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Results for "olive logan"

Name: Olive Logan

Birth: 6 Feb 1878 Montgomery, Tennessee, United States

Death: 23 Feb 1962 Dickson, Dickson County, Tennessee

Father: John Angelo Logan

Mother: Mary A Andabough?

Name: Olive Logan

Birth: 27 MAY 1885 Elwood, Brookfield, Clinton County, Iowa

Death: 14 Feb 1982 Orange

Father: George W Logan

Mother: Mary Emily Root

Name: Olive LOGAN

Birth: 22 Jul 1874 Indiana, USA

Death: 26 Aug 1962 Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, USA

Father: Robert H LOGAN

Mother: Elizabeth Miller

Name: Olive Logan

Birth: 23 Jul 1752 Woodstock, Windham, Connecticut, USA

Death: 26 Mar 1840 Poestenkill, Rensselaer, New York

Father: John Lyon

Mother: Mary Evans

Name: Olive D. Logan

Birth: Dec 1873 Ionia, Michigan

Death: 3 Jul 1966 Atlanta, Cowley, Kansas, USA

Father: Leonard Joseph Logan

Mother: Elizabeth Jane Turner

Name: Olive May Logan

Birth: Sep 1872 Indiana

Death: 13 Nov 1938 Mishawaka, St Joseph, Indiana, USA

Father: David N Logan

Mother: Catherine Isabell Logan

Name: Olive E Logan

Birth: 17 Dec 1895 Ticonderoga, New York

Death: 1944 New York, United States

Father: Frederick Peter Logan

Mother: Isabelle Minerva Lewis

Name: Olive LOGAN

Birth: About 1851 Delaware, USA

Death: 2 October 1917 Delaware, USA

Father: Asher B Logan

Mother: Rebecca Kates

Name: Olive Logan

Birth: 12 May 1920 Kearny, Hudson, New Jersey, USA

Death: 29 Nov 2002 Crystal River

Father: George Magee Logan

Mother: Elizabeth Coyne Logan


Birth: 21 July 1882 FAYETTE, KENTUCKY

Death: Oct 1966 Lexington, Fayette, Ky

Father: John F Adams

Mother: Sarah Catherine Carter

Name: Olive Violet/Victoria Logan

Birth: abt 1870 Ontario

Death: 02 Jan 1940 Green Township, Alpena, Michigan, USA

Father: Thomas H Logan

Mother: Anna Jane Kirkpatrick

Name: Olive Logan

Birth: 27 March 1901 Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada

Death: 1990 Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Father: John Perry Logan

Mother: Margaret E Locke

Name: Olive Ruth Logan

Birth: 1899 Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 3 Jan 1966 Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: John Hudson Frederick

Mother: Minnie B Miller

Name: Olive Kash Logan

Birth: Jun 1885 Kentucky

Death: 2 May 1950 Bath, Kentucky

Father: Ephriam L Logan

Mother: Laura Francis Sears

Name: Olive Logan

Birth: 5/12/1903 Argentina

Death: Jul 1984 Surrey

Father: William Hope Logan

Mother: Blanche Rebecca Evans

Name: Olive Logan

Birth: January 1897 Wellington, New Zealand

Death: 1972 St Leonards

Father: Daniel Charles Logan

Mother: Lucy Mary Ingram

Name: Olive Logan

Birth: 1907 Christchurch, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand

Death: 10 Jul 1988 Christchurch, New Zealand

Father: John Andrew Logan

Mother: Margaret Andrew

Name: Olive Logan

Birth: 12 Dec 1928 Prov Prov, Rhode Island

Death: 26 Aug 2003 Cranston, Providence, Rhode Island, USA

Father: Paul Logan

Mother: Christina Mazell Turner

Name: Olive Logan

Birth: Not Available Inanda, Natal, South Africa

Death: 1972 South Africa

Father: John Scott Logan

Mother: Emily Helen Hussey

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