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Results for "William Biggs"

1 - 25 of 4,690 Records

William Biggs - 1889 to 1968

Birth: bef 30 Aug 1889 Walworth St John the Evangelist, London, England, UKbirth0

Death: 20 Dec 1968 San Diego, San Diego, California, USAdeath0


Father: Charles Biggs

Mother: Jane Wheble

William H Biggs - 1890 to 1963

Birth: 1890 Illinoisbirth1

Death: 2 February 1963 Mattoon, Coles County, Illinois, United States of Americadeath1


Father: William Henry Biggs

Mother: Perlina Elizabeth Burcham

William Thomas Biggs - 1882 to 1943

Birth: 25 Jun 1882 Berlin, Waterloo, Ontario, Canadabirth2

Death: 30 Oct 1943 Burlington, Halton, Ontario, Canadadeath2


Father: Alexander Charles Biggs

Mother: Miranda Bechtel

William L. Biggs - 1835 to 1920

Birth: 1835 Ohio, USAbirth3

Death: AFT 1920 ?Prairie, McDonald, Missourideath3


Father: Lockhart Biggs

Mother: Peggy Linton

William BIGGS - 1882 to 1948

Birth: 7 Dec 1882 Texana, Jackson Co., Texasbirth4

Death: 15 Feb 1948 Cameron, Texasdeath4


Father: William BIGGS

Mother: Pattie Dallam Taylor

William Matison Biggs - 1797 to 1878

Birth: 23 Jul 1797 Greene County, Tennessee, USAbirth5

Death: 18 Nov 1878 Polk, Tennessee, USAdeath5


Father: Pvt. John Biggs

Mother: Isabella Wilson

William Thomas Biggs - 1873 to 1947

Birth: 10 May 1873 Daviess, Kentucky, USAbirth6

Death: 1947 Henderson KYdeath6


Father: John W Biggs

Mother: Minta A. Willingham

William Henry Biggs - 1836 to 1913

Birth: 1836 Tilehurst, Berkshire, Englandbirth7

Death: April 1913 Portsmouth, Hampshiredeath7


Father: William Biggs

Mother: Elizabeth Hannah Hannington

william biggs - 1906 to 1979

Birth: 1906 Missouribirth8

Death: 1 Oct 1979 Greely, Colorado, USAdeath8


Father: James Duglas Biggs

Mother: Edna A Love

William George Biggs - 1834 to 1911

Birth: 3 May 1834 Kingwood, Hunterdon, New Jersey, USAbirth9

Death: 17 August 1911 New Jerseydeath9


Father: George William Biggs

Mother: Rachel Ann Clickenger

William M. Biggs - 1860 to 1930

Birth: 16 May 1860 Cumberland, Adams, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth10

Death: 8 Feb 1930 Gettysburg, Adams, Pennsylvania, United Statesdeath10


Father: Basil Biggs 1

Mother: Mary Jane Jackson

William Mitchell BIGGS - 1888 to 1968

Birth: 9 Apr 1888 Frost, Greenup, Kentucky, USAbirth11

Death: 13 Aug 1968 South Shore, Greenup, Kentuckydeath11


Father: Maurice King Biggs

Mother: Nina Aura Mitchell

William Biggs - 1858 to 1903

Birth: 29 Oct 1858 Lebanon, Cooper, Missouri, United Statesbirth12

Death: 10 March 1903 Huntsville State Prison, Huntsville, Texas, USAdeath12


Father: Andrew Allen "Manning" Biggs

Mother: Catherine Jane Rector

William Mitchell BIGGS - 1888 to 1968

Birth: 9 Apr 1888 Frost, Greenup, Kentucky, USAbirth13

Death: 13 Aug 1968 South Shore, Greenup, Kentuckydeath13


Father: Maurice King Biggs

Mother: Nina Aura Mitchell

William Jackson Biggs - 1846 to 1922

Birth: 1846 Jackson, Sullivan, Indianabirth14

Death: 14 June 1922 Vanduser, Mo. Stoddard Co.death14


Father: Martin Biggs

Mother: Sarah Duckworth

William A Biggs - 1880 to 1972

Birth: Oct 25, 1880 McDonald Co., MObirth15

Death: Jan 1972 Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, United States of Americadeath15


Father: John Biggs

Mother: Dicy Caroline Reed

William S Biggs - 1856 to 1897

Birth: 1856 Pennsylvaniabirth16

Death: 7 JUN 1897 West Newton, Pa.death16


Father: Llewellyn Biggs

Mother: Martha McGrew

William C Biggs - 1833 to 1903

Birth: 17 Jul 1833 Flatlands, Kings, New York, USAbirth17

Death: 10 Sep 1903 Canarsie, Kings, New York, USAdeath17


Father: David Biggs

Mother: Abigail Creeley

William Alex Biggs - 1892 to 1945

Birth: 17 Dec 1892 Missouri, USAbirth18

Death: Sept 1945 St. Charles, MOdeath18


Father: John Christopher Biggs

Mother: Minnie Fonville

William Ronald Biggs - 1932 to 2010

Birth: 23 October 1932 Detroit Wayne Michigan USAbirth19

Death: 2010 Marshall, Calhoun, Michigan, USAdeath19


Father: Joseph Henry Biggs

Mother: Lillian Lorraine Marr

William L. Biggs - 1835 to 1920

Birth: 1835 Ohio, USAbirth20

Death: AFT 1920 ?Prairie, McDonald, Missourideath20


Father: Lockhart Biggs

Mother: Peggy Linton

William O Biggs - 1862 to 1905

Birth: MAY 1862 Harrison County, Indianabirth21

Death: 22 Mar 1905 Princeton, Harrison County Indianadeath21


Father: Robert A. Biggs

Mother: Amanda E Adams

William Biggs - 1796 to 1882

Birth: 17 Mar 1796 Monongalia County, West Virginia, USAbirth22

Death: 06 June 1882 Morrow, Ohio, United Statesdeath22


Father: Jeremiah Biggs

Mother: Jemima Harrod

William Arthur Biggs - 1881 to 1944

Birth: April 1, 1881 Royston, Hertfordshire, United Kingdombirth23

Death: May 8, 1944 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canadadeath23


Father: William Biggs

Mother: Jane Selena Chapman

William Otis Biggs - 1898 to 1992

Birth: 2 Oct 1898 Alabamabirth24

Death: 6 Jan 1992 Alabamadeath24


Father: James Emmette Biggs

Mother: Mary Pruett

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