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Results for "Vera Venable"

1 - 23 of 23 Records

Vera Long Venable - 1926 to 2010

Birth: 10 MAY 1926 , Easton Co, MDbirth0

Death: 1 Apr 2010 New Canaan, Fairfield, Connecticut, USAdeath0


Father: Charles Leslie VENABLE

Mother: Vera Janet LONG

Vera Long Venable - 1926 to 2010

Birth: 10 MAY 1926 , Easton Co, MDbirth1

Death: 1 Apr 2010 New Canaan, Fairfield, Connecticut, USAdeath1


Father: Charles Leslie VENABLE

Mother: Vera Janet LONG

Vera Venable - 1935 to 2018

Birth: 1935 Idaho, USAbirth2

Death: 30 Oct 2018 Orogon City, OR, USAdeath2


Father: John Elmer Venable

Mother: Zulia Safronia Lyon

Vera Venable - 1935 to 2018

Birth: 1935 Idaho, USAbirth3

Death: 30 Oct 2018 Orogon City, OR, USAdeath3


Father: John Elmer Venable

Mother: Zulia Safronia Lyon

Vera Venable - 1930 to 2018

Birth: 1935 or 1930 Idaho, USAbirth4

Death: 30 Oct 2018 Orogon City, OR, USAdeath4


Father: John Elmer Venable

Mother: Zulia Safronia Lyon

Vera M Venable - 1903 to 1975

Birth: 19 Apr 1903 Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana, USAbirth5

Death: 24 Feb 1975 Corpus Christi, Nueces County, Texas, USAdeath5


Father: William Ellworth Venable

Mother: Minnie Ellen Farlow

Vera Blanche Estelle Venable - 1919 to 1982

Birth: 3 May 1919 Yorkton, Saskatchewan, Canadabirth6

Death: 13 Aug 1982 Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohiodeath6


Father: Edward Allen Venable

Mother: Edna Stella Gowen

Vera Louise Venable - 1894 to 1971

Birth: 2 September 1894 Tennessee, United States of Americabirth7

Death: 24 Nov 1971 Clifton, Bosque, Texas, USAdeath7


Father: Benjamin F. Venable

Mother: Frances Fannie Marlin

Vera Muriel Venable - 1909 to 1946

Birth: 9 Sep 1909 King, Washington, USAbirth8

Death: 14 September 1946 Solano County, California, USAdeath8


Father: Virgil Luther Venable

Mother: Muriel F Henderson

Vera L Venable - 1919 to 2014

Birth: 26 Sep 1919 Rock Island, Illinois, USAbirth9

Death: 22 Jun 2014 Aledo, Mercer, Illinois, USAdeath9


Father: Frank Stewart Venable

Mother: Eliza Guyer

Vera Rebecca Venable - 1890 to 1931

Birth: 3 Jul 1890 Bowling Green, Warren, KY, USAbirth10

Death: 18 Feb 1931 Louisville, Jefferson, KYdeath10


Father: Calvin Davis Venable

Mother: Daisy Dickerson

Vera or Velma Venable - 1930 to 2018

Birth: 1935 or 1930 Idaho, USAbirth11

Death: 30 Oct 2018 Orogon City, OR, USAdeath11


Father: John Elmer Venable

Mother: Zulia Safronia Lyon

Vera B Venable - 1906 to 1906

Birth: Jul 25, 1906 Kentucky, USAbirth12

Death: Aug 11, 1906 Kentucky, USAdeath12


Father: Robert Lee Venable

Mother: Mada Clark

Vera Mae Venable - 1915 to 1915

Birth: 19 July 1915 St. Clair County, Alabama, USAbirth13

Death: 19 July 1915 St. Clair County, Alabama, USAdeath13


Father: Webster Harvey Venable

Mother: Cassa Sarah Ella Patterson


Birth: 07 SEP 1925 BOISE IDAHO ADA CObirth14

Death: Not Available PACHECO CALIFORNIAdeath14


Father: Marion Columbus Lee Venable

Mother: Leticha 'Lettie' 'Dollie' Leppert

Vera Margaret Venable - 1920

Birth: 03 Oct 1920 Saline County, Missouri, USAbirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Vera Venable - 1892

Birth: abt 1892 Missouribirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Vera Lee Venable - 1925 to 1971

Birth: 8 Sep 1925 San Jose, Santa Clara, California, USAbirth17

Death: 1971


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Vera Venable - 1875

Birth: Abt 1875 MObirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Vera Venable

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Vera L Venable

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Vera Venable

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available Topeka KSdeath21


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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