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Results for "Ruth Satterlee"

1 - 25 of 36 Records

Ruth Satterlee - 1923 to 2005

Birth: 3 Mar 1923 Missouri, United States of Americabirth0

Death: August 7, 2005 Euless, Tarrant, Texas, USAdeath0


Father: James Lake Satterlee

Mother: Polly Ann Brakebill

Ruth Satterlee - 1923 to 2005

Birth: 3 Mar 1923 Missouri, United States of Americabirth1

Death: August 7, 2005 Euless, Tarrant, Texas, USAdeath1


Father: James Lake Satterlee

Mother: Polly Ann Brakebill

Ruth Satterlee - 1803 to 1880

Birth: abt 1803 Springfield, Otsego, New York, USAbirth2

Death: 1880 Warrick, Illinois, United Statesdeath2


Father: Asa Case Satterlee

Mother: Mary Curtis

Ruth Satterlee - 1877 to 1951

Birth: Jun 1877 Iowabirth3

Death: 1951 Polk County, Iowadeath3


Father: Oliver Perry Satterlee

Mother: Elizabeth Jane Grass

Ruth Anna satterlee - 1919 to 2005

Birth: 21 Nov. 1919 Brule County, South Dakota, USAbirth4

Death: 2 Mar 2005 Eagle Grove, Wright, Iowadeath4


Father: Frank C Satterlee

Mother: Alma Bailey

Ruth Satterlee - 1803 to 1880

Birth: abt 1803 Springfield, Otsego, New York, USAbirth5

Death: 1880 Warrick, Illinois, United Statesdeath5


Father: Asa Case Satterlee

Mother: Mary Curtis

Ruth Satterlee - 1803 to 1880

Birth: abt 1803 Springfield, Otsego, New York, USAbirth6

Death: 1880 Warrick, Illinois, United Statesdeath6


Father: Asa Case Satterlee

Mother: Mary Curtis

Ruth J Satterlee - 1905

Birth: abt 1905 South Dakotabirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Benjamin F Satterlee

Mother: Jennie Blanche Besancon

Ruth Satterlee - 1907 to 1997

Birth: 1907 Illinois, USAbirth8

Death: 1997


Father: George Christopher Gimpel


Ruth Satterlee - 1907 to 1997

Birth: 1907 Illinois, USAbirth9

Death: 1997


Father: George Christopher Gimpel


Ruth A Satterlee - 1908 to 2009

Birth: abt 1908 Michigan, USAbirth10

Death: 21 Jun 2009


Father: Benjamin Franklin Satterlee

Mother: Mabel Amidon

Ruth A Satterlee - 1908 to 2009

Birth: abt 1908 Michigan, USAbirth11

Death: 21 Jun 2009


Father: Benjamin Franklin Satterlee

Mother: Mabel Amidon

Ruth Beatrice Satterlee - 1910 to 1998

Birth: 28 Jun 1910 Mott Twp, Franklin, Iowabirth12

Death: 12 Apr 1998 Springfield, Ohiodeath12


Father: Perry Arthur Satterlee

Mother: Edna Ruth Riddlesbarger

Ruth Elizabeth Satterlee - 1914 to 1988

Birth: abt 1914 Floridabirth13

Death: 5 Aug 1988 Sarasota, Sarasota, Florida, USAdeath13


Father: Charles Canfield Satterlee

Mother: Carrie Louise Harrington

Ruth Elizabeth Satterlee - 1914 to 1988

Birth: abt 1914 Floridabirth14

Death: 5 Aug 1988 Sarasota, Sarasota, Florida, USAdeath14


Father: Charles Canfield Satterlee

Mother: Carrie Louise Harrington

Ruth Marion Satterlee - 1891 to 1971

Birth: Sep 1891 Manitou Springs, El Paso, Colorado, USAbirth15

Death: 31 Dec 1971 Kingman, Mohave, Arizona, United Statesdeath15


Father: George Larkin "Si" Satterlee

Mother: America Moore

Ruth Vera Satterlee - 1921 to 2012

Birth: 12 Apr 1921 Idahobirth16

Death: 14 Jan 2012 Omaha, Douglas, Nebraskadeath16


Father: Roy J. Satterlee

Mother: Adela Adele Glas

Ruth Lillian Satterlee - 1904 to 1955

Birth: 28 MAR 1904 Greenville, Montcalm County, Michiganbirth17

Death: 21 DEC 1955 Greenville, Montcalm County, Michigandeath17


Father: Walter George(Godfrey) Satterlee

Mother: Anna Amelia Benham

Ruth Satterlee - 1838 to 1930

Birth: 28 Apr 1838 Elmira, Chemung, New York, USAbirth18

Death: Abt 1930 Elmira, Chemung, New Yorkdeath18


Father: Timothy Smith Satterlee

Mother: Mary Anna Seeley

Ruth Arlene Satterlee - 1907 to 1965

Birth: 08 OCT 1907 Oakland, Alameda County, Californiabirth19

Death: June 1965 Flint MIdeath19


Father: Ivan Claude Satterlee

Mother: Olive Stella Shier

Ruth Satterlee - 1895

Birth: 24 Oct 1895 Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, USAbirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Charly Satterlee

Mother: Nannie Burley

Ruth Louise Satterlee - 1911 to 1915

Birth: 31 Oct 1911 Tacoma, Pierce, Washington, United Statesbirth21

Death: 23 MAY 1915 Tacoma, Washingtondeath21


Father: William Brandon Satterlee

Mother: Jessie Evelyn Doyle

Ruth Helene Satterlee - 1919 to 2004

Birth: 5 Sep 1919 Whitehall, Muskegon, Michigan, USAbirth22

Death: 1 Sep 2004 Paynesville, Stearns, Minnesota, USAdeath22


Father: Claud Webster Satterlee

Mother: Flossie Bernice Gates

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