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Results for "Maria Strada"

1 - 25 of 82 Records

Maria Antonia Strada - 1784 to 1866

Birth: 01 AUG 1784 Greci, Avellino, Compania, Italybirth0

Death: 26 MAR 1866 Greci, Avellino, Campania, Italydeath0


Father: Nicola Antonio Strada

Mother: Teresa Catarina Panella

Maria Antonia Strada - 1784 to 1866

Birth: 01 AUG 1784 Greci, Avellino, Compania, Italybirth1

Death: 26 MAR 1866 Greci, Avellino, Campania, Italydeath1


Father: Nicola Antonio Strada

Mother: Teresa Catarina Panella

Maria Gaetana Strada - 1822 to 1856

Birth: Mar 1822 Greci, Avellino, Campania, Italybirth2

Death: Nov 1856 Greci, Avellino, Campania, Italydeath2


Father: Antonio Luigi Strada

Mother: Maria Rex

Maria Santa Strada - 1857 to 1892

Birth: 1857 Vertova, Bergamo, Lombardia, Italybirth3

Death: bef 1892 Casnigo, Bergamo, Lombardia, Italydeath3


Father: Pietro Paolo Strada

Mother: Maria Greta Tade

Maria Teresa Strada - 1929 to 1993

Birth: Sept 18 1929 Belvedere Spinello, Calabria, Italybirth4

Death: jan 06,1993 Stony Brook, New York, USAdeath4


Father: Guiseppa Strada

Mother: Mauro L Strada

Maria Strada - 1848

Birth: 12 Sep 1848 Greci, Capitanata, Kingdom of Two Siciliesbirth5

Death: Not Available


Father: Pasquale Giovanni Strada

Mother: Maria NORCIA

Maria Strada - 1848

Birth: 12 Sep 1848 Greci, Capitanata, Kingdom of Two Siciliesbirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Pasquale Giovanni Strada

Mother: Maria NORCIA

Maria Angiolina Strada - 1862 to 1887

Birth: 13 Mar 1862 Greci, Avellino, Campania, Kingdom of Italybirth7

Death: Jun 7 1887


Father: Pasquale Giovanni Strada

Mother: Maria NORCIA

Maria Strada - 1847 to 1940

Birth: 29 June 1847 Cicagna, Genova, Liguria, Italybirth8

Death: 4 Apr 1940 Seattle, King, Washingtondeath8


Father: Francesco Strada

Mother: Teresa Casassa

Maria Angiolina Strada - 1862 to 1887

Birth: 13 Mar 1862 Greci, Avellino, Campania, Kingdom of Italybirth9

Death: Jun 7 1887


Father: Pasquale Giovanni Strada

Mother: Maria NORCIA

Maria Columba Strada - 1833 to 1835

Birth: 1833 Greci, Avellino, Compania, Italybirth10

Death: 1835 Greci, Avellino, Compania, Italydeath10


Father: Domenico STRADA

Mother: Maria Boscia

Maria Nicoletta Raffaela Strada - 1805 to 1847

Birth: 04 AUG 1805 Greci, Avellino, Compania, Italybirth11

Death: 08 AUG 1847 Greci, Avellino, Compania, Italydeath11


Father: Michele STRADA

Mother: Anna Maria SCRIMA

Maria Strada - 1843 to 1858

Birth: 11 Nov 1843 Greci, Avellino, Campania, Italybirth12

Death: 01 Aug 1858 Greci, Avellino, Campania, Italydeath12


Father: Vincenzo Strada

Mother: Annamaria diMinno

Maria Rosaria Strada - 1768 to 1819

Birth: 05 AUG 1768 Greci, Avellino, Campania, Italybirth13

Death: 26 AUG 1819 Greci, Avellino, Campania, Italydeath13


Father: Giovanni Donato Strada

Mother: Teresa Buonpensiero

Maria Teresa Colomba Strada - 1800 to 1854

Birth: 25 Aug 1800 Greci, Avellino, Campania, Italybirth14

Death: 07 OCT 1854 Greci, Avellino, Compania, Italydeath14


Father: Michele STRADA

Mother: Anna Maria SCRIMA

Maria Rosaria STRADA - 1808 to 1882

Birth: 14 Mar 1808 Greci, Capitanata, Kingdom of Naplesbirth15

Death: 11 JAN 1882 Greci, Avellino, Campania, Kingsom of Italydeath15


Father: Michele STRADA

Mother: Anna Maria SCRIMA

Maria Nicoletta Anna Strada - 1812 to 1896

Birth: 6 Aug 1812 Greci, Avellino, Campania, Italybirth16

Death: 05 Oct 1896 Greci, Avellino, Campania, Kingdom of Italydeath16


Father: Michele STRADA

Mother: Anna Maria SCRIMA

Maria Rosina Isabella STRADA - 1771 to 1816

Birth: 20 Apr 1771 Greci, Capitanata, Kingdom of Naplesbirth17

Death: 24 Oct 1816 Greci, Capitanata, Kingdom of Two Siciliesdeath17


Father: Alessandro Strada

Mother: Anna Cozza

Maria Strada - 1908

Birth: abt 1908 Dorno, Pavia, Lombardia, Italybirth18

Death: Not Available Westbury, Nassau, New York, USAdeath18


Father: Giuseppe Strada

Mother: Loisa ( Luisa) Leoncini

Maria Vincenza Strada - 1855 to 1924

Birth: 2 Mar 1855 Greci, Avellino, Campania, Italybirth19

Death: 6 Apr 1924 Bronx, New York, USAdeath19


Father: Leonardantonio Strada

Mother: Maria Giovanna REX

Maria Giovanna Strada - 1872 to 1945

Birth: 1872

Death: 1945


Father: Antonio Maria Strada

Mother: Maria Maddalena Cuzzoni

Maria Strada - 1865 to 1925

Birth: 1865 Italybirth21

Death: 18 Nov 1925 Tuckahoe, Westchester County, New York, United States of Americadeath21


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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