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Results for "Richard Bushnell"

1 - 25 of 427 Records

Richard N. Bushnell - 1938 to 2003

Birth: 1938 Illinoisbirth0

Death: 2003 Illinois, USAdeath0


Father: Stanley Kenneth Bushnell

Mother: Eleanor Irene Stolp

Richard W Bushnell - 1936 to 1990

Birth: abt 1936 Connecticutbirth1

Death: 6 November 1990 Hartford, Hartford, Connecticutdeath1


Father: Frederick F Bushnell

Mother: Dorothy Warner

Richard Bushnell - 1915 to 2005

Birth: 7 Dec 1915 Brookings, South Dakota, USAbirth2

Death: 29 Sep 2005 Orlando, Orange, Floridadeath2


Father: Richard Stokes Bushnell

Mother: Rosa SMITH

Richard M Bushnell - 1825 to 1885

Birth: 16 Oct 1825 Saybrookbirth3

Death: 12 Mar 1885 Connecticutdeath3


Father: John Bushnell

Mother: Mary Ann Newell

Richard Bushnell - 1812 to 1897

Birth: 6 Nov 1812 Connecticutbirth4

Death: 28 Jun 1897 Connecticut, USAdeath4


Father: Ebenezer Bushnell

Mother: Lydia Lay

Richard Bushnell - 1807 to 1880

Birth: 12 Apr 1807 Westbrook, Middlesex, Connecticut, USAbirth5

Death: 21 Oct 1880 Illinois, United Statesdeath5


Father: William Bushnell

Mother: Azubah Kelsey

RICHARD BUSHNELL - 1749 to 1803

Birth: 1749 Tormartonbirth6

Death: 19 Aug 1803 St. Pauls, Bristol,Gloucestershire, Englanddeath6


Father: Isaac Bushnell

Mother: Grace

Richard Bushnell - 1807 to 1880

Birth: 12 Apr 1807 Westbrook, Middlesex, Connecticut, USAbirth7

Death: 21 Oct 1880 Illinois, United Statesdeath7


Father: William Bushnell

Mother: Azubah Kelsey

Richard Bushnell - 1807 to 1880

Birth: 12 Apr 1807 Westbrook, Middlesex, Connecticut, USAbirth8

Death: 21 Oct 1880 Illinois, United Statesdeath8


Father: William Bushnell

Mother: Azubah Kelsey

Richard Bushnell - 1623 to 1660

Birth: 20 Apr 1623 Horsham, Sussex, Englandbirth9

Death: 17 Jul 1660 Norwalk, Middlesex, Connecticut, United Statesdeath9


Father: Francis Bushnell (11ggf)

Mother: Ferris Carter Quenell Bushnell 8th GGM

Richard Bushnell - 1813 to 1862

Birth: 1813 Headington, Oxfordshire, Englandbirth10

Death: 1862 Headington, Oxfordshire, Englanddeath10


Father: Richard BUSHNELL

Mother: Ann Gunston

Richard Dean Bushnell - 1935 to 2007

Birth: 2 Dec 1935 Wisconsinbirth11

Death: 27 Apr 2007 Seattle, King, Washington, USAdeath11


Father: Ray Medley Bushnell

Mother: Dorothy Marguerite Baer

Richard Bushnell - 1623 to 1660

Birth: 20 Apr 1623 Horsham, Sussex, , Englandbirth12

Death: 17 Jul 1660 Norwalk, Middlesex, Connecticut, USAdeath12


Father: Francis Bushnell (11ggf)

Mother: Ferris Carter Quenell Bushnell 8th GGM

Richard Bushnell - 1813 to 1862

Birth: 1813 Headington, Oxfordshire, Englandbirth13

Death: 1862 Headington, Oxfordshire, Englanddeath13


Father: Richard BUSHNELL

Mother: Ann Gunston

Richard Bushnell - 1623 to 1660

Birth: 20 Apr 1623 Horsham, Sussex, , Englandbirth14

Death: 17 Jul 1660 Norwalk, Middlesex, Connecticut, USAdeath14


Father: Francis Bushnell (11ggf)

Mother: Ferris Carter Quenell Bushnell 8th GGM

Richard Bushnell - 1765 to 1804

Birth: 11 May 1765 Norwich, New London County, Connecticut, USAbirth15

Death: 1804 Connecticutdeath15


Father: Caleb Bushnell

Mother: Mabel Pitkin

Richard Bushnell - 1623 to 1660

Birth: 20 Apr 1623 Horsham, Sussex, , Englandbirth16

Death: 17 Jul 1660 Norwalk, Middlesex, Connecticut, USAdeath16


Father: Francis Bushnell (11ggf)

Mother: Ferris Carter Quenell Bushnell 8th GGM

Richard George Bushnell - 1850 to 1915

Birth: October 1850 Portsmouth, Hampshire, Englandbirth17

Death: January 1915 Portsmouth, Hampshire, Englanddeath17


Father: William Bushnell

Mother: Sarah Bushnell (Hebblewhite)

Richard Warren Bushnell - 1957 to 1983

Birth: 10/22/1957 ada,oklahomabirth18

Death: 1983 California, USAdeath18


Father: Richard W Bushnell

Mother: Lois Darleen Pelham

Richard James Bushnell - 1923 to 2006

Birth: 29 November 1923 Brattleboro, Windham, Vermont, USAbirth19

Death: 10 Jan 2006 Palm Coast, Flagler, Florida, USAdeath19


Father: Jason Edward Bushnell

Mother: Florence May Barber

Richard Bushnell - 1841 to 1911

Birth: 1841 Woolwich, Kent, Englandbirth20

Death: 20 July 1911 Plumstead, London, Englanddeath20


Father: Richard BUSHNELL

Mother: Ann Ford

Richard Warren Bushnell - 1957 to 1983

Birth: 10/22/1957 ada,oklahomabirth21

Death: 1983 California, USAdeath21


Father: Richard W Bushnell

Mother: Lois Darleen Pelham

Richard Bushnell - 1841 to 1911

Birth: 1841 Woolwich, Kent, Englandbirth22

Death: 20 July 1911 Plumstead, London, Englanddeath22


Father: Richard BUSHNELL

Mother: Ann Ford

Richard Bushnell - 1703 to 1733

Birth: Abt 1703 St Dunstan in the West, London, Middlesex, Englandbirth23

Death: 1733 St Dunstan in the West, London, Middlesex, Englanddeath23


Father: John Bushnell

Mother: Eleanor Pearson

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