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Results for "søren krogh"

Name: Søren de Fine von Krogh

Birth: 4 DEC 1871 Bergen, Norway

Death: 1917

Father: Hans Christian Frørup von Krogh

Mother: Hanna Elisabeth Johannesen

Name: Søren Nielsen Krogh

Birth: 28 AUG 1805 Holme

Death: 2 AUG 1892 Holme

Father: Niels Nielsen Krogh

Mother: Ane Sørensdatter

Name: Søren Michael Nielsen Krogh

Birth: 05 Dec 1880 Permelille, Samsø, Denmark

Death: 1947 Løsning, Vejle, Denmark

Father: Villads Nielsen Krogh

Mother: Birthe Marie Sørensdatter Ruggård

Name: Søren Krogh

Birth: Abt 1791 Nykøbing, Morsø Sønder, Thisted, Denmark

Death: Not Available

Father: Niels Nielsen Krog

Mother: Ane Iversdatter Sepstrup

Name: Søren Krogh

Birth: 27 JUN 1903 Ormslev

Death: Not Available

Father: Søren Peter Sørensen Krogh

Mother: Ane Katrine Jakobsen

Name: Søren Krogh

Birth: 1861

Death: 25 Maj

Father: Hans Wollesen Krog

Mother: Kjesten Sørensen Sørensen

Name: Søren Jensen Poulsen Krogh

Birth: 10 MAY 1902 Fladkærgaard, Vestrup

Death: Not Available

Father: Anders Krogh Poulsen

Mother: Semine Kristine Jensen

Name: Søren Chistian Krogh

Birth: 1817

Death: Not Available

Father: Christen Michelsen Krogh

Mother: Karen Sørensdatter

Name: Søren Løren Krogh

Birth: 1830

Death: Not Available

Father: Jacob Eriksen

Mother: Anne Marie Kristiansdatter Kopperud

Name: Søren Peter Andersen Krogh

Birth: 23 Jun 1887 Dråby Sogn, Grenå, Mols

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Petrine Sørensen

Name: Søren Jensen Krogh

Birth: 1816 Skinnerup S., Th. Amt

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Søren Krogh

Birth: 1791 Nykjøbing Paa M

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Søren Andersen Krogh

Birth: 1830 Kolding

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Søren Krogh

Birth: 1790 Nykjøbing

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Søren Krogh

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Søren Peter Nielsen Krogh

Birth: 4./8./1890 Brønderslev, Nordjütland, Dänemark

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Søren Krogh

Birth: 06 Dec 1866

Death: 19 Apr 1933 dis

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Søren Krogh

Birth: 26 Jun 1903 Ormslev, Ning, Århus, Denmark

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Søren Krogh

Birth: 12 MAR 1908

Death: 29 NOV 1977

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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