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Results for "Philip Plummer"

1 - 25 of 103 Records

Philip A Plummer - 1849 to 1927

Birth: 25 Feb 1849 Wilmore, Cambria, PAbirth0

Death: 17 Nov 1927 Altoona, Blair, PAdeath0


Father: Isadore Plummer

Mother: Mary Ann Hoyer

Philip A Plummer - 1849 to 1927

Birth: 25 Feb 1849 Wilmore, Cambria, PAbirth1

Death: 17 Nov 1927 Altoona, Blair, PAdeath1


Father: Isadore Plummer

Mother: Mary Ann Hoyer

Philip Merle Plummer - 1892 to 1973

Birth: 1892/Jul 1893//28 Jul 1894 Bridgeton, Cumberland, New Jersey, USAbirth2

Death: Apr 1973 Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, United States of Americadeath2


Father: Lorenzo Plummer

Mother: Nettie Ellen Gray

Philip B Plummer - 1892 to 1962

Birth: Mar 1892 Californiabirth3

Death: 04 JAN 1962 Los Angeles, California, USAdeath3


Father: George Elliott Plummer

Mother: Jennie F. Tennent

Philip B Plummer - 1892 to 1962

Birth: Mar 1892 Californiabirth4

Death: 04 JAN 1962 Los Angeles, California, USAdeath4


Father: George Elliott Plummer

Mother: Jennie F. Tennent

Philip Rea Plummer - 1914 to 1988

Birth: 16 Oct 1914 Clinton County, Missouri, USAbirth5

Death: 23 Sep 1988 Plattsburg, Clinton, Missouri, USAdeath5


Father: Roland Byrd Plummer

Mother: Julia Porter

Philip Plummer - 1885 to 1953

Birth: abt 1885 Mississippibirth6

Death: 12 Jun 1953 Pine Bluff, Jefferson, Arkansas, USAdeath6


Father: Soloman Lewis Plummer

Mother: Amelia Smith

Philip N Plummer - 1815 to 1861

Birth: 16 December 1815 Marylandbirth7

Death: 26 OCT 1861 Montgomery County, MDdeath7


Father: John Plummer

Mother: Verlinda S Veatch

Philip Plummer - 1901 to 1954

Birth: January 1901 Northfleet, Kent, Englandbirth8

Death: August 27 1954 Dartford, Kent, Englanddeath8


Father: Phillip George PLUMMER

Mother: Beatrice Martha Gorham

Philip Armstrong Plummer - 1897 to 1976

Birth: 26 May 1897 New Zealandbirth9

Death: 1976 New Zealanddeath9


Father: Robert Armstrong Plummer

Mother: Matilda Bennett

Philip Chase Plummer - 1909 to 1979

Birth: 7 November 1909 South Paris, Oxford, Maine, United Statesbirth10

Death: 21 August 1979 South Paris, Oxford, Maine, United Statesdeath10


Father: Frank Henry Plummer

Mother: Grace Electa Penley

Philip Roseberry Plummer - 1850 to 1934

Birth: 09 Sep 1850 Butler, Mercer, Ohiobirth11

Death: 30 Sep 1934 Van Wert County, Ohiodeath11


Father: Enoch Plummer

Mother: Sarah Judkins

Philip Plummer - 1836 to 1916

Birth: 21 Feb 1836 Stratton, Somerset, Englandbirth12

Death: 24 Sep 1916 Monongahela, Washington, Pennsylvania, USAdeath12


Father: George Plummer

Mother: Elizabeth Gould

Philip James Plummer - 1801 to 1831

Birth: 29/5/1801 Derby, Derbyshire, Englandbirth13

Death: 30/1/1831 St Leonard, Shoreditch, Somerset, Englanddeath13


Father: William Plummer

Mother: Elizabeth Plummer

Philip Plummer - 1875 to 1918

Birth: abt 1875 North Carolinabirth14

Death: April 18, 1918 Near Warrenton, Warren, North Carolinadeath14


Father: Abram Plummer

Mother: Sarah Patterson

Philip Plummer - 1801 to 1870

Birth: abt 1801 Frederick County, Marylandbirth15

Death: Aft. 1870 Knox Co., OHdeath15


Father: Greenberry G. Plummer

Mother: Jane Milhous

PHILIP C. PLUMMER - 1810 to 1861

Birth: 02/01/1810 Cecil County, Maryland, USAbirth16

Death: 08/06/1861 Cecil County, Maryland, USAdeath16



Mother: Edy May

Philip H Plummer - 1879 to 1901

Birth: Mar 1879 Kentuckybirth17

Death: 1901 Tipton, Tipton, Indiana, United Statesdeath17


Father: Wayland Plummer

Mother: Sarah Elizabeth Hardy

Philip H Plummer - 1879 to 1901

Birth: Mar 1879 Kentuckybirth18

Death: 1901 Tipton, Tipton, Indiana, United Statesdeath18


Father: Wayland Plummer

Mother: Sarah Elizabeth Hardy

Philip Stone Plummer - 1905 to 1983

Birth: 7 February 1905 Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts, United States of Americabirth19

Death: 10 March 1983 Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, United States of Americadeath19


Father: George William Plummer

Mother: Martha Eleanor Caswell Mitchell

Philip Henry Plummer - 1886 to 1924

Birth: Oct 1886 Winshill, Derbyshire, Englandbirth20

Death: Jun 1924 Basford, Nottinghamshire, Englanddeath20


Father: Herbert Plummer

Mother: Ruth Higginson

Philip Parker Plummer - 1926 to 2010

Birth: 13 Dec 1926 Bosmere, Suffolkbirth21

Death: 12 Apr 2010 Cromer, Englanddeath21


Father: Hayward Parker Plummer

Mother: Kate Edith Hardwick

Philip Plummer - 1929 to 2011

Birth: 27 Sep 1929 Dublin North, Irelandbirth22

Death: 2011 Dublindeath22


Father: James Richard Plummer

Mother: Mildred Finley

Philip John Plummer - 1919 to 1993

Birth: 30th December 1919 London, London, Englandbirth23

Death: Oct 1993 Bromley Common, Kent, Englanddeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Phillis Andrews

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