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Results for "Mary Blackwell"

1 - 25 of 5,368 Records

Mary Elizabeth Blackwell - 1903 to 1970

Birth: 11 Feb 1903 Alabama, United Statesbirth0

Death: 30 May 1970 Blair, Randolph Co. Illdeath0


Father: Davidson Dee Blackwell

Mother: Lucinda Cynthia Johnsey

Mary Blackwell - 1872 to 1947

Birth: 17 Jul 1872 Harrison County, Mississippi, USAbirth1

Death: 13 Jun 1947 Harrison County, Mississippi, USAdeath1


Father: Edward Nicholas Blackwell, Captain CSA

Mother: Lucinda Adline House

Mary Russell Blackwell - 1905 to 1948

Birth: 06/26/1905 Bourbon, Kentucky, United Statesbirth2

Death: 11/30/1948 Lawrenceburg, Anderson, Kentucky, United Statesdeath2


Father: Jacob Cutshaw

Mother: Middie Mastin

Mary H. Blackwell - 1888 to 1985

Birth: Aug 1888 New Jerseybirth3

Death: 29 Jul 1985 Hopewell, Mercer, New Jersey, USAdeath3


Father: Wilson H Blackwell

Mother: Emma Sutphen

Mary M Blackwell - 1869 to 1948

Birth: 1869 Stratton, Gloucestershire, Englandbirth4

Death: Mar 1948 Cirencester, Gloucestershire, Englanddeath4


Father: Thomas Walter Blackwell

Mother: Maria Dance

Mary Elizabeth Blackwell - 1877 to 1966

Birth: 17 September 1877 South Carolinabirth5

Death: 30 Mar 1966 Aiken, Aiken, South Carolinadeath5


Father: John Ervin Hayden

Mother: Luanna Pyle

Mary Blackwell - 1872 to 1946

Birth: 06 Dec 1872 Cobb, Georgia, United Statesbirth6

Death: 10 May 1946 Cobb, Georgia, United Statesdeath6


Father: Dempsey Smith Blackwell

Mother: Nancy Thomas

Mary Jane Blackwell - 1863 to 1933

Birth: 11 Sep 1863 Tennesseebirth7

Death: 1 Jun 1933 Swannanoa, Buncombe, North Carolinadeath7


Father: John Satterfield Blackwell [adopted]

Mother: Nancy Mahala King

Mary Lena Blackwell - 1847 to 1916

Birth: 26 Sep 1847 , Cobb, Georgia, USAbirth8

Death: 16 Dec 1916 , Cobb, Georgia, USAdeath8


Father: James Barnett Blackwell

Mother: Lourinda Katherine Mayes

Mary Coats Blackwell - 1848 to 1929

Birth: Mar 1848 Sheffield, Lorain, Ohio, United Statesbirth9

Death: bef 19 Apr 1929 Emerson, Gratiot, Michigandeath9


Father: John Smith Blackwell

Mother: Mary Outhwaite

Mary Blackwell - 1860 to 1934

Birth: 1860 Indianabirth10

Death: March 15, 1934 Smithville (Monroe County), Monroe County, Indiana, USAdeath10


Father: William Anderson Blackwell

Mother: Clarissa Jane Pettit

Mary Ann Blackwell - 1823 to 1895

Birth: 2 Feb 1823 Hall, Georgia, United Statesbirth11

Death: 3 April 1895 Ellijay, Gilmer County, Georgia, USAdeath11


Father: Jediah Jesse Blackwell

Mother: Nancy Henderson

Mary Angeline Blackwell - 1851 to 1922

Birth: 19 Apr., 1851 Tennessee, USAbirth12

Death: 6 May 1922 Madison, Tennessee, United Statesdeath12


Father: Riley B Blackwell

Mother: Sarah Hardican

Mary H. Blackwell - 1888 to 1985

Birth: Aug 1888 New Jerseybirth13

Death: 29 Jul 1985 Hopewell, Mercer, New Jersey, USAdeath13


Father: Wilson H Blackwell

Mother: Emma Sutphen

Mary E blackwell - 1844 to 1925

Birth: Mar 1844 Virginiabirth14

Death: 4 October 1925 Henry, Virginia, USAdeath14


Father: Robert Blackwell

Mother: Elizabeth Bettie Motley

Mary Anna Blackwell - 1921 to 2008

Birth: 1921 South Carolinabirth15

Death: 11 Dec 2008 Raleigh, Wake, North Carolina, USAdeath15


Father: William Blackwell

Mother: Rosa Lee Rhodes

Mary A Blackwell - 1820 to 1898

Birth: 1820 North Carolina, United Statesbirth16

Death: After 26 Aug 1898 , , Texas, United Statesdeath16


Father: William Solomon

Mother: Nora Elizabeth Parker

Mary Elizabeth Blackwell - 1906 to 1990

Birth: 16 October 1906 Black Creek, Etowah County, Alabama, United States of Americabirth17

Death: 7 June 1990 Cherokee County, Alabama, United States of Americadeath17


Father: Robert Manassa Blackwell

Mother: Manda Addie Styles

Mary Anna Blackwell - 1842 to 1929

Birth: 10 Mar 1842 St Clair, Alabama, USAbirth18

Death: 30 May 1929 Eustis, Lake, Florida, USAdeath18


Father: Nimrod BLACKWELL

Mother: Louiza Bearden

Mary Lee Blackwell - 1850 to 1935

Birth: 10 FEB 1850 Halifax, Halifax, Virginia, United Statesbirth19

Death: 8 Jun 1935 Danville, Virginia, USAdeath19


Father: James Henry Blackwell

Mother: Mary Green

Mary Elizabeth Blackwell - 1826 to 1913

Birth: 18 Oct 1826 Mecklinburg, Virginia, United Statesbirth20

Death: 23 Dec 1913 Starlight, Trousdale County, Tennesseedeath20


Father: Robert L Blackwell

Mother: Jane Northington

Mary E blackwell - 1844 to 1925

Birth: Mar 1844 Virginiabirth21

Death: 4 October 1925 Henry, Virginia, USAdeath21


Father: Robert Blackwell

Mother: Elizabeth Bettie Motley

Mary Minnie Blackwell - 1857 to 1918

Birth: abt 1857 Michiganbirth22

Death: 1918 MIdeath22


Father: Thomas Blackwell

Mother: Mary Anne O'Shaughnessy

Mary B Blackwell - 1910 to 1995

Birth: abt 1910 Virginiabirth23

Death: 31 Mar 1995 Orange County, Virginia, USAdeath23


Father: Thomas M. Blackwell

Mother: Maud E Heatwole

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