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Results for "Ralph Lloyd"

1 - 25 of 388 Records

Ralph Lloyd - 1934 to 2011

Birth: 25 Aug 1934 Elk Lick, Somerset, Pennsylvania, USAbirth0

Death: 19 Mar 2011 Gilpin, Armstrong, Pennsylvania, USAdeath0


Father: Ralph Hubert Lloyd

Mother: Anna Mae Holliday

Ralph E Lloyd - 1909 to 1993

Birth: 7 May 1909 Warwick, Chester, Pennsylvania, USAbirth1

Death: 28 Nov 1993 Pottstown, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USAdeath1


Father: Edgar Keim Lloyd

Mother: Mary Birdella Stager Lloyd

Ralph Evan Lloyd - 1919 to 2004

Birth: 27 Feb 1919 McClelland, Iowabirth2

Death: 27 Oct 2004 Richland, Benton, Washington, USAdeath2


Father: Ralph Evan Lloyd

Mother: Lillian E Clevenger

Ralph E Lloyd - 1909 to 1993

Birth: 7 May 1909 Warwick, Chester, Pennsylvania, USAbirth3

Death: 28 Nov 1993 Pottstown, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USAdeath3


Father: Edgar Keim Lloyd

Mother: Mary Birdella Stager Lloyd

Ralph W Lloyd - 1892 to 1954

Birth: 12 Oct 1892 North Adams, Massachusetts, USAbirth4

Death: 1954 North Adams, Massachusetts, USAdeath4


Father: Thomas Lloyd

Mother: Augusta Walz

Ralph Lloyd - 1934 to 2011

Birth: 25 Aug 1934 Elk Lick, Somerset, Pennsylvania, USAbirth5

Death: 19 Mar 2011 Gilpin, Armstrong, Pennsylvania, USAdeath5


Father: Ralph Hubert Lloyd

Mother: Anna Mae Holliday

Ralph W Lloyd - 1892 to 1954

Birth: 12 Oct 1892 North Adams, Massachusetts, USAbirth6

Death: 1954 North Adams, Massachusetts, USAdeath6


Father: Thomas Lloyd

Mother: Augusta Walz

Ralph Hunter Lloyd - 1887 to 1961

Birth: 10 Mar 1887 Cannock, Haffordshire, Englandbirth7

Death: 1961 Welland, Ontario, Canadadeath7


Father: Daniel Lloyd

Mother: Elizabeth Hunter

Ralph Hollis LLOYD - 1891 to 1972

Birth: 17 Mar 1891 Canadabirth8

Death: 24 Jul 1972 Dover, Strafford, New Hampshiredeath8


Father: Charles Murray Lloyd

Mother: Amanda Jane Ginson

Ralph L Lloyd - 1908 to 1983

Birth: 1908 Iowa, USAbirth9

Death: Dec 1983 Glidden, Carroll, Iowa, United States of Americadeath9


Father: Stephen Lloyd

Mother: Gertrude Annie Fretwell

Ralph W LLOYD - 1925 to 2012

Birth: 10 Oct 1925 Oneida, Madison, New York, USAbirth10

Death: 14 Aug 2012 Chesapeake, Virginia, USAdeath10


Father: Willard Ransom LLOYD

Mother: Ida Mae WINTERS - LLOYD

Ralph Lewis Lloyd - 1893 to 1967

Birth: 5 Apr 1893 Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USAbirth11

Death: April 1967 Uniontown, Fayette, Pennsylvania, USAdeath11


Father: William James Lewis

Mother: Martha Elizabeth Semmer

Ralph Y. Lloyd - 1909 to 1975

Birth: 7 Mar 1909 Adair, Missouri, USAbirth12

Death: Jan 1975 Novinger, Adair, Missouri, USAdeath12


Father: Isaac Thomas Lloyd

Mother: Hester Elizabeth Young

Ralph Leon Lloyd - 1898 to 1971

Birth: 10 May 1898 Hanna, La Porte, Indiana, USAbirth13

Death: Jan 1971 Hammond, Lake, Indiana, USAdeath13


Father: Wilbur J Lloyd

Mother: Lena Fifield

Ralph Chapman LLOYD - 1877 to 1952

Birth: Jun 1877 Michiganbirth14

Death: 21 Dec 1952 Bradford, Clearfield, Pennsylvania, USAdeath14


Father: John L. Lloyd

Mother: Margaret Elizabeth Nichols

Ralph Chapman LLOYD - 1877 to 1952

Birth: Jun 1877 Michiganbirth15

Death: 21 Dec 1952 Bradford, Clearfield, Pennsylvania, USAdeath15


Father: John L. Lloyd

Mother: Margaret Elizabeth Nichols

Ralph Lloyd - 1896 to 1969

Birth: 13 Aug 1896 Paulding, Ohio, USAbirth16

Death: Oct 1969 South Bend, St Joseph, Indiana, United Statesdeath16


Father: Emanuel LLOYD

Mother: Emma Belle Hardesty

Ralph G LLOYD - 1927 to 2010

Birth: 10 Jun 1927 Narrows, Ohio, Kentucky, USAbirth17

Death: 10/19/2010 Poseyville, Posey, Indianadeath17


Father: Marshall Truman Lloyd

Mother: Nola Bell Riadon

Ralph T Lloyd - 1913 to 1984

Birth: abt 1913 Marylandbirth18

Death: 5 Oct 1984 Salisbury, Wicomico, Maryland, USAdeath18


Father: Orlando Strayer Lloyd

Mother: Lillian M Watson

Ralph L Lloyd - 1922 to 2012

Birth: 1922 Johnson City, Washington, Tennessee, USAbirth19

Death: 2012 Fort Lewis, Pierce, Washington, USAdeath19


Father: Thomas Rufus Lloyd

Mother: Eliza Arizona Tittle

Ralph T Lloyd - 1913 to 1984

Birth: abt 1913 Marylandbirth20

Death: 5 Oct 1984 Salisbury, Wicomico, Maryland, USAdeath20


Father: Orlando Strayer Lloyd

Mother: Lillian M Watson

Ralph Thomas Lloyd - 1921 to 1998

Birth: 1 Jun 1921 Ceiling, Dewey, Oklahoma, USAbirth21

Death: 19 Aug 1998 Calico Rock, Izard, Arkansas, USAdeath21


Father: Abraham Vernon Lloyd

Mother: Mary WEHRLI

Ralph Vernon LLOYD - 1905 to 1987

Birth: 15 Oct 1905 Norwich, McHenry, North Dakotabirth22

Death: Jun 1987 Pasco, Franklin, Washingtondeath22


Father: Frankie Bigelow LLOYD

Mother: Florence Belle Bacon

Ralph Mason Lloyd - 1931 to 1980

Birth: 29 Jun 1931 Virginiabirth23

Death: 7 Dec 1980 Richmond, Virginia, USAdeath23


Father: Ralph Lloyd

Mother: Mattie May Acors

Ralph Vernon LLOYD - 1905 to 1987

Birth: 15 Oct 1905 Norwich, McHenry, North Dakotabirth24

Death: Jun 1987 Pasco, Franklin, Washingtondeath24


Father: Frankie Bigelow LLOYD

Mother: Florence Belle Bacon

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