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Results for "Mary Holland"

1 - 25 of 17,700 Records

Mary Ann HOLLAND - 1824 to 1903

Birth: 22 Jan 1824 Maynard's Cove near Scottsboro, Jackson County, Alabama, USAbirth0

Death: 27 Mar 1903 Jackson County, Alabamadeath0


Father: James Buchanan Holland

Mother: Myra Davis

Mary M Holland - 1872 to 1919

Birth: 30 September 1872 Texasbirth1

Death: 5 Jan 1919 Liberty Cem, Anderson, Texas, United Statesdeath1


Father: Elisha Holland


Mary Frances Holland - 1844 to 1880

Birth: 1844 Macon, Tennessee, United Statesbirth2

Death: 1880 probably, Macon, Tennessee, USAdeath2


Father: William Caswell Holland

Mother: Manerva Ann Scott

Mary Emma Holland - 1899 to 1946

Birth: 7 Dec 1899 Martins Creek, Northampton, Pennsylvania, USAbirth3

Death: Oct 31, 1946 Easton, Northampton, Pennsylvania, USAdeath3


Father: Cressman Peter Holland

Mother: Rosa Jane Jones

Mary Ellen Holland - 1867 to 1956

Birth: 16 Feb 1867 Clogher, Mayo, Irelandbirth4

Death: 27 Sep 1956 Hughestown, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USAdeath4


Father: Martin Conroy

Mother: Mary Morley

Mary Holland - 1869 to 1962

Birth: 1 Sep 1869 Maurey Cty,Tnbirth5

Death: 6 Nov 1962 Owasso, Tulsa, Oklahomadeath5


Father: John HOLLAND

Mother: Mary Elvira WARD

Mary HOLLAND - 1866 to 1940

Birth: 17 Feb 1866 Shady Dale, Jasper County, Georgiabirth6

Death: 23 Feb 1940 Sutton, Nevada, Arkansas, United Statesdeath6


Father: Alexander Sumner Holland

Mother: Adeline Nancy Lowery

Mary N Holland - 1855 to 1925

Birth: Jan 1855 Mississippibirth7

Death: 2 Mar 1925 Booneville, Logan, Arkansas, USAdeath7


Father: Casper Guilford Winburne

Mother: Louisa Elizabeth Green

Mary M Holland - 1881 to 1947

Birth: Oct 1881 Pennsylvaniabirth8

Death: 29 January 1947 York, York County, Pennsylvania, United States of Americadeath8


Father: Samuel William Holland

Mother: Anna Kathryn Eaton

Mary Aiary Holland - 1780 to 1859

Birth: 1780 Franklin County, Virginia, USAbirth9

Death: 3 Oct 1859 Franklin, Virginia, United Statesdeath9


Father: Meador Holland

Mother: Mary MEADOR

Mary Alice Holland - 1881 to 1959

Birth: 14 Mar 1881 Virginiabirth10

Death: 16 May 1959 Richmond, Wise, Virginia, USAdeath10


Father: Henry S. Holland

Mother: Alice Reid Strange

mary maxine holland - 1929 to 1996

Birth: 4 feb 1929 monroe, indiana, usa1birth11

Death: 1996 Casa Grande, Pinal, Arizona, USAdeath11


Father: Irvin Holland

Mother: Jocie Louise Neal Holland Wilber

Mary L Holland - 1868 to 1942

Birth: abt 1868 Arkansasbirth12

Death: 29 AUG 1942 HOUSTON, TEXASdeath12


Father: James Reuben Holland

Mother: Mary HUTCHINS

Mary Holland - 1866 to 1942

Birth: 10 Jun 1866 3 Prospect Terrace Grays Inn Road St Pancras London Englandbirth13

Death: Aug 1942 Islington London Englanddeath13


Father: George Holland


Mary E HOLLAND - 1856 to 1939

Birth: 18 Feb 1856 North Carolinabirth14

Death: 02 Jan 1939 Gastonia, Gaston, North Carolinadeath14


Father: Franklin HOLLAND

Mother: Mary Best

Mary Holland - 1885 to 1953

Birth: 22 Nov 1885 Louisianabirth15

Death: November 8, 1953 DeLeon, Commanche County, Texas, USAdeath15


Father: James Duskin Holland

Mother: Mary Jane Hopson

Mary Elizabeth Holland - 1890 to 1960

Birth: 24 Jun 1890 Bidder Stbirth16

Death: Dec 1960 Liverpool North, Lancsdeath16


Father: David Charles Holland

Mother: Alice Hesketh

Mary Cassie Holland - 1850 to 1924

Birth: 07 Mar 1850 Pittsylvania, Virginia, USAbirth17

Death: 15 Aug 1924 Reidsville, Rockingham, North Carolina, USAdeath17


Father: William Henry Holland

Mother: Sarah W. Norman

Mary Holland - 1792 to 1877

Birth: 16 OCT 1792 Knutsford, Cheshirebirth18

Death: 11 Jun 1877 Knutsford, (Altrincham), Cheshiredeath18


Father: Peter Holland

Mother: Mary Willets

Mary Gay Holland - 1895 to 1980

Birth: 24 May 1895 Montpelier, Vermont, USAbirth19

Death: Dec 1980 Barre, Washington County, Vermont, USAdeath19


Father: Patrick Henry Conlin

Mother: Mary Murley

Mary Thelma Holland - 1910 to 1986

Birth: 14 Sep 1910 Stokes, North Carolina, United Statesbirth20

Death: 9 Sep 1986 Arcadia, De Soto, Florida, United States of Americadeath20


Father: Ernest Wilson Holland

Mother: Madeline Smith

Mary Holland - 1841 to 1915

Birth: abt 1841 Liverpool Lancashire, Englandbirth21

Death: Oct 1915 Liverpool Lancashire Englanddeath21


Father: John Holland

Mother: Maria Williams

Mary Eva Holland - 1845 to 1911

Birth: 3 Oct 1845 Fillmore, Allegany, New York, United Statesbirth22

Death: 14 Feb 1911 Fillmore, Allegany, NY, USAdeath22


Father: Edmund Holland

Mother: Catherine Hickey (Holland)

Mary Holland - 1866 to 1952

Birth: 30 May 1866 Mississippibirth23

Death: 18 Dec 1952 Jackson, Hinds County, Mississippideath23


Father: Joseph Malone Hawkins

Mother: Ann Mariah Hodges

Mary Elizabeth Holland - 1887 to 1977

Birth: 4/13/1887 arkansasbirth24

Death: Dec 1977 Damascus, Faulkner, Arkansas, USAdeath24


Father: James Hudson

Mother: Nancy Missouri Herring

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