Basel-Stadt, Schweiz

Death: 22 DEC 1983

Father: Mathias (Mathys) Brunner

Mother: Rosalia Baumann

Name: Magdalena Brunner

Birth: 20 JUL 1704 Weberberg (Ober Weberbergergut), Pf. Bad Zell

Death: Not Available Am Hof zu Hirtlhof, Pf. Bad Zell, Bad Zell, 4283, Österreich

Father: Martin Brunner

Mother: Barbara Prandstetter

Name: Magdalena Brunner

Birth: 18 Dec 1823 Lauterbrunnen, Bern, Switzerland

Death: 11 Mar 1875

Father: Heinrich Brunner

Mother: Magdalena Wegmueller

Name: Magdalena Brunner

Birth: 13 Feb 1776 Brand

Death: Not Available Eichelberg

Father: Wolfgang Johann Brunner

Mother: Maria Susanne Lankl

Name: Magdalena Brunner

Birth: 3 Feb 1825 Aasen, Schwarzwald-Baar-Kreis, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Death: 13 Sep 1887 Aasen, Schwarzwald-Baar-Kreis, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Father: Josephus Brunner

Mother: Anna Maria HIRT

Name: Magdalena Brunner

Birth: 22 Oct 1842 Eltville, Nassau, Germany

Death: 3 April 1905 Mitchell's Flat, Singleton, New South Wales, Australia

Father: Johannes or Johann George or Johann Jacob Brunner

Mother: (P) Anna Maria Arnold

Name: Magdalena Brunner

Birth: 23 Jan 1823 Grentzingen, Haut Rhin, Alsace, France

Death: 23 Apr 1907 Wyaconda, Clark, Missouri, United States

Father: Francois BRUNNER

Mother: Magdalena ( Madeleine) Fridlin

Name: Magdalena (Lena) Brunner

Birth: November 11, 1873 Zichydorf, Hungry

Death: 31 Dec 1945 Semans, Saskatchewan, Canada

Father: Nicholaus Brunner

Mother: Magdalena Zopf

Name: Magdalena N Brunner

Birth: 31 Dec 1866 O'Hara, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States

Death: 12 Jan 1908 Pitcairn, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, United States of America

Father: David Brunner,

Mother: Magdalena Margaret Shook

Name: Magdalena M Brunner

Birth: 8 October 1852 Germany

Death: 01/29/1913 New Jersey, USA

Father: Anton Brunner

Mother: Margaretha Lavigne

Name: Magdalena Brunner

Birth: 5/28/1909 North Dakota

Death: 11/1/1978 Minot, Ward, North Dakota, USA

Father: Peter Brunner

Mother: Elizabeth Eisenzimmer

Name: Magdalena Brunner

Birth: 1787 Jungholz, Bad-Saeckingen, Baden-Wuerrtemberg, Germany

Death: 28 Apr 1864 Sankt-Maergen, Blackforrest, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Father: Joseph Brunner

Mother: Maria Billian

Name: Magdalena Brunner

Birth: 20 Aug 1840 Leobendorf, Niederösterreich, Österreich

Death: 29 Mai 1841 Leobendorf, Niederösterreich, Österreich

Father: Jakob Brunner


Name: Magdalena BRUNNER

Birth: 28 APR 1810 Strahlenfels, , ,

Death: Not Available

Father: Peter BRUNNER

Mother: Katharina REIF

Name: Magdalena Brunner

Birth: 1646 Hausen im Wiesental, Loerrach, Baden, D

Death: Not Available Germany

Father: Hans Brunner

Mother: Private

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