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Results for "William Ayers"

1 - 25 of 3,999 Records

William Dudley Ayers - 1802 to 1874

Birth: 1802 Franklin County, Georgia, USAbirth0

Death: 1874 Randolph County, Alabama, United States of Americadeath0


Father: Rogimalick BAKER Ayers

Mother: Elizabeth Betsy Payne

William "Billy" Ayers - 1835 to 1900

Birth: abt 1835 Georgia (North Carolina on death cert of William Thomas)birth1

Death: aft 1900 Henderson, Tennessee, United Statesdeath1


Father: David Clark Ayers

Mother: Margaret Mahala Clardy

William Hicklin Ayers - 1877 to 1957

Birth: 1877 South Carolinabirth2

Death: 7 Mar 1957 York County, South Carolina, USAdeath2


Father: John Henry Ayers

Mother: Sarah Ayers

William Dudley Ayers - 1802 to 1874

Birth: 1802 Franklin County, Georgia, USAbirth3

Death: 1874 Randolph County, Alabama, United States of Americadeath3


Father: Rogimalick BAKER Ayers

Mother: Elizabeth Betsy Payne

William Ayers - 1761 to 1843

Birth: 1761 Harnhill, Gloucestershire, Englandbirth4

Death: Mar 1843 Ampney St Peter, Gloucestershire, Englanddeath4


Father: John Ayres

Mother: Elizabeth TOWNSHEND

William Thomas AYERS - 1870 to 1937

Birth: abt 1870 Alabamabirth5

Death: 7 Mar 1937 Holly Pond, Cullman, Alabama, USAdeath5


Father: Lee Ayers

Mother: Serena Crumbley

William Ayers - 1877 to 1926

Birth: Jun 1877 New Yorkbirth6

Death: 23 Apr 1926 New Yorkdeath6


Father: Charles Clinton Ayers

Mother: Frances E Daniels

William Loy Ayers - 1868 to 1934

Birth: 4 Jul 1868 Georgiabirth7

Death: 18 Feb 1934 Taylor, Texasdeath7


Father: William Ayers

Mother: Sarah Parker

William Herbert Ayers - 1860 to 1907

Birth: Oct 1860 Massachusettsbirth8

Death: 1907 Pittsfield, Massachusetts, USAdeath8


Father: John T. Ayers

Mother: Helen (Lee) Ayers

William L Ayers - 1861 to 1932

Birth: 1861 Tennesseebirth9

Death: 1932 Martin, Weakley, Tennessee, United Statesdeath9


Father: William Thomas Ayers

Mother: Letitia Husketh

William Hicklin Ayers - 1877 to 1957

Birth: 1877 South Carolinabirth10

Death: 7 Mar 1957 York County, South Carolina, USAdeath10


Father: John Henry Ayers

Mother: Sarah Ayers

William Perkins Ayers - 1855 to 1939

Birth: 3 October 1855 Carolina Co., VAbirth11

Death: 14 April 1939 Caroline, Virginia, USAdeath11


Father: John Ayres

Mother: Elizabeth Croley

William Judson Ayers - 1917 to 2004

Birth: 30 May 1917 Anderson, Anderson County, South Carolina, USAbirth12

Death: 30 Sep 2004 Easley, Pickens County, South Carolina, USAdeath12


Father: James Asa Ayers

Mother: Bertie Lillian Slaton

William Eli Ayers - 1841 to 1924

Birth: 2 Feb 1841 Adams, Illinois, USAbirth13

Death: 7 Dec 1924 Columbia, Columbia, Washington, United Statesdeath13


Father: Eli Lippencott Ayres

Mother: Ruth Anna Stevens

William Eli Ayers - 1841 to 1924

Birth: 2 Feb 1841 Adams, Illinois, USAbirth14

Death: 7 Dec 1924 Columbia, Columbia, Washington, United Statesdeath14


Father: Eli Lippencott Ayres

Mother: Ruth Anna Stevens

William Stuart Ayers - 1930 to 1992

Birth: abt 1930 Delos Caroli, Virginiabirth15

Death: 22 February 1992 Milford, Caroline County, Virginia, United States of Americadeath15


Father: Joseph Ayers

Mother: Lillian Cora Howard

William Wiley Ayers - 1883 to 1969

Birth: 24 September 1883 Georgiabirth16

Death: 27 February 1969 Guntersville, Marshall, Alabamadeath16


Father: Sandy Martin Ayers

Mother: Louella Wilson

William R. Ayers - 1869 to 1941

Birth: Feb 1869 Pennsylvaniabirth17

Death: 15 JAN 1941 Weston, WV (Lewis Co.)death17


Father: Samuel Dexter Ayers

Mother: Lucinda Harbrige

William Z Ayers - 1856 to 1926

Birth: 7 Mar 1856 Indianabirth18

Death: 30 Jul 1926 Center, Hendricks, Indiana, USAdeath18


Father: James D. Ayers

Mother: Rebecca Margaret Long

William Hicklin Ayers - 1877 to 1957

Birth: 1877 South Carolinabirth19

Death: 7 Mar 1957 York County, South Carolina, USAdeath19


Father: John Henry Ayers

Mother: Sarah Ayers

William Ayers - 1826 to 1908

Birth: Apr 1826 Pennsylvaniabirth20

Death: 20 April 1908 Earl Township, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USAdeath20


Father: James Ayres

Mother: Ann Russell

William S Ayers - 1857 to 1936

Birth: 1857 Cecil Village, Paulding, Ohiobirth21

Death: 1936 Clark lake michigan jackson countydeath21


Father: Lewis D. Ayers

Mother: Mary unk Ayers

William Ayers - 1761 to 1843

Birth: 1761 Harnhill, Gloucestershire, Englandbirth22

Death: Mar 1843 Ampney St Peter, Gloucestershire, Englanddeath22


Father: John Ayres

Mother: Elizabeth TOWNSHEND

William Wiley Ayers - 1883 to 1969

Birth: 24 September 1883 Georgiabirth23

Death: 27 February 1969 Guntersville, Marshall, Alabamadeath23


Father: Sandy Martin Ayers

Mother: Louella Wilson

William Lincoln Ayers - 1863 to 1945

Birth: 27 Dec 1863 Clayton County, Iowa, USAbirth24

Death: 30 Nov 1945 Wheatland, Wyomingdeath24


Father: Leonard Lloyd Ayers

Mother: Martha Frances Young

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