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Results for "Thomas Mccarthy"

1 - 25 of 7,481 Records

Thomas Edwin McCarthy - 1933 to 2010

Birth: 11/18/1933 Wausaubirth0

Death: 11/18/2010 Wausaudeath0


Father: Edwin Joseph McCarthy

Mother: Irene Olga Hansen

Thomas McCarthy - 1884 to 1958

Birth: Nov 1884 West Virginiabirth1

Death: 13 Feb 1958 Huntington, Cabell, West Virginiadeath1


Father: John Stephen McCarthy

Mother: Anna H. Carson

Thomas McCarthy - 1918 to 1990

Birth: abt 1918 New Yorkbirth2

Death: about 1990 NJdeath2


Father: Thomas Dominic McCarthy

Mother: Catherine Irene Duffy

Thomas Edwin McCarthy - 1933 to 2010

Birth: 11/18/1933 Wausaubirth3

Death: 11/18/2010 Wausaudeath3


Father: Edwin Joseph McCarthy

Mother: Irene Olga Hansen

thomas McCarthy - 1933 to 2004

Birth: 1933 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USAbirth4

Death: 18 Jul 2004 West Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USAdeath4


Father: William McCarthy

Mother: Mary A Moriarty

Thomas Edward Mccarthy - 1925 to 2013

Birth: 18 Jul 1925 Sacramento, Californiabirth5

Death: 9 Mar 2013 Sonoma, Sonoma, California, USAdeath5


Father: James Daniel McCarthy

Mother: Lorene Margaret Simons

Thomas Aloysius McCarthy - 1880 to 1928

Birth: 20 Jul 1880 Chicago, Illinoisbirth6

Death: 17 Jun 1928 DuPage Co, Illinoisdeath6


Father: Patrick McCarthy

Mother: Mary McGuire

Thomas McCarthy - 1877 to 1961

Birth: 1877 Kilkee, Clare, Irelandbirth7

Death: 03 07 1961 Davenport, Scott, Iowa, USAdeath7


Father: Michael T. McCarthy

Mother: Mary Maloney

Thomas Stanley McCarthy - 1919 to 1981

Birth: 23 MAY 1919 Pennsylvaniabirth8

Death: 10 APR 1981 Solana Beach, San Diego Co, California, USAdeath8


Father: Thomas McCarthy

Mother: Stephanie Navetski

Thomas F Mccarthy - 1893 to 1975

Birth: 11 May 1893 Illinoisbirth9

Death: Dec 1975 Oconto, Oconto, Wisconsin, USAdeath9


Father: Daniel Edward McCarthy

Mother: Ann Hickey

Thomas Ralph McCarthy - 1896 to 1973

Birth: 29 Oct 1896 Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, USAbirth10

Death: Abt 1973 Manasquan, Monmouth, New Jersey, USAdeath10


Father: Thomas J McCarthy

Mother: Adelaide Wagg

Thomas F Mccarthy - 1876 to 1934

Birth: 9 Sep 1876 New Yorkbirth11

Death: 13 May 1934 Poundridge, New York (Westchester County)death11


Father: John McCarthy

Mother: Mary A. White

Thomas Edward McCarthy - 1914 to 1975

Birth: 14 Apr 1914 Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, USAbirth12

Death: 05 May 1975 Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, USAdeath12


Father: Thomas John McCarthy

Mother: Mary Ann Dore McCarthy

Thomas Bernard McCarthy - 1926 to 2001

Birth: 07/06/1926 Hartford Har, Connecticutbirth13

Death: 12 Sep 2001 Brooksville, Hernando, Florida, United Statesdeath13


Father: Dennis Joseph Mccarthy

Mother: Catherine Margaret Carey

Thomas J McCarthy - 1913 to 1988

Birth: 2 Aug 1913 Connecticutbirth14

Death: 22 Dec 1988 Riversidedeath14


Father: Daniel Francis McCarthy

Mother: Elizabeth Dougherty

Thomas Aloysius McCarthy - 1880 to 1928

Birth: 20 Jul 1880 Chicago, Illinoisbirth15

Death: 17 Jun 1928 DuPage Co, Illinoisdeath15


Father: Patrick McCarthy

Mother: Mary McGuire

Thomas McCarthy - 1843 to 1911

Birth: Feb 1843 Durham, Restigouche, New Brunswick, Canadabirth16

Death: 8 Mar 1911 Oshkosh, Winnebago, Wisconsin, USAdeath16


Father: Daniel McCarthy

Mother: Mary Ann Shea

Thomas Stanley McCarthy - 1919 to 1981

Birth: 23 MAY 1919 Pennsylvaniabirth17

Death: 10 APR 1981 Solana Beach, San Diego Co, California, USAdeath17


Father: Thomas McCarthy

Mother: Stephanie Navetski

Thomas McCarthy - 1918 to 1990

Birth: abt 1918 New Yorkbirth18

Death: about 1990 NJdeath18


Father: Thomas Dominic McCarthy

Mother: Catherine Irene Duffy

Thomas McCarthy - 1875 to 1951

Birth: 9 May 1875 Waterford, Irelandbirth19

Death: 1951 Kentucky, USAdeath19


Father: John McCarthy

Mother: Ellen McGrath

Thomas J McCarthy - 1893 to 1949

Birth: abt 1893 Pennsylvaniabirth20

Death: 25 Feb 1949 St Louis Missourideath20


Father: Charles J McCarthy

Mother: Mary Ann Moran

Thomas McCarthy - 1884 to 1943

Birth: 18 Oct 1884 Mainebirth21

Death: 1943 Allston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USAdeath21


Father: Charles David McCarthy

Mother: Ada Florence Curtis

Thomas Michael McCarthy - 1944 to 2005

Birth: 8/12/1944 Michiganbirth22

Death: 1/15/2005 New Albany, Floyd, Indiana, USAdeath22


Father: Thomas Michael McCarthy Jr.

Mother: Geneva Hall

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