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Results for "Margaret Draper"

1 - 25 of 884 Records

Margaret Draper - 1854 to 1922

Birth: 1854 Aston, Hertfordshire, Englandbirth0

Death: 24 Oct 1922 Hertford, Hertfordshire, Englanddeath0


Father: Edward DRAPER

Mother: Eliza FILLER

MARGARET DRAPER - 1855 to 1934

Birth: Jun 1855 Lathom, Lancashire, Englandbirth1

Death: Mar 1934 Ormskirk, Lancashire, Englanddeath1


Father: Elias Draper

Mother: Esther Radcliffe

Margaret E Draper - 1879 to 1940

Birth: 24 Dec 1879 (or Abt. 1880) Caledonia, Ontario, Canadabirth2

Death: 1940 ,, Ontario, Canadadeath2


Father: James Melvin Draper

Mother: Isadora Jane Jones

Margaret Draper - 1914 to 1987

Birth: 18 MAY 1914 Massachusettsbirth3

Death: Sep 1987 Portage, Porter, Indiana, USAdeath3


Father: Elmer Jones

Mother: Elma Barr

Margaret L Draper - 1897 to 1967

Birth: abt 1897 Pennsylvaniabirth4

Death: 8 December 1967 Berwick PAdeath4


Father: George Draper

Mother: Catherine O'Donnell

Margaret E Draper - 1879 to 1940

Birth: 24 Dec 1879 (or Abt. 1880) Caledonia, Ontario, Canadabirth5

Death: 1940 ,, Ontario, Canadadeath5


Father: James Melvin Draper

Mother: Isadora Jane Jones

Margaret Ann Draper - 1840 to 1928

Birth: Sep 1840 Birmingham, Warwickshire, Englandbirth6

Death: 11 Dec 1928 Dudley, Staffordshire, , Englanddeath6


Father: John Draper

Mother: Elizabeth Eliza Rodwell

Margaret L Draper - 1897 to 1967

Birth: abt 1897 Pennsylvaniabirth7

Death: 8 December 1967 Berwick PAdeath7


Father: George Draper

Mother: Catherine O'Donnell

Margaret Draper - 1847 to 1929

Birth: Sep 1847 Ohiobirth8

Death: 01 Jan 1929 Richland, Holmes, Ohio, USAdeath8


Father: Samuel H DRAPER

Mother: Catharine Horton

Margaret J. Draper - 1849 to 1910

Birth: 1849 Illinois, USAbirth9

Death: Aft. 1910 probably WAdeath9


Father: John Brown Draper

Mother: Jenetta Abell

Margaret J. Draper - 1849 to 1910

Birth: 1849 Illinois, USAbirth10

Death: Aft. 1910 probably WAdeath10


Father: John Brown Draper

Mother: Jenetta Abell

Margaret Draper - 1818 to 1866

Birth: 27 JAN 1818 Lathombirth11

Death: 1866 Ormskirk, Lancashire, United Kingdomdeath11


Father: Thomas Draper

Mother: Ann Pemberton

Margaret E Draper - 1866 to 1952

Birth: 1866 St Helier Jersey

Death: 17 Nov 1952 Epsom, Surrey, Englanddeath12


Father: James Finucane Draper

Mother: Eliza Baldock Way

Margaret Alice Draper - 1877 to 1954

Birth: 1877 Lathom, Lancashire, Englandbirth13

Death: Apr 1954 Lancaster, Lancashire, Englanddeath13


Father: Henry Draper

Mother: Alice Samples

Margaret Jane Draper - 1894 to 1952

Birth: 23 May 1894 Collingwood, Simcoe, Ontario, Canadabirth14

Death: 1952 Ontario, Canadadeath14


Father: George Henry Draper (E S Latimer)

Mother: Elizabeth Sarah LATIMER

Margaret Jane Draper - 1894 to 1952

Birth: 23 May 1894 Collingwood, Simcoe, Ontario, Canadabirth15

Death: 1952 Ontario, Canadadeath15


Father: George Henry Draper (E S Latimer)

Mother: Elizabeth Sarah LATIMER

Margaret Alice Draper - 1877 to 1954

Birth: 1877 Lathom, Lancashire, Englandbirth16

Death: Apr 1954 Lancaster, Lancashire, Englanddeath16


Father: Henry Draper

Mother: Alice Samples

Margaret Draper - 1865 to 1949

Birth: Jul 1865 Texas, United Statesbirth17

Death: 9 Jul 1949 Fort Worth, Tarrant, Texas, USAdeath17


Father: James Marion Draper

Mother: Mary Amelia Stewart

Margaret Draper - 1853 to 1929

Birth: Sep 1853 Oswego, NYbirth18

Death: 21 May 1929 Oswego, NYdeath18


Father: Henry Draper

Mother: Margaret A Draper

Margaret A Draper - 1858 to 1946

Birth: 13 January 1858 Kentuckybirth19

Death: 1946 Williamstown, Grant, Kentucky, United Statesdeath19


Father: Martin Mystal Draper

Mother: Lousiania Rattcliff

Margaret Draper - 1869 to 1926

Birth: 1 February 1869 Tennesseebirth20

Death: 1926/04/08


Father: Thomas Luther Draper

Mother: Mary Apple

Margaret Draper - 1768 to 1837

Birth: 1768 Aston Blank, Gloucestershirebirth21

Death: 26 Oct 1837 Cirencester, Gloucestershire, United Kingdomdeath21


Father: George Draper

Mother: Anne Oliffe

Margaret Draper - 1888 to 1953

Birth: abt 1888 New Yorkbirth22

Death: 29 Jan 1953 Yonkers, Westchester, New York, USAdeath22


Father: Patrick Lonergan

Mother: Alice Walsh

Margaret Ann Draper - 1924 to 2006

Birth: 06 Feb 1924 Henry, Virginia, USAbirth23

Death: 31 Mar 2006 Roanoke, Roanoke City, Virginia, United States of Americadeath23


Father: Jesse Spottayl Draper

Mother: Sallie Lou Davis

Margaret Ellen DRAPER - 1874 to 1936

Birth: January 1874 1669136, Lancashire, Englandbirth24

Death: 27 August 1936


Father: Richard Draper

Mother: Martha Winstanley

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