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Results for "Robert Maclean"

1 - 25 of 677 Records

Robert J MacLean - 1851 to 1927

Birth: 05 Apr 1851 Elderbank, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canadabirth0

Death: 15 May 1927 Chaswood, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canadadeath0


Father: John Edward McLean

Mother: Sarah Fox

Robert E Maclean - 1866 to 1943

Birth: 1866 Scotlandbirth1

Death: 18 MAR 1943 Kansas City, Missourideath1


Father: Angus Maclean

Mother: Margaret Rose MacGregor

Robert Clark MacLean - 1925 to 1973

Birth: 30 September 1925 Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts, USAbirth2

Death: 2 December 1973 Lynn, Massachusetts, USAdeath2


Father: George Edward McLean

Mother: Edith J Schoff

Robert Walter MacLean - 1907 to 1990

Birth: 14 Mar 1907 Oregonbirth3

Death: 20 Aug 1990 Burns, Harney, Oregon, USAdeath3


Father: Walter Donald Mac Lean

Mother: Grace Mary LaMear

Robert E Maclean - 1866 to 1943

Birth: 1866 Scotlandbirth4

Death: 18 MAR 1943 Kansas City, Missourideath4


Father: Angus Maclean

Mother: Margaret Rose MacGregor

Robert S Maclean - 1881 to 1955

Birth: 10 Dec 1881 Glasgow, Lanarkshirebirth5

Death: 04 Aug 1955 Bellingham, Whatcom, Washingtondeath5


Father: Gilbert McLean

Mother: Christina Petticrew Smith

Robert John MacLean - 1851 to 1924

Birth: 5 Dec 1851 Pennsylvania, USAbirth6

Death: 29 May 1924 Amity, Page, Iowa, USAdeath6


Father: William H McLean

Mother: Rachel Clark

Robert MacLean - 1832 to 1887

Birth: 15 Jun 1832 Crawford, Lanarkshire, Scotlandbirth7

Death: 03 Apr 1887 13 Nelson Terrace, Hillhead, Glasgow, Scotlanddeath7


Father: James McLean

Mother: Susannah Hislop

Robert William MacLean - 1874 to 1948

Birth: abt 1874 New Yorkbirth8

Death: 28 SEP 1948 Kingston, Ulster, New York, United Statesdeath8


Father: John McLean

Mother: Elizabeth Black

Robert MacLean - 1816 to 1906

Birth: 12 Nov 1816 West River, Pictou, Nova Scotia, Canadabirth9

Death: 1906 West River, Pictou, Nova Scotiadeath9


Father: Edward MacLean

Mother: Martha Reid McCabe

Robert MacLean - 1700 to 1754

Birth: 1700 Donegal, Irelandbirth10

Death: 8 Feb 1754 York, Pennsylvania, United Statesdeath10


Father: Alexander MacLean

Mother: Margaret (Mary) Campbell -

Robert Stuart MacLean - 1920 to 2009

Birth: 13 September 1920 Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canadabirth11

Death: 14 June 2009 Washington, Washington, Utah, USAdeath11


Father: Robert Bertram McLean

Mother: Nettie MacLeod

Robert Stuart MacLean - 1920 to 2009

Birth: 13 September 1920 Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canadabirth12

Death: 14 June 2009 Washington, Washington, Utah, USAdeath12


Father: Robert Bertram McLean

Mother: Nettie MacLeod

Robert MacLean - 1894 to 1980

Birth: 5 Oct 1894 Scotlandbirth13

Death: 26 Dec 1980 Middletown, Connecticut, USAdeath13


Father: Joseph McLean

Mother: Janet

Robert Alexander MacLean - 1875 to 1952

Birth: 1875 Victoria County, Cape Bretonbirth14

Death: Sept 5 1952 Glace Bay NS Canadadeath14


Father: Donald McLean

Mother: Sarah McDonald

Robert Alexander MacLean - 1942 to 2012

Birth: 15 Dec 1942 Pontiac, Oakland, MIbirth15

Death: 25 Jul 2012 Santa Barbara CAdeath15


Father: Robert Alexander MacLean

Mother: Avis Patricia Gratz

Robert Samuel MacLean - 1922 to 2002

Birth: 8 Oct 1922 Flat River, Queens, Prince Edward Island, Canadabirth16

Death: 14 Jan 2002 Saint John, New Brunswick, Canadadeath16


Father: Alexander MacLean

Mother: Emma Nicholson

robert darryl macLean - 1950 to 2006

Birth: 19 Jan 1950 Melrose, Massachusetts, USAbirth17

Death: 8 May 2006 Newburyport, Essex, Massachusetts, United Statesdeath17


Father: Robert Mertin MacLean

Mother: Merle C. MacLean

Robert MacMillan MacLean - 1923 to 1975

Birth: 04/02/1923 Brockton, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USAbirth18

Death: 21 Mar 1975


Father: MacMillan MacLean

Mother: Beatrice Madeline Fifield

Robert Wallace MacLean - 1890 to 1946

Birth: 3 Apr 1890 Springfield, Sangamon County, Illinois, United States of Americabirth19

Death: 25 Nov 1946 Toledo, Lucas, Ohio, USAdeath19


Father: Robert Wallace MacLean

Mother: Anna Huband

Robert MacLean - 1900 to 1995

Birth: 1900 Scotlandbirth20

Death: 5//6//1995 Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotlanddeath20


Father: John Rodger Maclean

Mother: Euphemia Jaap

Robert MacLean - 1900 to 1995

Birth: 1900 Scotlandbirth21

Death: 5//6//1995 Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotlanddeath21


Father: John Rodger Maclean

Mother: Euphemia Jaap

Robert Wallace MacLean - 1890 to 1946

Birth: 3 Apr 1890 Springfield, Sangamon County, Illinois, United States of Americabirth22

Death: 25 Nov 1946 Toledo, Lucas, Ohio, USAdeath22


Father: Robert Wallace MacLean

Mother: Anna Huband

Robert Maclean - 1923 to 1992

Birth: 3 Apr 1923 Port Glasgow, Renfrewshire, Scotlandbirth23

Death: Dec 1992 Ashford, Kent, Englanddeath23


Father: Robert Kirkwood MacLean

Mother: Ann Sweenie

Robert MacLean - 1941 to 2015

Birth: 21 Nov 1941 Sandhurst, Englandbirth24

Death: 21 Nov 2015 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canadadeath24


Father: Iain Maclean

Mother: Christina Black

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