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Results for "Martha Crawford"

1 - 25 of 3,276 Records

Martha Crawford - 1851 to 1914

Birth: abt 1851 Pike County, Georgia, United States of Americabirth0

Death: 21 May 1914 Harrison, Texasdeath0


Father: Vincent Crawford

Mother: Sarah A Scott

Martha Crawford - 1860 to 1950

Birth: 15 Jul 1860 Elmore County, Alabamabirth1

Death: 10 Nov 1950 Elmore County, Alabamadeath1


Father: Robert B. Crawford

Mother: Martha Jane Jones

Martha Elizabeth CRAWFORD - 1825 to 1896

Birth: 09 Jun 1825 Washington County, Arkansas, USAbirth2

Death: 6 Mar 1896 Washington, Arkansas, United Statesdeath2


Father: Hezekiah Hays Crawford

Mother: Susan Harris

Martha Crawford - 1914 to 1977

Birth: 4 June 1914 Kentucky, USAbirth3

Death: 6//5//1977 Daviess County, Kentucky, USAdeath3


Father: Jasper Crawford

Mother: Mamie Eula Crawford

Martha Pattie Crawford - 1873 to 1956

Birth: 17 Jun 1873 Vancebirth4

Death: 13 Apr 1956 Henderson, Vance, North Carolina, USAdeath4


Father: Med Roberson

Mother: Sarah Sallie Dickerson

Martha Crawford - 1808 to 1870

Birth: 15 Nov 1808 College Corner, Union, Indiana, USAbirth5

Death: 18 Sep 1870 Plattsmouth, Cass, Nebraska, United Statesdeath5


Father: William Crawford

Mother: Isabella McClure

Martha M CRAWFORD - 1917 to 2008

Birth: 26 Sep 1917 Illinoisbirth6

Death: 17 Nov 2008 Sun City Center, Hillsborough, Florida, USAdeath6


Father: James Franklin Crawford

Mother: Nellie Mae O'Brien

Martha G Crawford - 1872 to 1953

Birth: 4 Sep 1872 Ashland, Benton, Mississippi, United Statesbirth7

Death: 27 Jan 1953 Ashland, Benton, Mississippi, United Statesdeath7


Father: George Washington Crawford

Mother: Elizabeth A. Simpson

Martha A. Crawford - 1857 to 1943

Birth: 13 Mar 1857 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAbirth8

Death: 21 nov 1943 Spring Mill Pennsylvaniadeath8


Father: Samuel James Crawford

Mother: Mary Jane McMichael

Martha A Crawford - 1833 to 1928

Birth: 26 Jun 1833 Mississippi, USAbirth9

Death: 26 September 1928 Blanco, Blanco County, Texas, USAdeath9


Father: John W Crawford

Mother: Mary Sullivan

Martha Delanie Crawford - 1882 to 1932

Birth: 16 Jun 1882 Clay County, Alabamabirth10

Death: 25 March 1932 Alabama, United States of Americadeath10


Father: James Kennedy

Mother: Rena Jane Kennedy

Martha C Crawford - 1872 to 1961

Birth: Jul 1872 Alabamabirth11

Death: 9 March 1961 Vernon, Wilbarger County, Texas, United States of Americadeath11


Father: Rev Jones

Mother: Minerva Jane Seale

Martha J Crawford - 1840 to 1909

Birth: Jan 1840 Virginiabirth12

Death: 24 Aug 1909 Fort Defiance, Augusta, Virginia, USAdeath12


Father: James Crawford

Mother: Cynthia A. McClung

Martha J. Crawford - 1856 to 1944

Birth: 1 Mar 1856 Pendleton County, Kentuckybirth13

Death: Nov 1944 Carroll, Missouri, USAdeath13


Father: William S Crawford

Mother: Cynthia Ann Yelton

Martha Elizabeth Crawford - 1877 to 1942

Birth: Aug 1877 Tennesseebirth14

Death: 02 November 1942 Hornsby, Hardeman County, Tennessee, USAdeath14


Father: William W. Anthony

Mother: Margaret Virginia Crawford

Martha C Crawford - 1880 to 1920

Birth: 16 Feb 1880 Limestone Alabamabirth15

Death: 7 May 1920 Tanner, Limestone County, Alabama, United States of Americadeath15


Father: William Jefferson Mitchell

Mother: Martha Hester Pennington

Martha Crawford - 1860 to 1950

Birth: 15 Jul 1860 Elmore County, Alabamabirth16

Death: 10 Nov 1950 Elmore County, Alabamadeath16


Father: Robert B. Crawford

Mother: Martha Jane Jones

Martha Crawford - 1892 to 1961

Birth: September 20, 1892 Arkansasbirth17

Death: January 10, 1961 Oklahoma, USAdeath17


Father: Reuben Coleman Crawford

Mother: Vannah Mae Sessions

Martha Crawford - 1839 to 1917

Birth: 28 Jan 1839 Hannibal, Marion, Missouribirth18

Death: 12 September 1917 Grand Junction, Mesa, Colorado, United Statesdeath18


Father: John M Crawford


Martha Minverva Crawford - 1823 to 1891

Birth: 31 Dec 1823 Franklin, Georgia, United Statesbirth19

Death: 1891 Stephens Co, Martin, GAdeath19


Father: Hugh Crawford

Mother: Elizabeth Eddins-Crawford

Martha Crawford - 1878 to 1980

Birth: 15 March 1878 Dallas County, Texas, USAbirth20

Death: 12 August 1980 Marlow, Stephens County, Oklahoma, USAdeath20


Father: James "Jim" Price

Mother: Mary Ellen Williams

Martha P Crawford - 1854 to 1941

Birth: 21 Jun 1854 Fulton, Pennsylvaniabirth21

Death: 02 Feb 1941 Mann, Bedford, Pennsylvania, United Statesdeath21


Father: William Crawford

Mother: Mariah (Maria) Smith

Martha Crawford - 1874 to 1951

Birth: 1874 Arkansas, USAbirth22

Death: 1951 Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma, United Statesdeath22


Father: Mark Crawford

Mother: Lottie Crawford

Martha Crawford - 1878 to 1980

Birth: 15 March 1878 Dallas County, Texas, USAbirth23

Death: 12 August 1980 Marlow, Stephens County, Oklahoma, USAdeath23


Father: James "Jim" Price

Mother: Mary Ellen Williams

Martha Leona Crawford - 1875 to 1955

Birth: 13 Jan 1875 Martinsville, Nacogdoches, Texas, United Statesbirth24

Death: 23 May 1955 New London, Rusk, Texas, United Statesdeath24



Mother: Isabella M. Beard

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