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Results for "mary mussey"

Name: Mary Osgood MUSSEY

Birth: 1841 Kentucky, United States

Death: 1876 San Antonio, Bexar, Texas, United States

Father: John B Mussey

Mother: Susannah Shelby Hughes Hart Mussy

Name: Mary L Mussey

Birth: 03 Dec 1832 Pittsford, VT

Death: 24 May 1914 Rutland, VT

Father: Charles Mussey

Mother: Louise Barnes Gage

Name: Mary Mussey

Birth: 1828 Springfield, Sullivan, New Hampshire, USA

Death: 1926

Father: John Mussey

Mother: Susan Bartlett

Name: Mary J Mussey

Birth: 08 Aug 1854 St Louis, St Louis, Missouri, USA

Death: 01 Dec 1921 St Louis, St Louis, Missouri, USA

Father: Matthew Mussey

Mother: Matilda Moscom Isola

Name: mary j mussey

Birth: 29 SEP 1814 Lincoln Plantation, Carroll, ME

Death: 1853

Father: Edmund Mussey

Mother: Ruth Jones

Name: Mary Mussey

Birth: abt 1846 Rotherham, Staffordshire, England

Death: 1915 Ecclesall Bierlow, Yorkshire, England

Father: John Nussey

Mother: Hannah Alsop

Name: Mary Mussey

Birth: 02 Aug 1705 Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts, USA

Death: 11 Jun 1751

Father: Joseph Mussey

Mother: Joanna Pettingill

Name: Mary Mussey

Birth: 19 Nov 1953 Dane, Wisconsin, USA

Death: Unknown

Father: Bruno S Sams

Mother: Margaret O Brien

Name: Mary MUSSEY

Birth: 4 Dec 1775 Amherst, Hillsborough, New Hampshire, USA

Death: 17 Jun 1847 Amherst, Hillsborough, New Hampshire, USA

Father: John Mussey

Mother: Beulah Butler

Name: Mary Mussey

Birth: 08 Feb 1878 Glendale, OH

Death: 20 Sep 1918 Cincinnati, OH

Father: Reuben Dimond Mussey

Mother: Mary Harkness Gano

Name: Mary Elizabeth Mussey

Birth: 1933 Texas

Death: Not Available

Father: William Harold Mussey Sr

Mother: Maude Tollett

Name: Mary Susan Mussey

Birth: abt 1840 Kentucky

Death: Sep 1937 Marfa, Presidio, Texas, USA

Father: John B Mussey

Mother: Susannah Shelby Hughes Hart Mussy

Name: Mary Mussey

Birth: 1710 Burnsall, Yorkshire

Death: Not Available

Father: Henry Nussey

Mother: Sarah


Birth: 23 Nov 1672 Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts, United States

Death: 18 May 1739 Seabrook, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States

Father: Joseph Mussey

Mother: Esther (Hester) Jackman

Name: Mary Lucretia Mussey

Birth: 22 Nov 1821 Hanover, NH

Death: 19 Mar 1889 Boston, MA

Father: Dr. Reuben Dimond Mussey

Mother: Mehetable "Hitty" Osgood

Name: Mary Evelyn Mussey

Birth: 16 Sep 1872 Bexar, Texas, USA

Death: 03 Jun 1931 San Antonio, Bexar, Texas, USA

Father: Alfred Shelby Mussey

Mother: Callie Eveline Mitchell

Name: Mary C Mussey

Birth: 1911 Wisconsin

Death: Not Available

Father: William Temple Muzzy Mussey

Mother: Emma Louise Bartz

Name: Mary E Mussey

Birth: 4 Jul 1862 Rutland, Vermont, USA

Death: 30 Dec 1927

Father: William Brown Mussey

Mother: Caroline Elizabeth Trowbridge

Name: Mary Elizabeth Mussey

Birth: 4 Aug 1913 Olmsted, Minnesota, USA

Death: 17 Mar 2002 Rochester, MN

Father: Robert Daniel Mussey

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Beatrice "Madge" Ayers

Name: Mary Elizabeth Mussey

Birth: 1922 Pennsylvania

Death: Not Available

Father: John Thomas Mussi

Mother: Margaret J. Baker

Name: Mary Mussey

Birth: 1867 Italy

Death: 13 Jan 1895 Denver, Denver, Colorado, United States

Father: unknown Mussey

Mother: Private

Name: Mary Muzzy Mussey

Birth: c1635 Chelsea, Suffolk, M, England

Death: 1658 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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