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Results for "Mary Adamson"

1 - 25 of 3,658 Records

Mary Francis Adamson - 1901 to 2004

Birth: 25 Jun 1901 Salem Township, Olmsted County, MNbirth0

Death: 2004 Rochester, Olmsted, Minnesota, United Statesdeath0


Father: William Adamson

Mother: Mary Donovan

Mary ADAMSON - 1903 to 1965

Birth: 15 Nov 1903 Evansville, Vanderburgh County, Indianabirth1

Death: 31 Jan 1965 Evansville, Vanderburgh, Indiana, USAdeath1


Father: James F. ADAMSON

Mother: Julia Rowe

Mary Ann ADAMSON - 1812 to 1895

Birth: 27 Mar 1812 Warton, Lancashire, Englandbirth2

Death: January 1895 Lancaster, Lancashiredeath2


Father: Thomas Adamson

Mother: Mary Barnfather

Mary Adamson - 1868 to 1906

Birth: Sep 1868 West Virginiabirth3

Death: 1 July 1906 West Virginia, United States of Americadeath3


Father: John Kistner

Mother: Catherine Cassel

Mary Adamson - 1859 to 1943

Birth: 16 Jan 1859 Clayton, Georgia, United Statesbirth4

Death: 27 Nov 1943 Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia, USAdeath4


Father: William J Adamson

Mother: Sarah W Adamson

Mary Adamson - 1917 to 1975

Birth: 9 Sep 1917 Utahbirth5

Death: 26 Apr 1975 Utah, Utahdeath5


Father: Joseph Allen Adamson

Mother: Alice Ann Money

Mary Adamson - 1798 to 1879

Birth: 30 Jul 1798 Selby, Yorkshire, Englandbirth6

Death: 1879 Goole, Yorkshire, , Englanddeath6


Father: Thomas Adamson

Mother: Elizabeth Frances Burton

Mary E Adamson - 1877 to 1960

Birth: 16 Jul 1877 Missouribirth7

Death: 15 MAR 1960 Nowata, Nowata, Oklahoma, USAdeath7


Father: Newton Myers

Mother: Jane Anderson

Mary Irene Adamson - 1894 to 1937

Birth: Nov 1894 New Yorkbirth8

Death: 4 Nov 1937 Sidney, Richland, Montanadeath8


Father: Arthur John Adamson

Mother: Sarah Clemson

Mary Fern Adamson - 1896 to 1975

Birth: 1 Sep 1896 Utahbirth9

Death: 28 September 1975 Richmond, Contra Costa Co., Californiadeath9


Father: Henry Adamson

Mother: Mary Ann Shepherd

Mary E Adamson - 1846 to 1930

Birth: 27 AUG 1846 Franklin, Greene, Pennsylvaniabirth10

Death: 21 Nov 1930 Waynesburg, Greene, Pennsylvania, USAdeath10


Father: Thomas Adamson

Mother: Sarah Hoge

Mary Adamson - 1872 to 1964

Birth: 20 Oct 1872 Warren Co., Iowabirth11

Death: 28 Oct 1964 Warren, Iowa, United Statesdeath11


Father: John Adamson

Mother: Phebe Ann Bond

Mary A Adamson - 1888 to 1971

Birth: abt 1888 Castleside, Durham, Englandbirth12

Death: Mar Qtr/1971 Darlington, Durham, Englanddeath12


Father: john adamson

Mother: margaret jane straughan

Mary A. Adamson - 1917 to 2004

Birth: 1917 Pennsylvaniabirth13

Death: September 3, 2004 Allentown, Padeath13


Father: Frederick Thomas Adamson

Mother: Elizabeth (Lizzy) Sunderland

Mary Adamson - 1875 to 1946

Birth: Abt 1875 Illinoisbirth14

Death: 22 May 1946 Los Angelesdeath14


Father: Peter Adamson

Mother: Mary Ellen Wise

Mary Adamson - 1879 to 1966

Birth: 10 Aug 1879 Atlantic, Cass County, Iowabirth15

Death: 12 Feb 1966 Gresham, Multnomah County, Oregondeath15


Father: John Quincy Adamson

Mother: Sarah Jane Mills

Mary Adamson - 1870 to 1961

Birth: 10 Oct 1870 Waverly Ontariobirth16

Death: 17 Jun 1961 Midland, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canadadeath16


Father: William Wilfred Adamson

Mother: Margaret Moody

Mary E Adamson - 1917 to 2004

Birth: 6 May 1917 Ohiobirth17

Death: 12 Sep 2004 Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, USAdeath17


Father: Abner Ellison Adamson

Mother: Lodena M. Shelton

Mary E Adamson - 1917 to 2004

Birth: 6 May 1917 Ohiobirth18

Death: 12 Sep 2004 Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, USAdeath18


Father: Abner Ellison Adamson

Mother: Lodena M. Shelton

Mary Ann Adamson - 1841 to 1922

Birth: 29 OCT 1841 Dublin army barracks in Dublin, Irelandbirth19

Death: 22 OCT 1922 Philadelphia, PA, USAdeath19


Father: Thomas Adamson

Mother: Hannah Guess

Mary L Adamson - 1885 to 1958

Birth: 27 Jun 1885 Hardin County, Iowa, USAbirth20

Death: 18 Sep 1958 Iowa Falls, Iowadeath20


Father: Jefferson Thomas Adamson

Mother: Laura McConnell

Mary P Adamson - 1860 to 1920

Birth: 08 Aug 1860 Delaware County, Indiana, USAbirth21

Death: 17 May 1920 Marshalltown, Marshall, Iowa, USAdeath21


Father: James D. Adamson

Mother: Rebecca Allen

Mary P Adamson - 1860 to 1920

Birth: 08 Aug 1860 Delaware County, Indiana, USAbirth22

Death: 17 May 1920 Marshalltown, Marshall, Iowa, USAdeath22


Father: James D. Adamson

Mother: Rebecca Allen

Mary Adamson - 1839 to 1905

Birth: 1839 Ceres, Fifebirth23

Death: 19/03/1905 Ceres Fife, Scotlanddeath23


Father: Thomas Adamson

Mother: Jean Smith

Mary Adamson - 1776 to 1853

Birth: abt 1776 Bolton , Lancashire, Englandbirth24

Death: 1853 Westhoughtondeath24


Father: George Kay

Mother: Alice Mort

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