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Results for "Robert Estes"

1 - 25 of 1,494 Records

Robert Estes - 1912 to 1978

Birth: 25 Dec 1912 United States of Americabirth0

Death: 15 Jul 1978 Franklin, Macon Co, North Carolina, USAdeath0


Father: William Wesley Estes

Mother: Sarah Elizabeth Green

Robert E Estes - 1877 to 1942

Birth: 9 Jun 1877 Scott County, Mississippi, USAbirth1

Death: 09 Dec 1942 Edgewood, Van Zandt, Texasdeath1


Father: Robert Scott Estes

Mother: Mary Jane (M-Estes) Clark

Robert Carl Estes - 1915 to 1989

Birth: 9 September 1915 Tupelo, Lee County, Mississippibirth2

Death: 24 November 1989 Lee County, Mississippi, United States of Americadeath2


Father: Jesse E Estes

Mother: Mabel Lene Ray

Robert Milton Estes - 1925 to 2001

Birth: 11 Mar 1925 Stanton, Powell, Kentucky, USAbirth3

Death: 20 Sep 2001 Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio, USAdeath3


Father: Millard Frances Estes

Mother: Carrie Mae McCall

Robert Wayne Estes - 1929 to 2014

Birth: 4 Aug 1929 Bud, Wyoming, West Virginia, United Statesbirth4

Death: 11 November 2014 Bud, Wyoming, West Virgina, United Statesdeath4


Father: Harry Shuford Estes

Mother: Effie Lester

Robert Luther Estes - 1876 to 1948

Birth: 16 December 1876 Callaway, Missouri, USAbirth5

Death: 13 Dec 1948 Reform, Callaway County, Missouri, USAdeath5


Father: William Moses Estes

Mother: Laura Ann Callicott

Robert Estes - 1927 to 1985

Birth: 20 Dec 1927 Anderson, Missouribirth6

Death: 19 December 1985 Kimble, Texasdeath6


Father: William Homer Estes

Mother: Della Shadley

Robert Estes - 1912 to 2010

Birth: 04/07/1912 CaledoniaNY

Death: 01/28/2010 Poughkeepsie, Dutchess, New York, USAdeath7


Father: William Alton Estes

Mother: Fannie V Tunison

Robert Clay ESTES - 1888 to 1959

Birth: 27 MAY 1888 Gainsville, Greene Co., Arkansas, USAbirth8

Death: 19 APR 1959 Crossville, Cumberland, Tennessee, USAdeath8


Father: Robert Calvin Estes

Mother: Margaret Elizabeth Vowell

Robert H Estes - 1886 to 1931

Birth: 2 Dec 1886 Texas, USAbirth9

Death: October 27 1931 Los Angelesdeath9


Father: Henry Horton Estes

Mother: Anna Ethelda CARPENTER

Robert H Estes - 1886 to 1931

Birth: 2 Dec 1886 Texas, USAbirth10

Death: October 27 1931 Los Angelesdeath10


Father: Henry Horton Estes

Mother: Anna Ethelda CARPENTER

Robert R Estes - 1887 to 1970

Birth: 26 Jun 1887 North Carolina, USAbirth11

Death: 17 Jul 1970 Macon County, North Carolina, USAdeath11


Father: Jesse E Estes

Mother: Margaret Cope

Robert E Estes - 1903 to 1982

Birth: 15 Oct 1903 Alabamabirth12

Death: Jul 1982 Red Bay, Franklin, Alabama, United Statesdeath12


Father: John Thomas Estes

Mother: Nancy Ella Arthur

Robert Estes - 1842 to 1927

Birth: 1842 Tennesseebirth13

Death: 18 Mar 1927 Brownsville, Tennesseedeath13



Mother: Penelope Evans Estes

Robert Turner estes - 1854 to 1948

Birth: 8 Nov 1854 Washington, Texas, United Statesbirth14

Death: 17 April 1948 San Diegodeath14


Father: Edmond Turner Estes

Mother: Sarah Ann MCDOWELL

Robert Estes - 1865 to 1941

Birth: 6 Jan 1865 Trinity County, Texas, USAbirth15

Death: 30 January 1941 Greenlee, Arizona, USAdeath15


Father: Thomas S Estes

Mother: Martha Alice Jones

Robert E Estes - 1903 to 1982

Birth: 15 Oct 1903 Alabamabirth16

Death: Jul 1982 Red Bay, Franklin, Alabama, United Statesdeath16


Father: John Thomas Estes

Mother: Nancy Ella Arthur

Robert Benjamin Estes - 1915 to 1982

Birth: 24 Jun 1915 Birmingham, Jefferson, Alabama, USAbirth17

Death: 20 Jun 1982 Ripley, Tippah, Mississippi, USAdeath17


Father: Robert Lee Estes

Mother: Elizabeth Byrd Shappley

Robert Alonzo Estes - 1872 to 1937

Birth: 30 May 1872 Caldwell County, North Carolinabirth18

Death: 8 Jun 1937 Hemphill County, Texasdeath18


Father: James Garfield Estes

Mother: Nancy Moody

Robert Dale Estes - 1922 to 1978

Birth: 20 August 1922 Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, USAbirth19

Death: 04 December 1978 Plummer, Benewah, Idaho, USAdeath19


Father: Walter Ellis Estes

Mother: Esther Mae Tuttle

Robert Milton Estes - 1925 to 2001

Birth: 11 Mar 1925 Stanton, Powell, Kentucky, USAbirth20

Death: 20 Sep 2001 Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio, USAdeath20


Father: Millard Frances Estes

Mother: Carrie Mae McCall

Robert A. Estes - 1943 to 2004

Birth: 5 June 1943 Eloy, Pinal County, Arizona, USAbirth21

Death: 6 August 2004 Eloy, Pinal, Arizona, USAdeath21


Father: Joseph Odell Estes

Mother: Bertha Yates

Robert Samuel Estes - 1901 to 1971

Birth: 29 November 1901 Gibson County, Tennessee, United States of Americabirth22

Death: 21 Oct 1971 427/54/4298 Freeport, Walton, Florida, USAdeath22


Father: Richardson D Estes

Mother: Emma Matilda Love

Robert Estes - 1927 to 1985

Birth: 20 Dec 1927 Anderson, Missouribirth23

Death: 19 December 1985 Kimble, Texasdeath23


Father: William Homer Estes

Mother: Della Shadley

Robert Jay Estes - 1905

Birth: 15 Nov 1905 Kentucky, United Statesbirth24

Death: UNKNOWN Fl.death24


Father: Robert Franklin Estes

Mother: Mary Estes

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