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Results for "Queen Green"

1 - 25 of 109 Records

Queen Green - 1833 to 1908

Birth: 24 Jul 1833 Bulloch, Georgia, United Statesbirth0

Death: 3 May 1908 Coffee, Georgia, United Statesdeath0


Father: William B Green

Mother: Mary Polly Turner

Queen Esther Green - 1928 to 2010

Birth: 20 July 1928 Birmingham, Jefferson County, Alabama, United States of Americabirth1

Death: 11 July 2010 New Jersey, United States of Americadeath1


Father: Fred Frederick Green

Mother: Sarah Cooper

Queen Victoria Green - 1882

Birth: April, 1882 Mississippi, USAbirth2

Death: Unknown Unknown


Father: Harrison Green

Mother: Delia Johnson

Queen Esther Green - 1942 to 2000

Birth: 14 November 1942 Palestine, St Francis, Arkansas, USAbirth3

Death: 8 July 2000 Memphis, Shelby, Tennessee, USAdeath3


Father: Leophus Green

Mother: Ester May Conway

Queen Esther Green - 1893 to 1963

Birth: 1893 Arkansas, USAbirth4

Death: 1963


Father: John Robert Green

Mother: Irene Shaw

Queen Green - 1889 to 1949

Birth: 16 Aug 1889 Glasgow, Keynsham, Manchester, Jamaicabirth5

Death: 10 Jan 1949 Troy, Trelawny, Jamaicadeath5


Father: Edward Green

Mother: Bathsheba Brown

Queen Green - 1880

Birth: 1880 Alabamabirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Joseph Green

Mother: Fannie Washington

Queen Green - 1880

Birth: 1880 Alabamabirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Joseph Green

Mother: Fannie Washington

Queen M Green - 1892 to 1932

Birth: 23 Jan 1892 Bradford, Miami, Ohio, USAbirth8

Death: 27 Sep 1932 Mercer, Ohio, USAdeath8


Father: David Alexander Green

Mother: Melvina "Celvina" Lucas

queen green - 1929 to 2012

Birth: 17 Feb 1929 Granville, North Carolinabirth9

Death: 12/10/2012


Father: George Washington Green

Mother: Maggie Royster

Queen Green - 1908 to 1922

Birth: 1908 South Carolinabirth10

Death: 12 Sep 1922 Awendaw, Charleston, South Carolina, USAdeath10


Father: Sam Green

Mother: Eliza Green

Queen Esther Green - 1897 to 1980

Birth: abt 1897 Mississippibirth11

Death: Mar 1980 East Saint Louis, St Clair, Illinois, USAdeath11


Father: Calvin Green

Mother: Adaline Jefferson

Queen Green - 1918 to 1936

Birth: abt 1918 Georgiabirth12

Death: 23 Jun 1936 Summertown, Emanuel, Georgia, USAdeath12


Father: Nath Green

Mother: Rosa Roberson

Queen Candace Green - 1923 to 1996

Birth: 15 Jul 1923 Nesting, Middlesex, Virginiabirth13

Death: 7 Aug 1996 Charlotte, Mecklenburg, North Carolina, USAdeath13


Father: Henry Edward (REV) Green

Mother: Bessie Louise Johnson

Queen Green - 1908 to 2011

Birth: 14 Nov 1908

Death: 25 Feb 2011


Father: James Green

Mother: Ruth Green

(Queen) Essie Green - 1886 to 1974

Birth: Mar 1886 Owen Sound, Ontario, Canadabirth15

Death: 5 Mar 1974 Owen Sound, Ontario, Canadadeath15


Father: Thomas John Green

Mother: Mary Ellen Ringo

Queen Esther Green - 1895 to 1964

Birth: 28 AUG 1895 Michigan, USAbirth16

Death: 10 MAR 1964 Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USAdeath16


Father: Edwin Abram Green

Mother: Mary Jane Adams

Queen Elizabeth Green - 1857 to 1893

Birth: 12 Mar 1857 Tattnall, Georgia, United Statesbirth17

Death: 20 Jun 1893 Tattnall County, GAdeath17


Father: John Green

Mother: Elizabeth Rogers

Queen Esther Green - 1908 to 1985

Birth: 22 Aug 1908 Scott County, Arkansas, USAbirth18

Death: Jul 1985 Saint Louis, Saint Louis City, Missouri, USAdeath18


Father: Enoch Green

Mother: Octavia Warren

Queen Esther Green - 1908 to 1985

Birth: 22 Aug 1908 Scott County, Arkansas, USAbirth19

Death: Jul 1985 Saint Louis, Saint Louis City, Missouri, USAdeath19


Father: Enoch Green

Mother: Octavia Warren

Queen Green - 1908 to 1999

Birth: abt 1908 Georgiabirth20

Death: 8 Feb 1999


Father: George Green

Mother: Annie Davis

Queen Indiana Green - 1879 to 1971

Birth: 18 Apr 1879 Alabamabirth21

Death: 5 Jan 1971 Columbus, Franklin, Ohiodeath21


Father: Charles Wesley Green

Mother: Laura Poole Heflin

Queen Green - 1907 to 2008

Birth: 15 Aug 1907 Darlington Countybirth22

Death: 22 May 2008 Timmonsville, South Carolina, USAdeath22


Father: Newton Green

Mother: Not Available

Queen Green - 1893

Birth: abt 1893 Mississippibirth23

Death: Not Available Adams County, Mississippi, USAdeath23


Father: Ike Green

Mother: Not Available

Queen Green - 1893

Birth: abt 1893 Mississippibirth24

Death: Not Available Adams County, Mississippi, USAdeath24


Father: Ike Green

Mother: Not Available

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