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Results for "Samuel Kelsey"

1 - 25 of 372 Records

Samuel Kelsey - 1893 to 1956

Birth: 30 Mar 1893 Kansas, USAbirth0

Death: 09 Nov 1956 Alameda, California, USAdeath0


Father: Samuel Ort Kelsey

Mother: Minnie V Baughman

Samuel Mulliner Kelsey - 1856 to 1923

Birth: 06 May 1856 Fort Union,Salt Lake,Utahbirth1

Death: 1923/06/27 Cedar City, Iron, Utah, United Statesdeath1


Father: Easton Kelsey

Mother: Jeanette Sutherland Mulliner

Samuel Andrew Kelsey - 1874 to 1949

Birth: 3 December 1874 Charleston Township, Pennsylvania, USAbirth2

Death: 08 Jan 1949 Knoxville, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United Statesdeath2


Father: John D Kelsey

Mother: Cornelia Louise Backus

Samuel Kelsey - 1893 to 1956

Birth: 30 Mar 1893 Kansas, USAbirth3

Death: 09 Nov 1956 Alameda, California, USAdeath3


Father: Samuel Ort Kelsey

Mother: Minnie V Baughman

Samuel Truman Kelsey - 1869 to 1940

Birth: May 1869 Franklin County, Kansas, USAbirth4

Death: 6 Mar 1940 Los Angeles, CAdeath4


Father: Samuel Truman Kelsey

Mother: Katherine Elizabeth Ricksecker

Samuel J Kelsey - 1871 to 1951

Birth: Jan 1871 New Yorkbirth5

Death: 28 Sep 1951 Pittston, Kennebec, Maine, USAdeath5


Father: John Wentworth Kelsey

Mother: Martha E Johnson

Samuel J Kelsey - 1871 to 1951

Birth: Jan 1871 New Yorkbirth6

Death: 28 Sep 1951 Pittston, Kennebec, Maine, USAdeath6


Father: John Wentworth Kelsey

Mother: Martha E Johnson

Samuel Truman Kelsey - 1869 to 1940

Birth: May 1869 Franklin County, Kansas, USAbirth7

Death: 6 Mar 1940 Los Angeles, CAdeath7


Father: Samuel Truman Kelsey

Mother: Katherine Elizabeth Ricksecker

Samuel A Kelsey - 1828 to 1863

Birth: 1828 Hampshire, West Virginia, USAbirth8

Death: 15 Aug 1863 Adams G H Memphis, Tennesseedeath8


Father: John Kelsey

Mother: Rachel Helvie

Samuel A Kelsey - 1828 to 1863

Birth: 1828 Hampshire, West Virginia, USAbirth9

Death: 15 Aug 1863 Adams G H Memphis, Tennesseedeath9


Father: John Kelsey

Mother: Rachel Helvie

Samuel A Kelsey - 1828 to 1863

Birth: 1828 Hampshire, West Virginia, USAbirth10

Death: 15 Aug 1863 Adams G H Memphis, Tennesseedeath10


Father: John Kelsey

Mother: Rachel Helvie

samuel richard kelsey - 1873 to 1948

Birth: January 1873 Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, Englandbirth11

Death: 4 Aug 1948 29 Lorne Street, Oswestry, Shropshire, Englanddeath11


Father: George Kelsey

Mother: Elizabeth Morris

Samuel Kelsey - 1897 to 1993

Birth: Apr 29 1897 Georgiabirth12

Death: 8 Jan 1993 Washington, District of Columbia, District of Columbia, USAdeath12


Father: Samuel Kelsey

Mother: Ella Swint

Samuel Kelsey - 1910 to 1988

Birth: abt 1910 United Statesbirth13

Death: 25 Jan 1988 Hornell, Steuben, New York, USAdeath13


Father: Josiah S Kelsey

Mother: Isabelle Curry

Samuel Kelsey - 1910 to 1988

Birth: abt 1910 United Statesbirth14

Death: 25 Jan 1988 Hornell, Steuben, New York, USAdeath14


Father: Josiah S Kelsey

Mother: Isabelle Curry

samuel richard kelsey - 1873 to 1948

Birth: January 1873 Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, Englandbirth15

Death: 4 Aug 1948 29 Lorne Street, Oswestry, Shropshire, Englanddeath15


Father: George Kelsey

Mother: Elizabeth Morris

Samuel Truman Kelsey - 1888 to 1951

Birth: 15 Jul 1888 Eureka, California, USAbirth16

Death: 5 Jul 1951 , Sonoma, CAdeath16


Father: Samuel Truman Kelsey

Mother: Mattie Alma Hendee

Samuel Kelsey - 1775 to 1841

Birth: 12 Jul 1775 Alford, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United Statesbirth17

Death: 1 Oct 1841 Great Valley, Cattaraugus, New York, United Statesdeath17


Father: Stephen Kelsey

Mother: Sarah Averill

Samuel Kelsey - 1814 to 1872

Birth: 31 MAR 1814 Stowe Ohiobirth18

Death: 6 APR 1872 Michigandeath18


Father: Francis Kelsey

Mother: Sally Darling

Samuel Kelso Kelsey - 1720 to 1796

Birth: 1720 Ayrshire, Scotlandbirth19

Death: 16 Aug 1796 Fishing Creek, Chester, South Carolina, United Statesdeath19


Father: *Samuel Alexander Kelsey (Kelso)

Mother: Sarah Margaret Kelso McKelvy

SAMUEL Kelsey - 1777 to 1857

Birth: 2 MAR 1777 Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, United Statesbirth20

Death: 7 Jan 1857 Clinton, Middlesex, Connecticut, United Statesdeath20


Father: Samuel KELSEY

Mother: Temperance Chatfield Kelsey

Samuel Kelsey - 1881 to 1951

Birth: 31 Dec 1881 Kansasbirth21

Death: 08 Aug 1951


Father: James Fisher Kelsey

Mother: Jane Babb

Samuel Kelsey - 1782 to 1861

Birth: 2 Feb 1782 Berlin, Hartford, Connecticut, USAbirth22

Death: 23 APR 1861 , Hartford, Connecticutdeath22


Father: William H KELSEY

Mother: Dorothy Kelsey

Samuel Stillman Kelsey - 1821 to 1862

Birth: 15 Oct 1821 Antwerp, Jefferson, New York, USAbirth23

Death: 18 Dec 1862 Galisburg, Illinois, USAdeath23


Father: Reuben Stillman Kelsey

Mother: Rebecca Bushnell

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