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Results for "Margaret Driscoll"

1 - 25 of 3,032 Records

Margaret Winifred Driscoll - 1889 to 1971

Birth: 3 Jun 1889 Merrickville, Ontariobirth0

Death: 1971 Canadadeath0


Father: Michael Driscoll

Mother: Mary Jane O'Brien

Margaret Rita Driscoll - 1875 to 1926

Birth: 21 Feb 1875 Erie, Ohiobirth1

Death: 30 Dec 1926 Chicago, Cook, Illinoisdeath1


Father: Stephen Driscoll

Mother: Rebecca Austin Biggs

Margaret Driscoll - 1860 to 1920

Birth: 15 Aug 1860 Ottawa, La Salle, Illinois, United Statesbirth2

Death: 9 October 1920 Kankakee, Kankakee County, Illinois, United States of Americadeath2


Father: Daniel Driscoll

Mother: Bridget Riley

Margaret A Driscoll - 1875 to 1961

Birth: 3 Aug 1875 County Cork, Irelandbirth3

Death: 19 July 1961 Blarney, Cork, Irelanddeath3


Father: Daniel Sheehan

Mother: Hanora Dinneen

Margaret Driscoll - 1839 to 1911

Birth: 16 Sep 1839 Irelandbirth4

Death: 16 Sep 1911 Chicagodeath4


Father: Michael Driscoll

Mother: Margaret Lyons

Margaret Winifred Driscoll - 1889 to 1971

Birth: 3 Jun 1889 Merrickville, Ontariobirth5

Death: 1971 Canadadeath5


Father: Michael Driscoll

Mother: Mary Jane O'Brien

Margaret Mary Driscoll - 1924 to 2007

Birth: 15 Aug 1924 San Francisco, Californiabirth6

Death: 16 Apr 2007 Shawnee Mission, Johnson, Kansas, United States of Americadeath6


Father: Paul Bernard Driscoll

Mother: Jean Pollock

Margaret A Driscoll - 1891 to 1972

Birth: Mar 1891 New Yorkbirth7

Death: 19 May 1972 Ithaca, Tompkins, New York, USAdeath7


Father: Patrick J. Driscoll

Mother: Lucy A. Tehan

Margaret (Mary) Driscoll - 1862 to 1907

Birth: abt 1862 New Hampshirebirth8

Death: 1 Apr 1907 Wellsville, Allegany, New York, USAdeath8


Father: Daniel W Driscoll

Mother: Mary Harrington

Margaret DRISCOLL - 1906 to 1992

Birth: 10 Jun 1906 Erie, Erie, Pennsylvania, USAbirth9

Death: 3 Mar 1992 East Chicago, Lake, Indiana, USAdeath9


Father: Michael J DRISCOLL

Mother: Bridget E. McNamara

Margaret Rita Driscoll - 1875 to 1926

Birth: 21 Feb 1875 Erie, Ohiobirth10

Death: 30 Dec 1926 Chicago, Cook, Illinoisdeath10


Father: Stephen Driscoll

Mother: Rebecca Austin Biggs

Margaret Driscoll - 1873 to 1916

Birth: 1873 Irelandbirth11

Death: 24 May 1916 12 Eutaw St., Lawrence, Massachusetts, USAdeath11


Father: John Sullivan

Mother: Mary Power

Margaret Driscoll - 1869 to 1925

Birth: 1869 Westminster St Margaret, London, Englandbirth12

Death: 14 Mar 1925 Lowellville, Mahoning, Ohiodeath12


Father: Patrick Driscoll

Mother: Hannah Mary Mahoney

Margaret Driscoll - 1889 to 1973

Birth: 24 Apr 1889 Maynard, Middlesex, Massachusettsbirth13

Death: 1 oct 1973 Boston, massdeath13


Father: William Driscoll

Mother: Bridget Mary Corcoran

Margaret Gladys Driscoll - 1907 to 1996

Birth: abt 1907 Kentuckybirth14

Death: Apr 1996 Latonia, Kenton, Kentucky, USAdeath14


Father: Alois Fred Knasel

Mother: Jessie West

Margaret C. Driscoll - 1885 to 1958

Birth: OCT 1885 Michiganbirth15

Death: 1958 Hadley, Massachusettsdeath15


Father: Jeremiah J Driscoll

Mother: Margaret Hanley

Margaret Driscoll - 1839 to 1911

Birth: 16 Sep 1839 Irelandbirth16

Death: 16 Sep 1911 Chicagodeath16


Father: Michael Driscoll

Mother: Margaret Lyons

Margaret C. Driscoll - 1885 to 1958

Birth: OCT 1885 Michiganbirth17

Death: 1958 Hadley, Massachusettsdeath17


Father: Jeremiah J Driscoll

Mother: Margaret Hanley

Margaret Rita Driscoll - 1875 to 1926

Birth: 21 Feb 1875 Erie, Ohiobirth18

Death: 30 Dec 1926 Chicago, Cook, Illinoisdeath18


Father: Stephen Driscoll

Mother: Rebecca Austin Biggs

Margaret Ann Driscoll - 1822 to 1903

Birth: May 1822 Irelandbirth19

Death: 21 Jan 1903 Seattle, WAdeath19


Father: Patrick Driscoll

Mother: Mary Hurly

Margaret Driscoll - 1857 to 1918

Birth: 06/10/1857 Irelandbirth20

Death: 08/12/1918 St. Louis City, Missouri, USAdeath20


Father: John Driscoll

Mother: Margaret Gleeson

Margaret (Corcoran) Driscoll - 1838 to 1925

Birth: 23 Oct 1838 Pottsville Pennsylvaniabirth21

Death: 27 Jun 1925 Forks, Sullivan, Pennsylvania, USAdeath21


Father: John Corcoran

Mother: Margaret Sheehan

Margaret Ann Driscoll - 1822 to 1903

Birth: May 1822 Irelandbirth22

Death: 21 Jan 1903 Seattle, WAdeath22


Father: Patrick Driscoll

Mother: Mary Hurly

Margaret Driscoll - 1882 to 1953

Birth: 14 Jul 1882 Rogersvillle,NBbirth23

Death: 1953 Woonsocket, Providence, Rhode Island, USAdeath23


Father: Denis A Driscoll

Mother: Ferland

Margaret (Corcoran) Driscoll - 1838 to 1925

Birth: 23 Oct 1838 Pottsville Pennsylvaniabirth24

Death: 27 Jun 1925 Forks, Sullivan, Pennsylvania, USAdeath24


Father: John Corcoran

Mother: Margaret Sheehan

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