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Results for "Viola Willoughby"

1 - 25 of 30 Records

Viola Willoughby - 1899 to 1953

Birth: 1899 Dufferin, Ontairo, Canadabirth0

Death: 26 APR 1953 Inglewood, Peel, Ontario, Canadadeath0


Father: William F Willoughby

Mother: Elizabeth Foregraves

Viola Willoughby - 1899 to 1953

Birth: 1899 Dufferin, Ontairo, Canadabirth1

Death: 26 APR 1953 Inglewood, Peel, Ontario, Canadadeath1


Father: William F Willoughby

Mother: Elizabeth Foregraves

Viola A Willoughby - 1916 to 1980

Birth: 21 Oct 1916 Montana, USAbirth2

Death: 26 Dec 1980 Missoula, Missoula, MT, USAdeath2


Father: John Willoughby

Mother: Annie Instance

Viola Willoughby - 1863 to 1909

Birth: 13 Jun 1863 Brazil, Clay, INbirth3

Death: 16 July 1909 Brazil, Clay, Indiana, USAdeath3


Father: John Calvin Willoughby

Mother: Sarah Eva Hane

Viola Willoughby - 1904 to 1981

Birth: 5 Apr 1904 Ironton, Ohiobirth4

Death: 5 Aug 1981 Trenton, Wayne, Michigandeath4


Father: Joseph Willoughby

Mother: Minnie Slaughter

Viola Jane Willoughby - 1892 to 1981

Birth: 3 May 1892 Grayson County, Kentuckybirth5

Death: 26 Jul 1981 Leitchfield, Grayson, Kentucky, United Statesdeath5


Father: James "Buck" Buchanan Willoughby

Mother: Mary Izadora Veteto

Viola E. Willoughby - 1878 to 1930

Birth: 24 November 1878 Ahoskie, Hertford, North Carolina, USAbirth6

Death: 24 Jan 1930 Princess Anne County, Virginia, USAdeath6


Father: John Wright Willoughby

Mother: Mary E Overton

Viola Julia Willoughby - 1897 to 1973

Birth: 20 May 1897 Pennsylvaniabirth7

Death: Oct 1973 Mc Keesport, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States of Americadeath7




Viola Willoughby - 1921 to 1975

Birth: 19 Apr 1921 Michigan, USAbirth8

Death: 2 Sep 1975 Highland Park, Wayne, Michigandeath8


Father: William Wrightongale Willoughby

Mother: Marie Moore

Viola E Willoughby - 1897 to 1978

Birth: 31 Oct 1897 Florence, Williams, Ohio, USAbirth9

Death: 17 December 1978 Edgerton, Williams County, Ohio, United States of Americadeath9


Father: John David Willoughby

Mother: Elizabeth Worth

Viola Grace Greenwood Willoughby - 1917 to 1998

Birth: 05/15/1917 Indianabirth10

Death: 09/26/1998 Winston-Salem, Forsyth, North Carolina, USAdeath10


Father: Floyd A Greenwood

Mother: Dora M Edmondson

Viola Merwin Willoughby - 1903 to 1972

Birth: 19 Apr 1903 Connecticutbirth11

Death: 22Nov1972 Avon, Connecticut, USAdeath11


Father: William Barnard Willoughby

Mother: Mary A Merwin

Viola Pearl Willoughby - 1917 to 1992

Birth: 13 Oct 1917 Ellis, Texasbirth12

Death: 19 Aug 1992 Dallas, Texasdeath12


Father: Alford Pervis Willoughby

Mother: Maggie Willoughby

Viola Willoughby - 1898 to 1995

Birth: 14 Apr 1898 Madison County, Kybirth13

Death: 24 Jan 1995 Oblong, Crawford County, Illinoisdeath13


Father: Samuel T. Willoughby

Mother: Maeriel Ann Pearson

Viola Margaretta Valentine Willoughby - 1907 to 1990

Birth: Mar 1907 Paddington, London, Englandbirth14

Death: 1990 London, Englanddeath14


Father: Harold Edgar Willoughby

Mother: Ethel Corina Walker

Viola Willoughby - 1899

Birth: May 1899 Watkinsville, Oconee Georgiabirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Jen/Jin/Jim Willoughby

Mother: Anna Maynes/Maines-Jones

Viola M Willoughby - 1904

Birth: About:1904/00/00 Bloomfield, Hartford, Connecticut, USAbirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: William Barnard Willoughby

Mother: Mary A Merwin

Viola Willoughby - 1906

Birth: 1906 Oklahomabirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Charles Landers "Charlie" Allen

Mother: Ethel Annette Newell

Viola Vera Willoughby - 1913

Birth: 24 Mar 1913 Toronto, York East, Ontario, Canadabirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: William James Willoughby

Mother: Mary Alexander Adams

Viola Ruth Willoughby - 1910

Birth: 1910 Nebraska, USAbirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Walter Frederick Willoughby

Mother: Ida May Wilson Willoughby

Viola (?) Willoughby - 1890

Birth: Aug 1890 Arkansasbirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Andrew Volney Willoughby

Mother: Almeda Jane Willcox

Viola Willoughby - 1905

Birth: 1905 Texasbirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Viola Willoughby - 1911 to 1981

Birth: 1911 Dayton Ohiobirth22

Death: 1981


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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