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Results for "Sara Wikberg"

1 - 12 of 12 Records

Sara Kristina Wikberg - 1849 to 1938

Birth: 24 Sep 1849 Stigsjö, Västernorrland, Sverigebirth0

Death: 1938


Father: Karl Wikberg

Mother: Anna Brita Staaf

Sara Brita Wikberg - 1844 to 1927

Birth: 3 Apr 1844 stanskär, Indalbirth1

Death: 1 Dec 1927 Västloning, Västernorrland, Sverigedeath1


Father: Jonas Wikberg

Mother: Marta Märta Matsdotter

Sara Wikberg - 1949 to 2016

Birth: 10 nov.1949 Glommersträskbirth2

Death: 11 jan. 2016 Roknäs, Norrbotten, Sverigedeath2


Father: Gösta Engelbert Vikberg

Mother: Göta Dagny Linnea Vikberg f. Öberg

Sara Fredrika Wikberg - 1867

Birth: 03 Feb 1867 Bjuråker, Gävleborg, Swedenbirth3

Death: Not Available


Father: Anders Olof Wikberg

Mother: Katarina Margareta Imberg

Sara Debora Wikberg - 1933 to 1933

Birth: 9 Feb 1933 Själevad, Västernorrland, Swedenbirth4

Death: 3 Maj 1933 Själevad, Västernorrland, Sverigedeath4


Father: Erik Roland Wikberg

Mother: Albertina Sundgren

Sara Charlotta Wikberg - 1866 to 1866

Birth: 26 okt 1866 sterhängsta, Indalbirth5

Death: 17 nov 1866 Hängsta, Indaldeath5


Father: Johan Wikberg

Mother: Ingrid Stina Hagström

Sara Brigitta Wikberg - 1777 to 1777

Birth: 15 APR 1777 Nedertornebirth6

Death: 27 JUN 1777 Vuono, Norrbotten, Swedendeath6


Father: Lars Lorentz Larsson Wikberg

Mother: Brita Maria Persdotter Planting

Sara Karolina Wikberg - 1914

Birth: 16 Jun 1914 Fredsbergbirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Johan Valfrid Vikberg

Mother: Anna Josefina Eriksson

Sara Magdalena Wikberg - 1805

Birth: 19 JUN 1805 Strande, Arnäs (Y

Death: Not Available


Father: Lars Eriksson Wikberg

Mother: Lena Stina Andersdotter

Sara Wikberg

Birth: Not Available Karlanda Värmlandbirth9

Death: 1955


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Sara Wikberg - 1840

Birth: 13 Aug 1840

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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