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Results for "Marie Westbrook"

1 - 25 of 71 Records

Marie Mariah WESTBROOK - 1812 to 1879

Birth: 26 Jun 1812 Chemung County, New York, USAbirth0

Death: Jun 1879 Tina, Carroll, Missouri, United Statesdeath0


Father: Benjamin Westbrook

Mother: Mary Middaugh

Marie Mariah WESTBROOK - 1812 to 1879

Birth: 26 Jun 1812 Chemung County, New York, USAbirth1

Death: Jun 1879 Tina, Carroll, Missouri, United Statesdeath1


Father: Benjamin Westbrook

Mother: Mary Middaugh

Marie Mariah WESTBROOK - 1812 to 1879

Birth: 26 Jun 1812 Chemung County, New York, USAbirth2

Death: Jun 1879 Tina, Carroll, Missouri, United Statesdeath2


Father: Benjamin Westbrook

Mother: Mary Middaugh

Marie Westbrook - 1898 to 1977

Birth: abt 1898 Georgiabirth3

Death: 1977 Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolinadeath3


Father: Seaborn Westbrook

Mother: Emaline F Rogers

Marie Cecile Westbrook - 1914 to 2006

Birth: 5 Oct 1914 Mobile, Mobile, Alabama, USAbirth4

Death: 29 Sep 2006 Santa Ana, Californiadeath4


Father: Joseph Elliot Westbrook

Mother: Irene Louise Miller

Marie Edna Westbrook - 1925 to 2019

Birth: abt 1925 West Virginiabirth5

Death: 6 Nov. 2019 Parkersburg, Wood County, West Virginiadeath5


Father: Noah Westbrook

Mother: Gladys D. Mills

Marie T Westbrook - 1929 to 2001

Birth: 12 Sep 1929 New York, USAbirth6

Death: Feb 23 2001 Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut, USAdeath6


Father: Robert Joseph Westbrook

Mother: Ellen Ann Van Vleck

Marie Westbrook - 1910 to 1997

Birth: July 1910 Chorlton, Lancashirebirth7

Death: Nov 1997 Manchester, Greater Manchester, Englanddeath7


Father: William Westbrooke

Mother: Bertha Hedwig Jenner

Marie Westbrook - 1897 to 1990

Birth: 18 June 1897 Oklahoma, USAbirth8

Death: 2 Oct 1990 Ada, Pontotoc, Oklahoma, United Statesdeath8


Father: James Wiley (D) Westbrook

Mother: Julia Elizabeth (D) Floyd

Marie Alma Westbrook - 1900 to 1996

Birth: 4 Nov 1900 White County, Arkansas, USAbirth9

Death: 29 Sep 1996 Fort Smith, Sabastian, Arkansas, USAdeath9


Father: Walker Lipsey Westbrook

Mother: Florence Edith Isabella Wyatt

Marie Westbrook - 1695

Birth: 1695 Minisink Township, Orange, NYbirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Derrick Dirk Westbrook

Mother: Catharina Oosterhout Westbrook (Westbroek)

Marie White Westbrook - 1898 to 1913

Birth: 15 Aug 1898 Virginiabirth11

Death: 7 Aug 1913 Ettrick, Chesterfield, Virginia, USAdeath11


Father: Joseph Thomas Westbrook

Mother: Lillie Dora Rowlett

Marie White Westbrook - 1898 to 1913

Birth: 15 Aug 1898 Virginiabirth12

Death: 7 Aug 1913 Ettrick, Chesterfield, Virginia, USAdeath12


Father: Joseph Thomas Westbrook

Mother: Lillie Dora Rowlett

Marie Westbrook - 1898 to 1899

Birth: 5 Feb 1898 Launceston, , Tasmania, Australiabirth13

Death: 14 FEB 1899 Wynyard, Tasmania, Australiadeath13


Father: CLAUDE Hassell Westbrook

Mother: Charlotte Emily Stutterd

Marie A Westbrook - 1895 to 1972

Birth: 18 OCT 1895 Iowabirth14

Death: 28 FEB 1972


Father: Philip W Westbrook

Mother: Lessie A Benson

Marie Frederica Elizabeth Westbrook - 1880 to 1954

Birth: 18 Apr 1880 Manchester, Lancashire, Englandbirth15

Death: 9 Aug 1954 99 cherry tree rise, woodford, Middlesex, England


Father: Frederick Walter Westbrook

Mother: Mary Ellen Davies

Marie Westbrook - 1907 to 1994

Birth: 8 October 1907 Jackson, Madison, Tennessee, USAbirth16

Death: 31 March 1994 Memphis, Shelby, Tennessee, USAdeath16


Father: John Westbrooks

Mother: Fannie White

Marie Westbrook - 1932

Birth: 08/19/1932 Mississippi, USAbirth17

Death: Not Available Florence, Rankin, Mississippi, USAdeath17


Father: Robert Lee Westbrook

Mother: Mamie Adelaide (Addie) Peacock

Marie E Westbrook - 1887

Birth: abt 1887 Poplar, London, Englandbirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Frederick James Westbrook

Mother: Ellen Wilkinson

Marie Westbrook - 1916

Birth: 1916 USAbirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Arthur Sylvester Westbrook

Mother: Lorla Westbrook

Marie E. Westbrook - 1880

Birth: 1880 Bibb County, GAbirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Dr. Westbrook

Mother: Mary Frances English

Marie E. Westbrook - 1880

Birth: 1880 Bibb County, GAbirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Dr. Westbrook

Mother: Mary Frances English

Marie Westbrook - 1936 to 1967

Birth: 10 Jan 1936 Ft Def , Arizona, USAbirth22

Death: 20 Nov 1967 Fort Defiance, Apache, Arizona, USAdeath22


Father: Raymond Steeart

Mother: Not Available

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