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Results for "samuel westbrook"

Name: Samuel Westbrook

Birth: 26 May 1848 Belmont, Ohio, United States

Death: 1922 Cross Creek, Jefferson County, Ohio

Father: Alfred Westbrook

Mother: Sarah (Wise) Westbrook

Name: Samuel Jerome Westbrook

Birth: 21 Nov 1914 Smyrna, Cobb, Georgia, USA

Death: 30 Nov 1999 Atlanta, Dekalb, Georgia, USA

Father: Jerome Fletcher Westbrook

Mother: Myrtle Yeoman

Name: Samuel Earl Westbrook

Birth: 19 August 1921 Mingo, Sampson County, North Carolina, USA

Death: 10 Dec 2008 Winston-Salem, Forsyth, North Carolina

Father: William Claude Westbrook

Mother: Ada LEE

Name: Samuel Waite Westbrook

Birth: 13 Jun 1868 NC

Death: 25 Jan 1947 Monroe, Alabama

Father: Charles Wall Westbrook

Mother: Nancy Elizabeth Ward

Name: Samuel Westbrook

Birth: abt 1827 Meadow Township, Johnston Co., NC

Death: 6/1870 Ouachita Parish, Louisiana, USA

Father: Uriah Westbrook

Mother: Bershaby Thornton

Name: Samuel Westbrook

Birth: 23 October 1794 Rotherhithe, London, England

Death: 2 Mar 1866 Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

Father: Henry WESTBROOK

Mother: Sarah TAYLOR

Name: Samuel Vaughn Westbrook

Birth: 13 Oct 1778 Virginia, United States

Death: 09 Mar 1867 Forsyth, Georgia, United States

Father: James Westbrook

Mother: Sylvania Ann Vaughan

Name: Samuel A Westbrook

Birth: 29 Apr 1833 Maury, Tennessee, USA

Death: 1899

Father: Thomas Westbrook

Mother: Lucinda Gatewood

Name: Samuel H. Westbrook

Birth: Jan 1899 Negreet, Sabine, Louisiana, USA

Death: 07 MAR 1952 Natchez, MS

Father: Thomas Franklin Westbrook

Mother: Martha Antony

Name: Samuel Westbrook

Birth: 09 Feb 1746 Minisink, Morris, New Jersey, USA

Death: 10 July 1833 Van Etten, Chemung, New York, USA

Father: Cornelius Johannes Westbrook

Mother: Annetjen Roosa

Name: Samuel Westbrook

Birth: 12 Mar 1749 Minisink, Orange, New York, USA

Death: 16 Jan 1811 probably Chemung, Chemung Co, NY

Father: Johannes Westbroek

Mother: Magdalena Decker

Name: Samuel Dendy Westbrook

Birth: 18 Feb 1810 or 2 Jan 1810 St Martin, Dorking, Surrey, England or Capel

Death: Mar 1869 Petworth, Sussex, England

Father: Charles Westbrook

Mother: Sarah Dendy

Name: SAMUEL James Westbrook

Birth: 22 Jun 1862 Launceston, Tasmania, Australia

Death: 5 July 1939 Manly, New South Wales, Australia

Father: JAMES Horatio Westbrook

Mother: Margaret Bacon

Name: Samuel Westbrook

Birth: 1880 St Luke, London, , England

Death: 12 Jun 1937

Father: William Robert Westbrook

Mother: Alice Hunt

Name: Samuel John Westbrook

Birth: 24 Jul 1883 Middlesex, United Kingdom

Death: Mar 1974 Hillingdon, Middlesex, England

Father: Samual Westbrook

Mother: Elizabeth Sophia Titmarsh

Name: Samuel Westbrook

Birth: 1 Jun 1769 Jones, North Carolina, United States

Death: 30 Dec 1840 Jones Co, North Carolina, USA

Father: Benjamin Westbrook

Mother: Faithy Westbrook

Name: Samuel Westbrook

Birth: 1724 Virginia

Death: 1782 Southampton, Virginia, United States

Father: Samuel Westbrook

Mother: Anne Westbrook

Name: Samuel WESTBROOK

Birth: Jun 1844 Wotton, Surrey, England

Death: Bet. Oct–Dec 1874 Dorking, Surrey, England

Father: Isaac Westbrook

Mother: Harriet Ann Lambeth

Name: Samuel Westbrook

Birth: 4 Oct 1866 Lesslie, York, South Carolina

Death: 7 Jul 1938 Lesslie, York, South Carolina

Father: John Wherry Westbrook

Mother: Helen Westbrook

Name: Samuel Ellison Westbrook

Birth: 31 Aug 1809 Warren, Kentucky, USA

Death: 14 Feb 1907 Eldorado, Saline County, Illinois, United States of America

Father: James Westbrook

Mother: Anne McGowen

Name: Samuel Westbrook

Birth: 1689 Isle of Wright, Colony of Virginia

Death: July 1761 Southamption, Colony of Virginia

Father: James Manley Westbrook

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Puckett

Name: Samuel Westbrook

Birth: 14 December 1830 South Carolina, USA

Death: 1 Sep 1901 Cumming, Forsyth County, Georgia, USA

Father: Wiley Francis Westbrook

Mother: Rebecca C Mooney

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