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Results for "Martha Wherry"

1 - 25 of 54 Records

Martha Wherry - 1821 to 1904

Birth: 26 November 1821 Kentuckybirth0

Death: 8 Apr 1904 Kenton, Kentucky, United Statesdeath0


Father: Miles Stubbs

Mother: Mary

Martha E. Wherry - 1847 to 1916

Birth: 13 January 1847 United States of Americabirth1

Death: 04 Dec 1916 Bradley, Arkansasdeath1


Father: Thomas Wherry

Mother: Martha Louise Workman

Martha E. Wherry - 1847 to 1916

Birth: 13 January 1847 United States of Americabirth2

Death: 04 Dec 1916 Bradley, Arkansasdeath2


Father: Thomas Wherry

Mother: Martha Louise Workman

Martha E. Wherry - 1847 to 1916

Birth: 13 January 1847 United States of Americabirth3

Death: 04 Dec 1916 Bradley, Arkansasdeath3


Father: Thomas Wherry

Mother: Martha Louise Workman

Martha Jane Wherry - 1872 to 1899

Birth: 03 Jun 1872 Rock Hill, York Co, SCbirth4

Death: 04 Sep 1899 Fort Lawn, Co, SCdeath4


Father: William Coulter Wherry

Mother: Cynthia Elizabeth Thomasson

Martha Nancy Wherry - 1872 to 1964

Birth: 27 Jul 1872 Victor, Poweshiek, Iowa, United Statesbirth5

Death: 5 Feb 1964 Salinas, Monterey, California, USAdeath5


Father: David Johnston Wherry

Mother: Martha Frame Thompson

Martha J Wherry - 1844 to 1908

Birth: 1844 Wilson County, Tennessee, USAbirth6

Death: 21 October 1908 United States of Americadeath6


Father: Thomas S Wherry

Mother: Manerva Caroline Smith

Martha Wherry - 1844 to 1891

Birth: abt 1844 County Antrimbirth7

Death: 8th May 1891 Killyglen, Co, Antrim, Northern Irelanddeath7


Father: James Wharry

Mother: Margret Boyd

Martha S Wherry - 1921 to 1973

Birth: 26 Jun 1921 South Carolinabirth8

Death: 14 Jul 1973 Chester, Chester, South Carolina, United States of Americadeath8


Father: Atwood Hall Wherry

Mother: Amelia Elizabeth Wise (Wherry)

Martha Wherry - 1898 to 1969

Birth: 10 Jan 1898 Belfast, Irelandbirth9

Death: 1969 Warwickdeath9


Father: William John Wherry

Mother: Martha French

Martha Ellen Wherry - 1842 to 1851

Birth: 04 Dec 1842 Londonderry, Guernsey County, Ohio, United States of Americabirth10

Death: 28 Sep 1851 Jones County, Iowa, United States of Americadeath10


Father: David Wherrey

Mother: Mary Ann Bratton

Martha Ellen Wherry - 1926 to 2014

Birth: 26 August 1926 Banks, Bradley County, Arkansas, USAbirth11

Death: 24 August 2014 Royal Oak, Oakland County, Michigan, USAdeath11


Father: Grover Cleveland Wherry

Mother: Eunice Ann Totty

Martha Wherry - 1851 to 1941

Birth: 19 October 1851 Kentuckybirth12

Death: 12 February 1941 Kenton, Kentucky, USAdeath12


Father: James W Wherry

Mother: Martha Stubbs

Martha Ellen "Ellen" Wherry - 1926 to 2014

Birth: 26 Aug 1926 Banks, Bradley, Arkansas, USAbirth13

Death: 24 Aug 2014 Ferndale, Oakland, Michigan, USAdeath13


Father: Grover Cleveland Wherry

Mother: Eunice Ann Totty

Martha Wherry - 1863 to 1935

Birth: 1 May 1863 Camborne, Cornwall, Englandbirth14

Death: 28 Dec 1935 Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USAdeath14


Father: William Wherry

Mother: Rosena Moffatt

Martha "Mattie" Wherry - 1852 to 1928

Birth: 23 May 1852 York County, South Carolina, USAbirth15

Death: 01 Jan 1928 Miles, Runnels, Texas, USAdeath15


Father: William Coulter Wherry

Mother: Margaret Drucilla Workman

Martha Wherry - 1815 to 1897

Birth: 15 Nov 1815 Columbiana, Columbiana, Ohio, United Statesbirth16

Death: 8 May 1897 Negley, Columbiana, Ohio, United Statesdeath16


Father: Arthur Wherry

Mother: Nancy Mitchell

Martha Elizabeth Wherry - 1940 to 1999

Birth: 1 Oct 1940 Troy, Obion, Tennessee, USAbirth17

Death: 28 Jul 1999 Valparaiso, Porter, Indiana, USAdeath17


Father: Sidney Doyle Wherry

Mother: Flossie Marie Brooks

Martha S Wherry - 1852

Birth: Abt 1852 Shelby Co., Tennesseebirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Thomas Jordan Wherry

Mother: Mary Herring

Martha Ellen Wherry - 1842 to 1851

Birth: 4 December 1842 Londonderry, Guernsey County, Ohio, United States of Americabirth19

Death: 28 September 1851 Jones County, Iowa, United States of Americadeath19


Father: David Forcythe WHERRY

Mother: Mary Ann Bratton

Martha Wherry - 1942 to 2021

Birth: 1942

Death: 28 Aug 2021


Father: Francis L. Ford

Mother: Eleanor Vahey

Martha Mary Wherry - 1861 to 1927

Birth: 13 June 1861 Port Gawler, South Australiabirth21

Death: 10 Sept 1927 South Australia Australiadeath21


Father: George Wherry

Mother: Caroline Hancock

Martha Sitgraves Wherry - 1862 to 1929

Birth: 16 November 1862 South Carolinabirth22

Death: 1 Jul 1929 Rock Hill, York, South Carolinadeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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