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Results for "Patrick Moran"

1 - 25 of 6,676 Records

Patrick Moran - 1900 to 1970

Birth: Feb 1900 Pennsylvaniabirth0

Death: 29 OCT 1970 Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, PAdeath0


Father: Patrick J Moran

Mother: Bridget Moorin

Patrick MORAN - 1839 to 1906

Birth: Mar 1839 Irelandbirth1

Death: 15 Aug 1906 Moulton township Auglaize countydeath1


Father: Christopher Moran

Mother: Elizabeth Moran

Patrick E Moran - 1868 to 1921

Birth: Mar 1868 Pennsylvania, United States of Americabirth2

Death: 25 MAR 1921 NY,Broome,Endicottdeath2


Father: Michael Moran

Mother: Catherine McCormick

Patrick Moran - 1812 to 1890

Birth: 1812 Brittas, Glasson, Athlone Westmeath Irelandbirth3

Death: Aug 1890 Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USAdeath3


Father: William John Moran

Mother: Bridget

Patrick E Moran - 1868 to 1921

Birth: Mar 1868 Pennsylvania, United States of Americabirth4

Death: 25 MAR 1921 NY,Broome,Endicottdeath4


Father: Michael Moran

Mother: Catherine McCormick

Patrick Moran - 1873 to 1963

Birth: 14 May 1873 Dublin, Ireland, United Kingdombirth5

Death: 2 Apr 1963 Columbus (Pt), Franklin, USAdeath5


Father: John J Moran

Mother: Bridget A Cooke

Patrick Henry Moran - 1869 to 1955

Birth: May 1869 Virginiabirth6

Death: 24 July 1955 Watertown, Massachusetts, USAdeath6


Father: Peter Moran

Mother: Julia Donaghy

Patrick Moran - 1851 to 1921

Birth: abt 1851 Carbondale, Pennsylvaniabirth7

Death: Oct 1921 Carbondale, Lackawanna Co, Pa, USAdeath7


Father: Thomas George Moran

Mother: Cecelia McDonald

Patrick Loftus Moran - 1869 to 1936

Birth: 4 May 1869 County Mayo, Irelandbirth8

Death: 24 DEC 1936 San Francisco, Ca.death8


Father: Anthony Aug Moran

Mother: Mary Loftus

Patrick Henry Moran - 1880 to 1959

Birth: abt 1880 New Jerseybirth9

Death: 28 Nov 1959 Jersey City, Hudson, New Jerseydeath9


Father: Peter Horan

Mother: Maria Moore Horan

Patrick Loftus Moran - 1869 to 1936

Birth: 4 May 1869 County Mayo, Irelandbirth10

Death: 24 DEC 1936 San Francisco, Ca.death10


Father: Anthony Aug Moran

Mother: Mary Loftus

Patrick J. Moran - 1916 to 1974

Birth: 1916 Polk County, Iowa, USAbirth11

Death: 19 10 1974 Waukee, Dallas, Iowa, USAdeath11


Father: Patrick Joseph Moran

Mother: Mary Ellen Hartford

Patrick Henry Moran - 1880 to 1959

Birth: abt 1880 New Jerseybirth12

Death: 28 Nov 1959 Jersey City, Hudson, New Jerseydeath12


Father: Peter Horan

Mother: Maria Moore Horan

Patrick Moran - 1900 to 1970

Birth: Feb 1900 Pennsylvaniabirth13

Death: 29 OCT 1970 Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, PAdeath13


Father: Patrick J Moran

Mother: Bridget Moorin

Patrick "Pat" Moran - 1835 to 1902

Birth: Mar 1835 County Mayo, Irelandbirth14

Death: 22 October 1902 Woodward, Dallas, Iowa, USAdeath14


Father: John Moran

Mother: Mary Doyle

Patrick Moran - 1900 to 1970

Birth: Feb 1900 Pennsylvaniabirth15

Death: 29 OCT 1970 Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, PAdeath15


Father: Patrick J Moran

Mother: Bridget Moorin

Patrick "Pat" Moran - 1835 to 1902

Birth: Mar 1835 County Mayo, Irelandbirth16

Death: 22 October 1902 Woodward, Dallas, Iowa, USAdeath16


Father: John Moran

Mother: Mary Doyle

Patrick Henry Moran - 1880 to 1959

Birth: abt 1880 New Jerseybirth17

Death: 28 Nov 1959 Jersey City, Hudson, New Jerseydeath17


Father: Peter Horan

Mother: Maria Moore Horan

Patrick Moran - 1844 to 1902

Birth: 1844 Kilmenn, Irelandbirth18

Death: 14 Oct 1902 County Mayo, Irelanddeath18


Father: John Moran

Mother: Bridget Kenny

Patrick W Moran - 1879 to 1933

Birth: 12 March 1879 Neale, Mayo, Irelandbirth19

Death: 11 Nov 1933 Pennsylvania, USAdeath19


Father: Walter P Moran

Mother: Margaret Huddy

Patrick Moran - 1900 to 1970

Birth: Feb 1900 Pennsylvaniabirth20

Death: 29 OCT 1970 Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, PAdeath20


Father: Patrick J Moran

Mother: Bridget Moorin

Patrick J Moran - 1864 to 1936

Birth: 23 Jan 1864 Blackburn, Lancashirebirth21

Death: 1936 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, USAdeath21


Father: Laurence Moran

Mother: Bridget Durkin

Patrick Moran - 1899 to 1976

Birth: 12 Jun 1899 Glenmore Brown, Wisconsin, USAbirth22

Death: 25 Feb 1976 Idaho, USAdeath22


Father: James Thomas Moran

Mother: Catherine Moore

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