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Results for "mary collings"

Name: Mary Eliza Collings

Birth: 13 Oct 1843 Spencer, Kentucky, USA

Death: 1936 Daviess, Kentucky, USA

Father: Archibald Collings

Mother: Paulina W. Ballard

Name: Mary Collings

Birth: 29 Nov 1857 Mercer, Mercer, Missouri, USA

Death: 13 Nov 1893 Mercer, Mercer, Missouri, USA

Father: Joseph G Collings

Mother: Mary Pickett

Name: Mary Collings

Birth: Abt. 1770 Brixham, Devon, England

Death: Abt. 1832 Dover, Kent, England

Father: Philip Colling

Mother: Elizabeth Bishop

Name: Mary Ann COLLINGS

Birth: abt 1801 Moretonhampstead, Devon, England

Death: abt 1880 Devon, England

Father: Daniel Wardle

Mother: Mary Wardle

Name: Mary C Collings

Birth: 13 May 1852 Union City, Parke, Indiana, United States

Death: 17 November 1915 Union City, Parke, Indiana, United States

Father: John Richard Collings

Mother: Sarah Ann Connelly

Name: Mary Anne Collings

Birth: 1869 Kenninghall, Norfolk, England

Death: 15 Feb 1962 newcross, london

Father: Zachariah Collings

Mother: Rebecca Baldwin

Name: Mary Ann Collings

Birth: 17 Jul 1820 Shelby, Kentucky, United States

Death: 2 Aug 1886 Coronado, Wichita, Kansas, United States

Father: Spencer Collings

Mother: Catherine Jane Lucas

Name: Mary Jane Collings

Birth: 8 Jan 1837 Piatt Co., Illinois

Death: 7 Jan 1914 Carthage, Jasper Co., Missouri

Father: Abraham Bogart Collings

Mother: Elizabeth Beedle

Name: Mary Collings

Birth: abt 1839 Pelynt, Cornwall, England

Death: 28 Aug 1920 Liskeard, Cornwall, England

Father: John Collings

Mother: Charlotte La Penotiere

Name: Mary E Collings

Birth: 9 January 1880 Marysvale, Piute, Utah, United States

Death: 25 August 1922 Marysvale, Piute, Utah, United States

Father: George Collins Collings.

Mother: Mary Angerona Behunin


Birth: abt 1806 Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, England

Death: Q1 1860 Shoreditch Registration District, Middlesex, England, UK.

Father: James Collings

Mother: Ann Gough

Name: Mary Dora Collings

Birth: 10 November 1917 Delaware, United States of America

Death: 11 March 2000 Elkton, Cecil County, Maryland, United States of America

Father: William Merry Collings

Mother: Ada Dora Hoffman

Name: Mary Collings

Birth: 1858 Brighton, Sussex, England

Death: 20 Jul 1912 Brighton, Sussex, England

Father: Henry George Collings

Mother: Mary Ann Sparkes

Name: Mary Ann Collings

Birth: abt 1846 St Veep, Cornwall, England

Death: Dec 1934 Liskeard, Cornwall, England

Father: James Bunt

Mother: Jennifer Chivell

Name: Mary Beatrice Collings

Birth: 20 Aug 1791 West Malling, Kent, England

Death: 05 Mar 1876 Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey, England

Father: Thomas Fabian Collings

Mother: Mary Edith Westbrook

Name: Mary J Collings

Birth: June 1878 Bootle, Lancashire, England

Death: Sep 1940 Bootle, Lancashire, England

Father: Thomas Collings

Mother: Mary Daniels

Name: Mary J. Collings

Birth: Mar 1878 Lansallos/Liskeard, Cornwall, England

Death: 21st Dec 1952 Liskeard, Cornwall, England

Father: William Collings

Mother: Christiana Evea

Name: Mary Collings

Birth: 22 Jan 1841 Norwood Green, Wyke, Yorkshire, England

Death: 1898 Menston, Yorkshire, England

Father: James Collins

Mother: Sarah Sugden

Name: Mary A Collings

Birth: Jan 1842 Plymouth, Devon, England

Death: 22 Aug 1921 Gloucestershire, England

Father: Richard Collings

Mother: Ann Unknown

Name: Mary Giles Collings

Birth: Oct 1857 Polruan, Cornwall, England

Death: 13 Aug 1929 Cheshire, England

Father: Richard Collings

Mother: Jane Hannah Langmaid

Name: Mary Collings

Birth: 21 OCT 1705 Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, England

Death: 14 Jan 1736 Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, England

Father: George Collings

Mother: Alice Medley

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