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Results for "Roy Westbrook"

1 - 25 of 86 Records

Roy Oscar Westbrook - 1929 to 1998

Birth: 29 Dec 1929 Paris, Lamar, Texas, USAbirth0

Death: 18 Jun 1998 Dallas, Dallas, Texas, USAdeath0


Father: Roy F Westbrook

Mother: Winnie Jones

Roy Oscar Westbrook - 1929 to 1998

Birth: 29 Dec 1929 Paris, Lamar, Texas, USAbirth1

Death: 18 Jun 1998 Dallas, Dallas, Texas, USAdeath1


Father: Roy F Westbrook

Mother: Winnie Jones

Roy Thurman Westbrook - 1926 to 1964

Birth: 23 Dec 1926 Arkansasbirth2

Death: 15 Apr 1964 Arkansasdeath2


Father: Roy Everette Westbrook

Mother: Alice Marie Mitchell

Roy R Westbrook - 1900 to 1974

Birth: 20 Aug 1900 Hominy, OKbirth3

Death: Dec 1974 Tulsa, OKdeath3


Father: Max Westbrook

Mother: Anna L Richards

Roy Lee Westbrook - 1942 to 2005

Birth: 4 October 1942 Cherokee, Texasbirth4

Death: 06 Apr 2005


Father: Robert Lee Westbrook

Mother: Audra Modelle Allen

Roy E Westbrook - 1891

Birth: Aug 1891 Pettis County, Missouri, USAbirth5

Death: Not Available Denver County, Colorado, USAdeath5


Father: John Richard Westbrook

Mother: Mary Anna Graham

Roy Westbrook - 1895 to 1955

Birth: Feb 1895 Marylandbirth6

Death: 8/11/1955 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USAdeath6


Father: William H Westbrook

Mother: Lydia J Worth

ROY GLENN WESTBROOK - 1928 to 1986

Birth: Jun 06, 1928 Tate, Pickens Co. Ga.birth7

Death: 20 Nov 1986


Father: Ruy Westhroade

Mother: Laska Mae Stamper

Roy WESTBROOK - 1894 to 1969

Birth: 24 Nov 1894 Columbus, Platte, Nebraskabirth8

Death: Aug 1969 Caldwell, Canyon, Idaho, USAdeath8


Father: Burton Westbrook

Mother: Nellie E. O'CONNOR

Roy Westbrook - 1921 to 2014

Birth: 22 Dec 1921 Pleasant Ridge, Wood County, Texas, USAbirth9

Death: 12 February 2014 Mineola, Wood County, Texas, USAdeath9


Father: WIlliam D. WESTBROOK

Mother: Vera Mae Jones

Roy Kelly Westbrook - 1893 to 1964

Birth: 6 May 1893 Rossville, Walker Co, GAbirth10

Death: 19 Mar 1964 Chattanooga, Hamilton, Tennessee, USAdeath10


Father: Gilliam Hudson Westbrook

Mother: Nancy Jane Rowe

Roy Westbrook - 1914

Birth: abt 1914 Arkansasbirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Charles R WESTBROOKS

Mother: Mattie RECTOR

Roy F Westbrook - 1900 to 1974

Birth: 1 August 1900 Glory, Lamar County, Texas, United States of Americabirth12

Death: 31 July 1974 Lamar County, Texas, United States of Americadeath12


Father: William "Billy" J Westbrooke

Mother: Mary Elizabeth "Annie" HOWELL Westbrook

Roy Calvin Westbrook - 1895 to 1979

Birth: 8 Feb 1895 Brodhead, Wisconsinbirth13

Death: 24 Jul 1979 Beloit, Rock, Wisconsin, USAdeath13


Father: Hiram F WESTBROOK

Mother: Edith Josephine (Jennie) Hawkins

Roy Allen Westbrook - 1920 to 1965

Birth: 12 AUG 1920 Fort Worth, Tarrant, Texas, USAbirth14

Death: 07 APR 1965 Fort Worth, Tarrant, Texas, USAdeath14


Father: Roy Allen (Cherry) Westbrook

Mother: Gladys Pearl Shoemaker

Roy G Westbrook - 1917 to 1997

Birth: 3 Jul 1917 Stillwater, New Jerseybirth15

Death: 12 May 1997


Father: Lewis C Westbrook

Mother: Henrietta "Nettie" Strong

Roy Allen (Cherry) Westbrook - 1894 to 1965

Birth: 19 Oct 1894 Indian Terr, now Ardmore, Carter, Oklahoma, United States

Death: 21 May 1965 Death certificate Tarrant, Texas, United Statesdeath16


Father: Bartley B Westbrook

Mother: Lucy Jane Cherry

Roy A Westbrook - 1901 to 1971

Birth: 25 Sep 1901 Msbirth17

Death: Dec 1971 Magnolia, Pike, Mississippideath17


Father: Richard Creech Westbrook

Mother: Susanna V Wactor

Roy Alvin (Milton) Westbrook - 1921 to 2014

Birth: 22 Dec 1921 Pleasant Ridge, Wood County, Texas, USAbirth18

Death: 12 February 2014 Mineola, Wood County, Texas, USAdeath18


Father: WIlliam D. WESTBROOK

Mother: Vera Mae Jones

Roy Lee Westbrook - 1909 to 1969

Birth: 5 Nov 1909 Georgiabirth19

Death: 2 May 1969 Georgia, United Statesdeath19


Father: Willard Wesbrook

Mother: Annie Rosalie Patterson

Roy Everett Westbrook - 1905 to 1978

Birth: 11 Apr 1905 Traskwood, Saline Co., ARArkansas

Death: 17 Apr 1978 Benton, Saline, Arkansas, USAdeath20


Father: Alexander Hardman Westbrook

Mother: Alice Eugenia Webb

Roy Westbrook - 1905 to 1957

Birth: 1905 Californiabirth21

Death: 08 DEC 1957 San Francisco, San Francisco, California, USAdeath21


Father: John Roy Westbrook

Mother: Lilly Ross

Roy Westbrook - 1901 to 1952

Birth: 13 Feb 1901 McNeil Arkansasbirth22

Death: 26 Jun 1952 Crossett, Ashley, Arkansas, USAdeath22


Father: Lewis Albert Westbrook

Mother: Ada Ophelia Gilbert

Roy C. Westbrook - 1898 to 1899

Birth: Oct 1898 Texasbirth23

Death: 05 Oct 1899 Antlers, Pushnataha, Oklahoma, USAdeath23


Father: Henry Clay Westbrook

Mother: Martha Ashby

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