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Results for "sarah bolas"

Name: Sarah Bolas

Birth: 1802 Maxstoke, Warwickshire, England

Death: January 1867 Hampton in Arden, Warwickshire, England

Father: William Bolas

Mother: Catherine Smith

Name: Sarah Ann Bolas

Birth: 1876 Kings Norton, Worcestershire, England

Death: About 1935 Warwick, England, United Kingdom

Father: Henry Bolas

Mother: Sarah Sellers

Name: sarah bolas

Birth: 5th July 1771 Sheldon

Death: Oct 26 1771 Sheldon, Warwickshire, England

Father: John Bolas

Mother: Mary Haskey

Name: Sarah Jane Bolas

Birth: Mar 1880 Wrockwardine Wood, Shropshire, England

Death: Jun 1882 Shropshire, United Kingdom

Father: Samuel Bolas

Mother: Sarah Ann Shore

Name: Sarah BOLAS

Birth: 19 FEB 1812 Edgmond, Salop

Death: MAR 1812

Father: John Bolas

Mother: Elizabeth James

Name: Sarah Ellen Bolas

Birth: abt 1877 Chirk, Denbighshire, Wales

Death: 12 Apr 1948 Denbighshire, Wales

Father: William Bolas

Mother: Sophia Williams

Name: Sarah Rebecca Bolas

Birth: 1821 Little Wenlock, Shropshire, England

Death: 15 June 1888 Little Wenlock, Shropshire, England

Father: Richard Bolas

Mother: Rebecca Rogers

Name: Sarah Jane Bolas

Birth: ABT 1859 Lilleshall, Shropshire, England, United Kingdom

Death: 16 Aug 1948 Blackburn, Lancashire, England

Father: William Bolas

Mother: Esther Darricott

Name: Sarah Bolas

Birth: 11 May 1842 Red Hill, Shropshire, England

Death: January 1869 Wellington, Shropshire

Father: George Bolas

Mother: Jane TAYLOR

Name: Sarah Jane Bolas

Birth: 1858 St. George's, Shropshire, England

Death: April 1859 Shifnal, Shropshire

Father: Isaac BOLAS

Mother: Jemima Williams

Name: Sarah Bolas

Birth: 1710 Hinstock, Shropshire, England

Death: 1 May 1710 Hinstock, Shropshire, England

Father: Thomas Bolas

Mother: Helena Bulkeley

Name: Sarah Bolas

Birth: abt 1841 Warrington, Lancashire, England

Death: Not Available

Father: Richard Bolas

Mother: Emma Johnson

Name: Sarah Bolas

Birth: 25 November 1849 Chirk, Denbighshire

Death: Not Available


Mother: Naomi Jones

Name: Sarah Bolas

Birth: abt 1874 Old Park, Shropshire, England

Death: Not Available

Father: Richard Bolas

Mother: Alice 'Elsie' Lloyd

Name: Sarah Bolas

Birth: 1776 Little Wenlock Shropshire bap 15 Mar 1776

Death: Not Available

Father: Richard Bolas

Mother: Ann Shepherd

Name: Sarah Bolas

Birth: abt 1756 Edstaston, Shropshire, England

Death: Abt 1802

Father: John Bolas

Mother: Private

Name: Sarah Bolas

Birth: 1832 Birmingham

Death: October 1914 King's Norton, Warwickshire

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Sarah Bolas

Birth: abt 1837 Edgmond, Shropshire, England

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Sarah Bolas

Birth: abt 1820 Yorkshire, England

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Sarah Bolas

Birth: abt 1811 Prees, Shropshire, England

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Sarah Bolas

Birth: abt 1843 Powis, Montgomeryshire, Wales

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Sarah Bolas

Birth: abt 1829 Birmingham, Warwickshire, England

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Sarah Bolas

Birth: 1811 Everton

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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