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Results for "Mary Willis"

1 - 25 of 14,884 Records

Mary Edith Willis - 1873 to 1967

Birth: Jul 1873 Carson, Pottawattamie, Iowa, USAbirth0

Death: 15 Mar 1967 Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie, Iowa, USAdeath0


Father: James Francis Willis

Mother: Rebecca Frances Norton

Mary C WILLIS - 1866 to 1950

Birth: 9 October 1866 South Carolinabirth1

Death: 14 Nov, 1950 Reidsville, Rockingham, North Carolina, USAdeath1


Father: Eli Willis

Mother: Flora Ann McColl

Mary Jane Willis - 1858 to 1940

Birth: 29 Dec 1858 Salem, Walthall, Mississippi, USAbirth2

Death: 14 May 1940 Franklin, Robertson, Texas, USAdeath2


Father: Robert Willis

Mother: Temperance Thomason

Mary A Willis - 1897 to 1988

Birth: 7 Dec 1897 Union Church, Jefferson, Mississippi, USAbirth3

Death: 15 Oct 1988 Hubbard, Hill, Texas, USAdeath3


Father: Robert Edward WILLIS

Mother: Mary Annie Beasley

Mary Jane Willis - 1841 to 1915

Birth: Jul 1841 Alabama, USAbirth4

Death: 10 Sep 1915 Jackson, Mississippi, United Statesdeath4


Father: Thomas J Willis

Mother: Grace Grissy Gamble

Mary Champe Willis - 1840 to 1925

Birth: 1840 Willis Grove, Orange, Virginia, USAbirth5

Death: 1 Dec 1925 Charlottesville, Albemarle, Virginia, United Statesdeath5


Father: Richard Henry Willis

Mother: Lucy Mary Nalle

Mary josephine Willis - 1856 to 1959

Birth: 1856 Willow Springs, Cook, Illinoisbirth6

Death: 10 Feb 1959 Monrovia, Los Angeles, Californiadeath6


Father: Abraham Willis

Mother: Hannah Sophronia Allen

Mary Willis - 1889 to 1969

Birth: abt 1889 Virginiabirth7

Death: 21 AUG 1969 West Chester, Chester, Pennsylvaniadeath7


Father: Henry Gilbert Willis

Mother: Mary Willis

Mary Willis - 1862 to 1949

Birth: 31 May 1862 , , , Englandbirth8

Death: 1949 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United Statesdeath8


Father: Thomas Willis

Mother: Mary Ann Lea


Birth: 25 Feb 1909 Rocky Mount, Franklin, Virginia, USAbirth9

Death: Feb 1985 Baltimoredeath9


Father: Charles Browning Willis

Mother: Mary Jones Carper

Mary Ann Willis - 1861 to 1941

Birth: Dec 1861 Wedmore, Somerset, Englandbirth10

Death: 11 Jun 1941 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USAdeath10


Father: George Willis

Mother: Hannah Dowling

Mary Willis - 1876 to 1950

Birth: Sep 1876 Missouri, USAbirth11

Death: 1950 Polk City, Polk, Iowa, USAdeath11


Father: Henry Willis

Mother: Mary A. Johnson

Mary I Willis - 1928 to 2014

Birth: 27 March 1928 Floridabirth12

Death: 24 November 2014 Boone, Watauga, North Carolina, USAdeath12


Father: Albert Louis Issac

Mother: Agnes Josephine Helseth

Mary H Willis - 1855 to 1940

Birth: Sep 1855 Marylandbirth13

Death: 1940 Salisbury, Wicomico, Marylanddeath13


Father: Milton Alfred Parsons

Mother: Caroline Travers Williams

Mary A Willis - 1857 to 1932

Birth: Nov. 1857 South Burgess, Ontario, Canadabirth14

Death: 29 May 1932 Manteca, San Joaquin, California, USAdeath14


Father: Samuel Willis

Mother: Maria Gardiner

Mary Willis - 1844 to 1909

Birth: 1844 Sumner, Worth County, Georgia, United States of Americabirth15

Death: 1 Dec 1909 Worth, Georgia, United Statesdeath15


Father: Benjamin Willis

Mother: Sarah Sumner

Mary Ann Willis - 1935 to 2008

Birth: 24 October 1935 Truman, Arkansasbirth16

Death: 31 Jan 2008 Palermo, Butte County, California, USAdeath16


Father: Grant Willis

Mother: Juanita Massie Ford

Mary Alma Willis - 1927 to 2006

Birth: 5 June 1927 Pickens County, South Carolina, USAbirth17

Death: 27 Feb 2006 Liberty, Pickens, South Carolinadeath17


Father: William Oscar Cooper

Mother: Ellen Reid

Mary Anne Willis - 1820 to 1883

Birth: Bef. 20 Aug 1820 Bradford Pevl, Dorset, Englandbirth18

Death: Dec 1883 Dorchester, Dorsetdeath18


Father: Thomas Willis

Mother: Sarah Willis

mary willis - 1809 to 1871

Birth: Abt. 1809 Beaulieu Rls, Hampshire, Englandbirth19

Death: October 1871 London, United Kingdomdeath19



Mother: Sarah Richards

Mary F. Willis - 1817 to 1898

Birth: 14 Jan 1817 Jericho, Queens County, New Yorkbirth20

Death: 28 Feb 1898 Westbury, Long Island, NYdeath20


Father: John Willis

Mother: Mary Willis Kirby

Mary Ann Willis - 1865 to 1922

Birth: Aug 1865 Faccombe, Hampshire, Englandbirth21

Death: 24 Mar 1922 Charlevoix, Charlevoix, Michigan, United Statesdeath21


Father: Walter Willis

Mother: Emma Ball

Mary Willis - 1831 to 1924

Birth: 11 Nov 1831 South Carolina, United Statesbirth22

Death: 20 Oct 1924 Greenville, South Carolina, USAdeath22


Father: William Willis Pvt. Co G5 NC CSA

Mother: Sarah "Sallie" Thomason

Mary Willis - 1835 to 1907

Birth: Feb 1835 Lancaster, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USAbirth23

Death: 4 Sep 1907 Miamisburg, Montgomery, Ohio, USAdeath23


Father: George Willis

Mother: Nancy Ann Gorman

Mary W. Willis - 1894 to 1969

Birth: 15 Dec 1894 Spartanburg County, South Carolina, United States of Americabirth24

Death: 24 May 1969 Enoreedeath24


Father: Thaddeus Elmore Willis

Mother: Corrie A. Page

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