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Results for "thomas l haney"

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Name: Thomas Haley

Birth: 29 Aug 1891 Texas

Death: 1964 Crockett, Houston, Texas, USA

Father: John Cloud Haley

Mother: Georgia Elizabeth Sinclair

Name: Thomas Chaney

Birth: 28 Oct 1803 Brooke, West Virginia, United States

Death: 1 Jul 1890 Harrison, Ohio, United States

Father: Nathaniel Chaney

Mother: Sarah Mansfield

Name: Thomas Elmer Haney

Birth: 19 Jun 1916 Lambstown, Hardin, Illinois

Death: 15 Apr 1992 Elizabethtown, Hardin, Illinois, United States of America

Father: Thomas Haney

Mother: lillie mae Stone

Name: Thomas Alvin Chaney

Birth: abt 1880 Missouri

Death: 24 Nov 1954 Clarinda, Page, Iowa, USA

Father: Isaiah Chaney

Mother: Sarah J Barber

Name: Thomas M Chaney

Birth: 14 Mar 1894 Frederick, Maryland, USA

Death: 28 Jun 1964 Maryland, USA

Father: William Henry Chaney

Mother: Sara Grimm

Name: Thomas Haley

Birth: 04/03/1900 olivia, MN

Death: 13 May 1986 Fridley, Anoka, Minnesota, United States

Father: James Francis Haley

Mother: Elizabeth M Hopman

Name: Thomas E Haney

Birth: Abt. 1897 Illinois

Death: 23 Aug 1968 Huron, Beadle, South Dakota, USA

Father: John M Haney

Mother: Ida E Lamontagne (Haney Fortin)

Name: Thomas Ninevah Chaney

Birth: 14 Mar 1864 Benton, Saline County, Arkansas, USA

Death: 01 May 1933 Healdton, Carter, OK

Father: Hosea Chaney

Mother: Malinda A Tomlinson

Name: Thomas Mathias Haley

Birth: 30 May 1895 Gratztown, Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 30 Dec 1980 Dawson, Fayette, Pennsylvania, United States of America

Father: Edward Patrick Haley

Mother: Anna Magdalena Schaff

Name: Thomas Richard Haney

Birth: 28 Oct 1863 Summit, Effingham, Illinois, United States

Death: 20 Jan 1948 Baxter, Arkansas, United States

Father: William Haney

Mother: Matilda Ramsey

Name: Thomas F Hainey

Birth: 8 February 1860 Maryland

Death: 08 Oct 1921 1621 Irving Street NW, Washington, DC

Father: Benjamin Haney

Mother: Elizabeth Simms

Name: Thomas Harold Haney

Birth: 15 Jul 1874 Port Andrews, Richland, Wisconsin, USA

Death: 25 Aug 1948 La Crosse, La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA

Father: Thomas Irwin Haney

Mother: Ariminta Chitwood

Name: Thomas Irwin Haney

Birth: 10 August 1849 Springfield, Illinois

Death: 23 December 1913 Richwood, Richland, Wisconsin, United States

Father: JAMES Jr. Haney


Name: Thomas B Handy

Birth: 18 Sep 1844 Wilkes, North Carolina

Death: 29 Oct 1915 , Wilkes, North Carolina, USA

Father: Thomas Edwards Handy

Mother: Margaret Peggy Richardson

Name: Thomas Edward Haley

Birth: 23 Mar 1877 Staten Island, Richmond, New York, United States

Death: 27 Mar 1973 Staten Island, Richmond, New York, USA

Father: Richard John Haley

Mother: Catherine C. McGuire

Name: Thomas E Haley

Birth: 19 Sep 1915 Hickman County, Tennesse

Death: 28 Dec 1948 died in service

Father: William Dallas Haley

Mother: Mary Jane Potter

Name: Thomas Porter Haley

Birth: 17 Jul 1856 Kentucky

Death: 13 Oct 1936 Pendleton, Kentucky, USA

Father: Thomas Haley (Neaves)

Mother: America Neaves

Name: Thomas Casey CHANEY

Birth: OCT 1867 , , Kentucky

Death: 30 JUN 1916 Hubbard Chapel - Concord, Wood Co., Texas

Father: John Chaney

Mother: Amanda ADKINS Chaney

Name: Thomas Haley

Birth: 22 Oct 1843 AL

Death: 17 Nov 1930 Dallas Co., Texas

Father: John Haley

Mother: Celia Bennett

Name: Thomas Handy

Birth: Abt 1874 Mississippi

Death: Jan 1939 New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Father: William Handy

Mother: Henrietta Smith

Name: Thomas Bradley Haley

Birth: About 17 Jun 1907 Lebanon, Haywood, Tennessee, USA

Death: About 15 Jun 2000 Columbus, Bartholomew, Indiana, USA

Father: Albert Clair Haley

Mother: Leila Birdie Pryor

Name: Thomas Henry Haley

Birth: 14 Nov 1892 Springfield, Clark, Ohio, USA

Death: 08 Oct 1969 Chillicothe, Ross, Ohio, USA

Father: Charles William Haley

Mother: Eleanor "Nellie" Jones

Name: Thomas G. Haley

Birth: 22 Dec 1919 Lafayette, Macon, Tennessee, USA

Death: 27 Jun 2002 Marion, IN

Father: Grover Cleveland Haley

Mother: Nevada "Neva" Meador

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