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Results for "Richard Newton"

1 - 25 of 3,154 Records

Richard Newton - 1851 to 1921

Birth: 1851 Wellow, Nottinghamshire, Englandbirth0

Death: 10 Mar 1921 Manchester, Englanddeath0


Father: William Newton

Mother: Sarah Lowe

Richard Glenn Newton - 1928 to 2012

Birth: 22 May 1928 Dry Prong, Grant, Louisiana, USAbirth1

Death: 12 Jul 2012 Alexandria, Rapides, Louisiana, USAdeath1


Father: Hillary Lee Newton

Mother: Mary Bertie Slayter

Richard NEWTON - 1778 to 1865

Birth: 20 Jan 1778 Darlington, Co. Durhambirth2

Death: 6 Jan 1865 Stockton, Durham, Englanddeath2


Father: John Newton

Mother: Eleanor Southern

Richard Radford Newton - 1832 to 1917

Birth: 1832 Atherstone, Warwickshire, , Englandbirth3

Death: 02 Oct 1917 Ogdensburg, St Lawrence, New York, USAdeath3


Father: Thomas Newton

Mother: Elizabeth Roberts

Richard Newton - 1851 to 1921

Birth: 1851 Wellow, Nottinghamshire, Englandbirth4

Death: 10 Mar 1921 Manchester, Englanddeath4


Father: William Newton

Mother: Sarah Lowe

Richard Elias Newton - 1886 to 1956

Birth: 23 May 1886 Brookhaven, Lincoln, Mississippi, United Statesbirth5

Death: 12 DEC 1956 Brookhaven, Lincoln, Mississippi, USAdeath5


Father: Adam Benjamin Newton (civil War)

Mother: Missouri Callender

Richard G Newton - 1880 to 1976

Birth: Abt. 1880 Wisconsin, USAbirth6

Death: 12 JAN 1976 North Branch, Chisago County, Minnesota, USAdeath6


Father: Joseph Newton

Mother: Christiana Crabtree

Richard NEWTON - 1807 to 1861

Birth: Abt 1807 Kelloe, Durham, Englandbirth7

Death: Bet. 1861–1871 Durham, Englanddeath7


Father: John Newton

Mother: Hannah Hunter

Richard Newton - 1810 to 1887

Birth: 12 Dec 1810 Blackwell, Durham, Englandbirth8

Death: Sep 1887 reg Stockton, Durham, Englanddeath8


Father: Richard Newton

Mother: Mary Scott

Richard Wayne Newton - 1943 to 2013

Birth: 9 Oct 1943 Winterset, Madison County, Iowa, USAbirth9

Death: 20 Jun 2013 Longmont, Boulder County, Colorado, USAdeath9


Father: Wayne Harrell Newton

Mother: Georgia Paulene Frey

Richard Newton - 1929 to 2012

Birth: 20 Oct 1929 Ohiobirth10

Death: 8 Apr 2012 McConnelsville, Morgan, Ohiodeath10


Father: George Willis Newton

Mother: Beulah Irma Michener

RICHARD Newton - 1802 to 1864

Birth: abt 1802 Ashton, Cheshirebirth11

Death: July 1864 Lancashire, United Kingdomdeath11


Father: ROBERT (Royle) NEWTON

Mother: HANNAH (Jones) FAULKNER (Newton)

Richard Turton Newton - 1864 to 1939

Birth: ABT 1864 Killamarsh, Derbyshire, Englandbirth12

Death: Dec 1939 Chesterfield, Derbyshire, Englanddeath12


Father: Edward Turton

Mother: Ellen Newton

Richard Larry Newton - 1938 to 1970

Birth: 29 Sep 1938 Newhall, Los Angeles, California, USAbirth13

Death: 3 Nov 1970 Orange County, Californiadeath13


Father: Clyde Lacy Newton

Mother: Mary Deraughn Daniels

Richard Newton - 1844 to 1906

Birth: abt 1844 Whitwell, Derbyshire, Englandbirth14

Death: Oct 1906 Nottinghamshire, United Kingdomdeath14


Father: Richard Newton

Mother: Harriet Barker

Richard Carl Newton - 1908 to 1980

Birth: 23 Apr 1908 Kentucky, United States of Americabirth15

Death: 20 February 1980 Bardstown, Nelson, Kentucky, USAdeath15


Father: Richard Jasper Newton

Mother: Julia Advia Newton

Richard Carl Newton - 1908 to 1980

Birth: 23 Apr 1908 Kentucky, United States of Americabirth16

Death: 20 February 1980 Bardstown, Nelson, Kentucky, USAdeath16


Father: Richard Jasper Newton

Mother: Julia Advia Newton

Richard Newton - 1817 to 1882

Birth: 27 Jun 1817 Vermont, United Statesbirth17

Death: 9 Jun 1882 Kennebec, Frontenac Co, Ontario, Canadadeath17


Father: Silas Richard Newton

Mother: Mary Hughes

Richard G. Newton - 1910 to 1999

Birth: 14 February 1910 Douglas, Juneau Borough, Alaska, USAbirth18

Death: 19 Mar 1999 Sitka, Sitka Borough, Alaska, United States of Americadeath18


Father: William Newton

Mother: Annie Smith

Richard Wayne Newton - 1943 to 2013

Birth: 9 Oct 1943 Winterset, Madison County, Iowa, USAbirth19

Death: 20 Jun 2013 Longmont, Boulder County, Colorado, USAdeath19


Father: Wayne Harrell Newton

Mother: Georgia Paulene Frey

Richard Newton - 1810 to 1887

Birth: 12 Dec 1810 Blackwell, Durham, Englandbirth20

Death: Sep 1887 reg Stockton, Durham, Englanddeath20


Father: Richard Newton

Mother: Mary Scott

Richard G Newton - 1914 to 1986

Birth: ABT. 1914 Connecticutbirth21

Death: 22 Sep 1986 Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USAdeath21


Father: Arthur Gove Newton

Mother: Florence Mary Griswold

Richard Newton - 1898 to 1965

Birth: 1898 Loudoun Co., VA.birth22

Death: 26 Nov 1965 Purcellville, Loudoun, VA, USAdeath22


Father: Richard Thomas Newton

Mother: Mary Florence Kidwell

Richard Newton - 1923 to 2000

Birth: 10 Jan 1923 Barlow, Ballard, Kentucky, USAbirth23

Death: 2000/04/01 Barlow, Ballard Co., Kydeath23


Father: James Richard Newton

Mother: Annie Fisher

Richard Newton - 1830 to 1898

Birth: 1830 Shoreditchbirth24

Death: January 1898 Bethnal Green, Londondeath24


Father: Richard Newton

Mother: Sarah Baston

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