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Results for "Sarah Westbrook"

1 - 25 of 824 Records

Sarah H Westbrook - 1836 to 1907

Birth: 1836 Sampson County, North Carolina, USAbirth0

Death: 6 Aug 1907 Graham, Alamance County, North Carolina, USAdeath0


Father: Francis Westbrook

Mother: Sarah Sally Byrd

Sarah Westbrook - 1850 to 1930

Birth: 15 Nov 1850 Warren, Kentucky, United Statesbirth1

Death: 16 Dec 1930 Warren, Kentucky, United Statesdeath1


Father: George Westbrook

Mother: Elizabeth Josephine Palmer

Sarah Westbrook - 1851 to 1941

Birth: 13 March 1851 Louisianabirth2

Death: 15 February 1941 Union, Arkansasdeath2


Father: Uriah WESTBROOK

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Dean

Sarah Westbrook - 1851 to 1913

Birth: 20 Nov 1851 Johnston, North Carolina, United Statesbirth3

Death: 5 Dec 1913 Westbrooks, Sampson, North Carolina, United Statesdeath3


Father: Uriah (Royal) Westbrook---DNA

Mother: Sarah Tart

Sarah Wall Westbrook - 1818 to 1898

Birth: 22 Feb 1818 Fairfield, South Carolina, USAbirth4

Death: 30 Dec. 1898 Greensboro, Guilford, North Carolina, United Statesdeath4


Father: James 1785 Westbrook

Mother: Sarah Wallis

Sarah Westbrook - 1843 to 1923

Birth: 31 July 1843 , Tallapoosa, Alabama, USAbirth5

Death: 23 Jan 1923 Birmingham, ALdeath5


Father: John Charles Westbrook

Mother: Elizabeth Ann Lamberth

Sarah H Westbrook - 1836 to 1907

Birth: 1836 Sampson County, North Carolina, USAbirth6

Death: 6 Aug 1907 Graham, Alamance County, North Carolina, USAdeath6


Father: Francis Westbrook

Mother: Sarah Sally Byrd

Sarah Jane Westbrook - 1843 to 1930

Birth: 01 Nov 1843 Taylorville, Christian, ILbirth7

Death: 13 Jul 1930 Fee Fee Cemetery, Bridgeton, Missourideath7


Father: Thomas Bradley

Mother: Susan Elizabeth Catlett

Sarah Westbrook - 1851 to 1941

Birth: 13 March 1851 Louisianabirth8

Death: 15 February 1941 Union, Arkansasdeath8


Father: Uriah WESTBROOK

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Dean

Sarah Delphia Westbrook - 1847 to 1922

Birth: 1847 Georgiabirth9

Death: 1922 , Blount, Alabama, USAdeath9


Father: Joel Milton Westbrook

Mother: Rachel Thomason

Sarah Westbrook - 1880 to 1959

Birth: 1880 Mississippibirth10

Death: 1959 Amite County, Mississippi, USAdeath10


Father: Henry Adam Westbrook

Mother: Sarah A. Young

Sarah Elizabeth Westbrook - 1851 to 1920

Birth: 12 Feb 1851 Illinoisbirth11

Death: 9 Mar 1920 Eldorado, Saline, Illinoisdeath11


Father: William Westbrook

Mother: Mary M. Murray

Sarah Westbrook - 1857 to 1913

Birth: 28 Nov 1857 Meadow Johnson NCbirth12

Death: 5 December 1913 Westbrook Township, Sampson County, North Carolina, United States of Americadeath12


Father: Uriah (Royal) Westbrook---DNA

Mother: Sarah Tart

Sarah Elizabeth Westbrook - 1851 to 1920

Birth: 12 Feb 1851 Illinoisbirth13

Death: 9 Mar 1920 Eldorado, Saline, Illinoisdeath13


Father: William Westbrook

Mother: Mary M. Murray

Sarah E Westbrook - 1864 to 1949

Birth: abt 1864 Abbotstone, Hampshire, Englandbirth14

Death: Sep 1949 Winchester, Hampshire, Englanddeath14


Father: Thomas Westbrook

Mother: Mary Nicholson

Sarah Westbrook - 1885 to 1948

Birth: 22 Feb 1885 Little Springs, MSbirth15

Death: 18 Jul 1948 Little Springs, Franklin Co., MSdeath15


Father: Allen Newton Westbrook

Mother: Emma Catherine Lard (Laird)

Sarah E Westbrook - 1857 to 1894

Birth: abt 1857 Georgiabirth16

Death: 1894 Chattooga, Georgia, USAdeath16


Father: Stephen B Westbrook

Mother: Martha Patsie Justice

Sarah Westbrook - 1901 to 1976

Birth: 5 Oct 1901 Americus, Sumter, Georgiabirth17

Death: 29 Apr 1976 Kingston Springs, Cheatham, Tennessee, USAdeath17


Father: Thomas Boaz Westbrook

Mother: Cora Granberry Dorman

Sarah J Westbrook - 1854 to 1925

Birth: October 1854 Medstead, Hampshire, Englandbirth18

Death: 1925 Queenslanddeath18



Mother: Sarah Westbrook

Sarah Westbrook - 1864 to 1934

Birth: abt 1864 Georgiabirth19

Death: 19 Jan 1934


Father: James Luther Martin

Mother: Mary Ann Smith


Birth: 16 Dec 1808 Marbletown, Ulster County, New Yorkbirth20

Death: 12 Apr 1878 Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, New Yorkdeath20


Father: Jonathan Westbrook


Sarah Westbrook - 1869 to 1937

Birth: abt 1869 Hendon, Middlesex, Englandbirth21

Death: 1937 Romford, Essex, Englanddeath21


Father: William James Westbrook

Mother: Eliza Scott Westbrook

Sarah Westbrook - 1859 to 1926

Birth: 1859 Portsmouth, Hampshire, England.birth22

Death: 1926 Alverstoke, Hampshire, England.death22


Father: George Westbrook

Mother: Harriet Edwards

Sarah Westbrook - 1866 to 1906

Birth: 24 Aug 1866 Arkansasbirth23

Death: 28 Aug 1906 Miller, Arkansas, United Statesdeath23


Father: John Henry Westbrook

Mother: Nancy Hickey

Sarah Louise Westbrook - 1932 to 2013

Birth: 10 Apr 1932 Mississippibirth24

Death: 24 Feb 2013 Jackson, Hinds, Mississippi, USAdeath24


Father: James Monroe Westbrook

Mother: Emily Marguerite Landry

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