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Results for "Ruth Bechtold"

1 - 25 of 43 Records

Ruth K Bechtold - 1903 to 1971

Birth: July 3, 1903 Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USAbirth0

Death: 28 Nov 1971


Father: Ulysees Grant Bechtold

Mother: Alice Amelia Fizz (Fiss)

Ruth Bechtold - 1902 to 1981

Birth: abt 1902 Kansasbirth1

Death: 05 Feb 1981


Father: Frank Bechtold

Mother: Ellen Whalen

Ruth E Bechtold - 1912 to 1958

Birth: abt 1912 Pennsylvaniabirth2

Death: 21 Oct 1958 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAdeath2


Father: Edward H Bechtold

Mother: Nellie Guilfoyle

Ruth H Bechtold - 1899 to 1989

Birth: 22 Dec 1899 Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth3

Death: 18 May 1989 Deland, Floridadeath3



Mother: Clara S. Strunk

Ruth Bechtold - 1924 to 1973

Birth: 11 SEP 1924 Sawyer, Ward, North Dakota, USAbirth4

Death: 09 JAN 1973 Minot, Ward, North Dakota, USAdeath4


Father: Carl P BECHTOLD

Mother: Freda Berg

Ruth Grace Bechtold - 1927 to 2012

Birth: 14 May 1927 Kentuckybirth5

Death: Jun 2012 Crestview Hills, Kenton, Kentucky, USAdeath5


Father: Alonzo Bechtold

Mother: Grace Jane McManama

Ruth Bechtold - 1893 to 1945

Birth: abt 1893 Pennsylvaniabirth6

Death: 11 March 1945 Cleona, Lebanon, Pennsylvania, USAdeath6


Father: Anios Franklin Bechtold

Mother: Louisa M Petry

Ruth Eileen Bechtold - 1913 to 1992

Birth: 15 Nov 1913 Bippus, Huntington, Indiana, USAbirth7

Death: 4 Jan 1992 Findlay, Hancock, Ohio, USAdeath7


Father: Conrad Irvin "Coon" Bechtold

Mother: Glennie Idesta Elsea

Ruth Bechtold - 1915 to 1970

Birth: 10 Apr 1915 Queens, New York, USAbirth8

Death: 22 Feb 1970 Ridgewood, Queens, New York, USAdeath8


Father: Herman Bechtold

Mother: Freida Bechtold

Ruth Ada Bechtold - 1895 to 1927

Birth: 18 Jan 1895 Liberia, Pennsylvaniabirth9

Death: 15 Dec 1927 Polk, Venango, Pennsylvania, USAdeath9


Father: Joseph R Bechtold

Mother: Ellen C Knittle

Ruth M Bechtold - 1930 to 1993

Birth: abt 1930 New Yorkbirth10

Death: 05 Mar 1993 San Joaquin, Californiadeath10


Father: Frank Joseph Bechtold

Mother: Harriett Mary "Hattie" Reichert

Ruth Margret Bechtold - 1921 to 1994

Birth: 02 Apr 1921 Metuchen, Middlesex, New Jersey, USAbirth11

Death: 05 Jul 1994 Hazelwood, St Louis, Missouri, USAdeath11


Father: Edward William Bechtold

Mother: Maud Howland

Ruth Bechtold - 1901

Birth: 1901 United Statesbirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Emily Bechtold

Mother: Homeyer Bechtold

Ruth A Bechtold - 1898

Birth: Aug 1898 Pennsylvaniabirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Gustav Conrad Bechtold

Mother: Magdelena Jacobina Baumgartner

Ruth Bechtold - 1909 to 1926

Birth: 1909 New York, New York USAbirth14

Death: 1926 San Francisco, CA, USAdeath14


Father: George Bechtold

Mother: Celia Bechtold

Ruth C Bechtold - 1907

Birth: 27 Jan 1907 Kings, New York, USAbirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Charles Carl "Chas ". Carlus Bechtoldt

Mother: Catherine Bechtold

Ruth Mae Bechtold - 1926 to 2000

Birth: 5 Mar 1926 Lancaster LA, Pennsylvaniabirth16

Death: 11 May 2000


Father: John Smith Bechtold

Mother: Ursula B Myer

Female IconMale Icon

Ruth Bechtold - 1955 to 1955

Birth: 7 Juni 1955

Death: 8 Juni 1955 Darmstadt, Hessen, Deutschlanddeath17


Father: Arthur Bechtold

Mother: Gerda Margaretha Geist Bechtold

Ruth Ann Bechtold - 1932 to 2017

Birth: 7 Apr 1932 Pennsylvaniabirth18

Death: 19 Sep 2017 Pennsylvaniadeath18


Father: James Schindler Bechtold

Mother: Clare R. McHale

Ruth Bechtold - 1905

Birth: abt 1905 New Yorkbirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Julius Henry Bechtold

Mother: Caroline Henrietta Schultz

Ruth Bechtold - 1901

Birth: 1901 New York, USAbirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: George Bechtold

Mother: amelia Cullman

Ruth Bechtold - 1895

Birth: 1895 USAbirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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