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Results for "Mary Ferguson"

1 - 25 of 20,173 Records

Mary Ferguson - 1840 to 1933

Birth: 17 Sep 1840 Morgan, Kentucky, USAbirth0

Death: 6 Feb 1933 Fleming County, Kentucky, USAdeath0


Father: John William Ferguson

Mother: Nancy Howerton/Harveston

Mary Jane Ferguson - 1875 to 1941

Birth: 15 Feb 1875 Aquilla, Washington, Alabamabirth1

Death: 24 November, 1941 Butler, Choctaw, Alabama, USAdeath1


Father: John William Ferguson

Mother: Rachel Ann McIlwain

Mary FERGUSON - 1894 to 1975

Birth: 23 Mar 1894 Moreland, Tucker, West Virginiabirth2

Death: 22 MAR 1975 Alexandria, Va.death2


Father: Hoy M Ferguson

Mother: Margaret Susan Kalar

Mary E Ferguson - 1874 to 1941

Birth: 28 Feb 1874 Normanby, Grey, Ontario, Canadabirth3

Death: 1941 Ontario, Canadadeath3


Father: James Fergerson

Mother: Sarah McCalmon

Mary Elizabeth Ferguson - 1882 to 1935

Birth: abt 1882 scotlandbirth4

Death: 6 Oct 1935 Spokane, Spokane, Washington, USAdeath4


Father: William Ferguson

Mother: Mary McGilvary

Mary Ferguson - 1826 to 1891

Birth: Oct 1826 , , Pennsylvania, USAbirth5

Death: January 1891 St George Hanover Square, Londondeath5


Father: William Brown

Mother: Rebecca Gracey

Mary Jane Ferguson - 1873 to 1953

Birth: 1873 South Cottonwood, Salt Lake County, Utah, United States of Americabirth6

Death: 21 March 1953 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, United States of Americadeath6


Father: Isaac David Ferguson

Mother: Mary Jane Green

Mary Ann Ferguson - 1836 to 1891

Birth: 1836 Old Monkland, Lanark, Scotlandbirth7

Death: 1 Mar 1891 Old Monkland, Lanarkshire, Scotlanddeath7


Father: Robert Ferguson

Mother: Mary Campbell

Mary J Ferguson - 1895 to 1956

Birth: Apr 1895 Virginiabirth8

Death: 5/12/1956 Keeling, Virginia, USAdeath8


Father: Joseph Ferguson

Mother: Jennie Hood

Mary Ann Ferguson - 1879 to 1967

Birth: 03 Feb 1879 Mara Township, Ontario, Canadabirth9

Death: 04 JUN 1967 Toronto, York, Ontario, Canadadeath9


Father: William Joseph FERGUSON

Mother: Margaret Jane Crosby

Mary Ferguson - 1876 to 1962

Birth: ABT 1876 Virginiabirth10

Death: 14 November 1962 Fruitland Park, Lake County, Florida, United States of Americadeath10


Father: Richard Ferguson

Mother: Margaret Gaines Thrift

Mary Adeline Ferguson - 1831 to 1901

Birth: 22 May 1831 Virginiabirth11

Death: 11 February 1901 Monroe, West Virginia, United Statesdeath11


Father: Jeremiah M. Ferguson

Mother: Frances Kennett

Mary Ferguson - 1926 to 2012

Birth: 15 December 1926 Greenville County, South Carolina, United States of Americabirth12

Death: 3 September 2012 Simpsonville, Greenville County, South Carolina, United States of Americadeath12


Father: Martin Layfette Traynham

Mother: Janie Ridgeway

Mary Ferguson - 1852 to 1927

Birth: 1 DEC 1852 Carrol Co , Missbirth13

Death: 30 August 1927 Ashmore, Coles County, Illinois, USAdeath13


Father: Nathaniel C Ferguson

Mother: Martha Caroline Lowery (Ferguson) (Case)

Mary C. Ferguson - 1842 to 1901

Birth: 05 Sep 1842 Alabama, USAbirth14

Death: 28 September 1901 Sumner, Tallahatchie, Mississippi, USAdeath14


Father: William Keaton

Mother: Kitty Ann Johnson

Mary Catherine Ferguson - 1870 to 1950

Birth: 30 May 1870 Hartsville, TN.birth15

Death: 21 March 1950 Custer Co., Oklahomadeath15


Father: Andrew Allen Fargason

Mother: Louisa A Turner

Mary E. Ferguson - 1859 to 1932

Birth: Nov 1859 Fulton, Indiana, USAbirth16

Death: 7 Dec 1932 Carrolton, Carroll, Indiana, USAdeath16


Father: William Newton Ferguson

Mother: Sarah Smith

Mary Ellen Ferguson - 1858 to 1946

Birth: abt 1858 Tennesseebirth17

Death: 16 JUL 1946 Putnam County, Tennesseedeath17


Father: Henry Ferguson

Mother: Lourella Frisbie

Mary E. Ferguson - 1846 to 1911

Birth: December 1846 Greene, Indiana, USAbirth18

Death: Aft 1911 Van Wert, Ohio, USAdeath18


Father: Thomas FERGUSON

Mother: Annie UNKNOWN

Mary Evaline Ferguson - 1840 to 1882

Birth: 26 Jun 1840 TN, USAbirth19

Death: 3 May 1882 Cem, Samangan, Afghanistandeath19



Mother: Jane Elizabeth Hannah

Mary Ellen Ferguson - 1917 to 2002

Birth: 26 NOV 1917 Central City, Muhlenberg, Kentucky, USAbirth20

Death: 04 JUN 2002 Greenville, Muhlenberg, Kentucky, USAdeath20


Father: Jo Marvin FERGUSON

Mother: Willie Mae Cain

Mary Katherine Ferguson - 1916 to 2011

Birth: 24 Feb 1916 Corpus Christi, Kleberg, Texas, USAbirth21

Death: 15 Sep 2011 Rockport, Aransas, Texasdeath21


Father: Thomas Goodsir Ferguson

Mother: Willie Bertha Crider

Mary Annie Ferguson - 1897 to 1937

Birth: 24 January 1897 Georgiabirth22

Death: 9//1//1937 Georgia USAdeath22


Father: Mack Jackson Ferguson

Mother: Tommie Allie Denham

Mary Kathryn Ferguson - 1917 to 1997

Birth: 19 Dec 1917 Portsmouth S, Ohiobirth23

Death: 5 Oct 1997 Fairfield, Butler, Ohio, USAdeath23


Father: Baylus Kade Malcolm

Mother: Orpha F Ferguson

Mary Ferguson - 1858 to 1944

Birth: 23 Nov 1858 Brookville, Indiana, USAbirth24

Death: 4 Sep 1944 Hancock County, Iowa, USAdeath24


Father: Henry William Klemme

Mother: Anna Katherine Gesell

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