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Results for "Sarah Haney"

1 - 25 of 953 Records

Sarah Haney - 1873 to 1976

Birth: 15 Apr 1873 Georgiabirth0

Death: 8 Jul 1976 Shamrock, Wheeler, Texas, USAdeath0


Father: John H Haney

Mother: Adeline Branum

Sarah A. Haney - 1865 to 1939

Birth: Oct 1865 , Monroe, Ohio, USAbirth1

Death: 27 Mai 1939 Lamberts Run, Harrison, West Virginiadeath1


Father: Cheseman Haney

Mother: sara elizabeth harmon

Sarah E. Haney - 1857 to 1944

Birth: Aug 1857 Summerhill, Cambria County, Pennsylvania, USAbirth2

Death: 4 July 1944 Monongahela, Washington County, Pennsylvania, USAdeath2


Father: Hugh Haney

Mother: Lydia Deford

Sarah Haney - 1877 to 1957

Birth: May 1877 Jackson, Tennessee, USAbirth3

Death: 28 Sep 1957 Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, USAdeath3


Father: John Haney

Mother: Perlitha Clytha Loftis

Sarah Marie Haney - 1919 to 1984

Birth: 24 November 1919 Florida, Parke, Indiana, USAbirth4

Death: 21 December 1984 Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana, United States of Americadeath4


Father: Henry H Haney

Mother: Anna Lawson

Sarah Ann HANEY - 1825 to 1892

Birth: 1825 Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, USAbirth5

Death: 06 July, 1892 burial, East Sand Creek cemetery, Oktibbeha Co. MSdeath5


Father: Robert T HANEY 3GG

Mother: Nancy Webb- Haney-Edmondson 3 GG

SARAH HANEY - 1881 to 1956

Birth: 2 September 1881 Macon County, North Carolina, United States of Americabirth6

Death: 8 Sep 1956 Gastonia, Gaston, North Carolina, USAdeath6


Father: John Gear Haney

Mother: Harriet Grant

Sarah Catherine Haney - 1884 to 1958

Birth: Sep 1884 Kentuckybirth7

Death: 27 Aug 1958 Woodford, Kentuckydeath7


Father: George Washington Haney

Mother: Luvicey Louisa Stapleton

Sarah Haney - 1873 to 1976

Birth: 15 Apr 1873 Georgiabirth8

Death: 8 Jul 1976 Shamrock, Wheeler, Texas, USAdeath8


Father: John H Haney

Mother: Adeline Branum

Sarah Haney - 1850 to 1926

Birth: 14 February 1850 Giles County, Tennessee, United States of Americabirth9

Death: 18 Sep 1926 , Dallas, Texas, USAdeath9


Father: David Meadow Haney

Mother: Elizabeth Jane Pettus

SARAH I HANEY - 1867 to 1949

Birth: 13 Feb 1867 , Fayette, Illinois, USAbirth10

Death: 27 Apr 1949 Cowley County, Kansas, USAdeath10


Father: Robert Haney

Mother: Sarah Gelsinger

Sarah Catherine Haney - 1884 to 1958

Birth: Sep 1884 Kentuckybirth11

Death: 27 Aug 1958 Woodford, Kentuckydeath11


Father: George Washington Haney

Mother: Luvicey Louisa Stapleton

Sarah Elizabeth Haney - 1835 to 1913

Birth: nov 22 1835 Norfolk, county, canada, West Ontario, Wells, North Dakota, USAbirth12

Death: 22 Aug 1913 Detroit, Michigan, USAdeath12


Father: Isaac Haney (Rev)

Mother: Sarah Cottington

Sarah Marie Haney - 1919 to 1984

Birth: 24 November 1919 Florida, Parke, Indiana, USAbirth13

Death: 21 December 1984 Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana, United States of Americadeath13


Father: Henry H Haney

Mother: Anna Lawson

Sarah E. Haney - 1857 to 1944

Birth: Aug 1857 Summerhill, Cambria County, Pennsylvania, USAbirth14

Death: 4 July 1944 Monongahela, Washington County, Pennsylvania, USAdeath14


Father: Hugh Haney

Mother: Lydia Deford

Sarah Elizabeth Haney - 1867 to 1930

Birth: Oct 1867 Kentuckybirth15

Death: 29 Aug 1930 Gweydan, Vermilion Parish, Louisiana, USAdeath15


Father: Elija Haney

Mother: Susan Almira Loftis

Sarah Jane Haney - 1867 to 1932

Birth: 15 Jan 1867 Douglas, Illinoisbirth16

Death: 06 Nov 1932 Bourbon, Douglas, Illinoisdeath16


Father: Henry James

Mother: Mary Eleanor Davis

Sarah Elizabeth Haney - 1850 to 1922

Birth: 16 Aug 1850 Cass, Texas, United Statesbirth17

Death: 16 Mar 1922 Nolan, Nolan, Texas, United Statesdeath17


Father: Benjamin Brewer Haney

Mother: Mary Brawley Oates

Sarah Olive Haney - 1901 to 1983

Birth: 14 Mar 1901 Kentuckybirth18

Death: 9 February 1983 Pulaski, Kentuckydeath18


Father: William Floyd Wilson

Mother: Doretta Wilson

Sarah Elizabeth Haney - 1850 to 1922

Birth: 16 Aug 1850 Cass, Texas, United Statesbirth19

Death: 16 Mar 1922 Nolan, Nolan, Texas, United Statesdeath19


Father: Benjamin Brewer Haney

Mother: Mary Brawley Oates

SARAH I HANEY - 1867 to 1949

Birth: 13 Feb 1867 , Fayette, Illinois, USAbirth20

Death: 27 Apr 1949 Cowley County, Kansas, USAdeath20


Father: Robert Haney

Mother: Sarah Gelsinger

Sarah Lou Haney - 1913 to 1956

Birth: 12/20/1913 Gilmer, Texasbirth21

Death: 29 Oct 1956 Houston, Harris, Texas, USAdeath21


Father: Benjamin Franklin Haney

Mother: Maggie Lee Thompson

Sarah "Sadie" Haney - 1899 to 1968

Birth: 18 October 1899 Indianabirth22

Death: 16 Oct 1968 Worthington, Greene, Indiana, United States of Americadeath22


Father: John William Haney

Mother: Elizabeth Frances Campbell

Sarah Haney - 1888 to 1955

Birth: 25 September 1888 Georgia, United Statesbirth23

Death: 27 April 1955 Austell, Georgiadeath23


Father: William Robert Haney

Mother: Mary Camp

Sarah E Haney - 1852 to 1919

Birth: 31 Oct 1852 Uniontown, Fayette, Pennsylvania, USAbirth24

Death: 10 Feb 1919 Upton, Weston, Wyoming, USAdeath24


Father: James HANEY

Mother: Elizabeth Jane Hildebrand

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