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Results for "Stephen Kellogg"

1 - 25 of 217 Records

Stephen A. Kellogg - 1871 to 1953

Birth: 16 Dec 1871 Bennettsburg, New Yorkbirth0

Death: 05/08/1953 Montour, New York, USAdeath0


Father: Theodore Roland Kellogg

Mother: Deborah Ann McAdams

Stephen Wright Kellogg - 1903 to 1952

Birth: 27 Apr 1903 Troy, New Yorkbirth1

Death: 24 December 1952 Manhattan, New Yorkdeath1


Father: Frank Woodruff Kellogg

Mother: Mary McConihe

Stephen KELLOGG - 1800 to 1887

Birth: 1800 New Yorkbirth2

Death: 30 SEP 1887 Burdett, Hector T., Schuyler Co., NYdeath2


Father: Martin Otis Kellogg

Mother: Persis (Patty) Gibson

Stephen KELLOGG - 1800 to 1887

Birth: 1800 New Yorkbirth3

Death: 30 SEP 1887 Burdett, Hector T., Schuyler Co., NYdeath3


Father: Martin Otis Kellogg

Mother: Persis (Patty) Gibson

Stephen A. Kellogg - 1871 to 1953

Birth: 16 Dec 1871 Bennettsburg, New Yorkbirth4

Death: 05/08/1953 Montour, New York, USAdeath4


Father: Theodore Roland Kellogg

Mother: Deborah Ann McAdams

Stephen Wright Kellogg - 1903 to 1952

Birth: 27 Apr 1903 Troy, New Yorkbirth5

Death: 24 December 1952 Manhattan, New Yorkdeath5


Father: Frank Woodruff Kellogg

Mother: Mary McConihe

Stephen Allen Kellogg - 1880 to 1945

Birth: 4 Nov 1880 Burlington, Lapeer, Michigan, USAbirth6

Death: 16 Apr 1945 Canton, Wayne, Michigan, USAdeath6


Father: William S Kellogg

Mother: Mary Jane Sheldon

Stephen W Kellogg - 1822 to 1904

Birth: 5 Apr 1822 Shelburne, Franklin, Massachusetts, USAbirth7

Death: 27 Jan 1904 Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, USAdeath7


Father: Jacob P Kellogg

Mother: Lucy Prescott Wright

Stephen W Kellogg - 1822 to 1904

Birth: 5 Apr 1822 Shelburne, Franklin, Massachusetts, USAbirth8

Death: 27 Jan 1904 Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, USAdeath8


Father: Jacob P Kellogg

Mother: Lucy Prescott Wright

Stephen Kellogg - 1668 to 1722

Birth: 9 APR 1668 Hadley, Hampden, Massachusetts, United Statesbirth9

Death: 5 Jun 1722 Westfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts, usadeath9


Father: Joseph Kellogg

Mother: Abigail Martha Terry

Stephen L Kellogg - 1947 to 2008

Birth: 24 Nov 1947 Marion, Marion, Ohio, USAbirth10

Death: 15 Feb 2008 Marion, Marion, Ohiodeath10


Father: Leonard Kellogg

Mother: Eunice Dennis

STEPHEN KELLOGG - 1625 to 1708

Birth: Abt. 1625 Great Leighs, Essex, Englandbirth11

Death: Jan 1708 Hadley, Hadley, Hampshire, Massachusetts, United Statesdeath11


Father: Martin Kellogg

Mother: Prudence Bird

Stephen Kellogg - 1775 to 1851

Birth: ABT 1775 Oblong, , New Yorkbirth12

Death: 1851 Oblong, Dutchess, New York, United Statesdeath12


Father: Elisha Kellogg

Mother: Rebecca Munn

STEPHEN KELLOGG - 1625 to 1708

Birth: Abt. 1625 Great Leighs, Essex, Englandbirth13

Death: Jan 1708 Hadley, Hadley, Hampshire, Massachusetts, United Statesdeath13


Father: Martin Kellogg

Mother: Prudence Bird

Stephen Kellogg - 1755 to 1806

Birth: 29 Apr 1755 Newington,Hartford,CT,USAbirth14

Death: 19 Apr 1806 Newington, , Conndeath14


Father: Stephen Kellogg Sr.

Mother: Elizabeth Russell

Stephen J Kellogg - 1940 to 2019

Birth: abt 1940 Californiabirth15

Death: 14 Jul 2019 Cambria, San Luis Obispo, California, USAdeath15


Father: Deo Donald Kellogg

Mother: Helen Marie Burgess

Stephen Richard Kellogg - 1951 to 2006

Birth: 9 JUL 1951 Hennepin, Minnesota, USAbirth16

Death: AFT 25 FEB 2006


Father: Fredrick Heath Kellogg

Mother: Rosella Marie Eischens

Stephen Kellogg - 1800

Birth: est 1800 New York, USAbirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Stephen Alonzo Kellogg

Mother: Thankful Button

Stephen Kellogg - 1675 to 1772

Birth: 1675 Hadleybirth18

Death: 1772 Westfielddeath18


Father: Joseph Kellogg

Mother: Joanna Foote

Stephen Alonzo Kellogg - 1760 to 1810

Birth: 3 Feb 1760 Sheffield, Berkshire Co. (then Hampshire Co.), Massachusettsbirth19

Death: 09 Aug 1810 Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, USAdeath19


Father: Stephen Kellogg

Mother: Mindwell Belden

Stephen Minor Kellogg - 1871 to 1939

Birth: 17 Sep 1871 Trowbridge, Allegan, Michigan, USAbirth20

Death: 25 Aug 1939 Knoxville, Knox, Tennesseedeath20


Father: Benjamin Kellogg

Mother: Caroline Laurina Andrews

Stephen Kellogg - 1695 to 1738

Birth: 3 Feb 1695 Hadley , Hampshire County, Massbirth21

Death: Dec 11 1738 Hadley , Hampshire County, Massdeath21


Father: Stephen (Ensign) Kellogg

Mother: Lydia Margaret Belding Kellogg Lewis

Stephen A Kellogg - 1853 to 1941

Birth: 18 APR 1853 Mena, ARbirth22

Death: 1 AUG 1941 Big Spring, Howard co. TXdeath22


Father: William Kellogg

Mother: Rebecca Oller

Stephen Kellogg - 1724 to 1797

Birth: 15 Mar 1724 Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USAbirth23

Death: Sep 1797 Middlebury, Wyoming, New York, USAdeath23


Father: Jonathan Kellogg

Mother: Anne Newton

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