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Results for "Nils Alvik"

1 - 9 of 9 Records

Nils ALVIK - 1781 to 1880

Birth: 1781 Ytre Ålvik, Øystese, Kvam, Hordaland, Norwaybirth0

Death: 1880 Kvam, Hordaland, Norwaydeath0


Father: Per Alvik


Nils ALVIK - 1887 to 1985

Birth: 1887 Øystese, Hordaland, Norwaybirth1

Death: 1985 Nøtterøy, Vestfold, Norwaydeath1


Father: Geirmund29 ÅLVIK

Mother: Brita Vikingsdatter Aalvik

Nils Persson ALVIK - 1851 to 1942

Birth: 11 Dec 1851 Hansa-Pergarden, Ytre Ålvik, Øystese, Kvam, Hordaland, Norway

Death: 16 Oct 1942 Willmar, Kandiyohi County, Minnesota, USAdeath2


Father: Peter Hanson

Mother: Marita Haldorsdatter Ytre Alvik

Nils Hansson Ytre Alvik - 1732 to 1812

Birth: 1732 ystese, Hordaland, Norwaybirth3

Death: 1812 Granvin, Hordaland, Norwaydeath3


Father: Hans Nilson (Ytre Alvik)

Mother: Ann Asgautsdtr (Bjorke)

Nils Gjertsen Alvik - 1825 to 1891

Birth: 13 Oct 1825 Kvamme, Hordaland, Norwaybirth4

Death: 02 JAN 1891 Sk?re, Øystese, Kvam, Hordalanddeath4


Father: Gjert Nilsson

Mother: Anna Engelsdatter Soldal

Nils Geirmundson Ytre ALVIK - 1887 to 1985

Birth: 1887 ystese, Hordaland, Norwaybirth5

Death: 1985 Nøtterøy, Vestfold, Norwaydeath5


Father: Geirmund Larsson Ytre ALVIK

Mother: Brita sp Bertina Vikingsdatter SKARE

Nils Persdatter Ytre Alvik - 1785 to 1818

Birth: 1785 Oystese, Kvam, Hordaland, Norwaybirth6

Death: 1818 Kvam, Nord-Trondelag, Norwaydeath6


Father: Per Hansen (Ytre Alvik)

Mother: Brithe Arnesdatter

Nils Persson Ytre ALVIK - 1781 to 1818

Birth: 1781 ystese, Hordaland, Norwaybirth7

Death: 1818 Kvam, Hordaland, Norwaydeath7


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Nils Alvik

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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