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Results for "William Estes"

1 - 25 of 3,065 Records

William Duncan Estes - 1852 to 1942

Birth: 21 June 1852 Allsop, Calhoun County, Alabama, USAbirth0

Death: 14 Apr 1942 Estes Crossroads, Cherokee County, Alabama, USAdeath0


Father: Samuel Peace Estes

Mother: Amanda Mangum

William Garland Estes - 1920 to 1991

Birth: 3 March 1920 USAbirth1

Death: 4/23/1991 Lawrenceville, Gwinnett, Georgia, USAdeath1


Father: John Alvin Estes

Mother: Lula Estes

William Estes - 1842 to 1914

Birth: 27 Jun 1842 Fishing River, Ray, Missouri, USAbirth2

Death: 24 Oct 1914 Byron, Contra Costa, California, United Statesdeath2


Father: Joel Estes

Mother: Mary Jane Albright

William Perkins ESTES - 1835 to 1921

Birth: 27 Jan 1835 Alabamabirth3

Death: 30 January 1921 Sea Cliff, Nassau County, New York, United States of Americadeath3


Father: Ludwell Hunter Estes

Mother: Anne K Neal

William Newton Estes - 1852 to 1933

Birth: 12 Jan 1852 Dothan, Dale County, Alabama, USAbirth4

Death: 4 Jun 1933 Dallas, Texasdeath4


Father: William N Estes

Mother: Elizabeth F Wilcoxson

William Duncan Estes - 1852 to 1942

Birth: 21 June 1852 Allsop, Calhoun County, Alabama, USAbirth5

Death: 14 Apr 1942 Estes Crossroads, Cherokee County, Alabama, USAdeath5


Father: Samuel Peace Estes

Mother: Amanda Mangum

William Mose Estes - 1910 to 1981

Birth: 24 May 1910 Fayette County, Kentuckybirth6

Death: Jan 1981 Muncie Indianadeath6


Father: John Estes

Mother: Lillie Belle Emmett

William Washington Estes - 1907 to 1992

Birth: 09 May 1907 Chester Chester County South Carolina USAbirth7

Death: 17 Oct 1992 Bessemer City, Gaston County, North Carolina, USAdeath7


Father: Leslie Wesley Estes

Mother: Lizzie Almetta Aldridge

William Elbert Estes - 1892 to 1942

Birth: 22 Jul 1892 Hickman, Tennesseebirth8

Death: 12 Oct 1942 Hickman, Tennessee, United Statesdeath8


Father: Joseph Monroe Estes

Mother: Clara McFarlin Estes

William Newton Estes - 1852 to 1933

Birth: 12 Jan 1852 Dothan, Dale County, Alabama, USAbirth9

Death: 4 Jun 1933 Dallas, Texasdeath9


Father: William N Estes

Mother: Elizabeth F Wilcoxson

William Estes - 1900 to 1985

Birth: 4 Oct 1900 Walker, Alabama, United Statesbirth10

Death: 20 apr 1985 Talladega, Talladega, Alabama, USAdeath10


Father: Asa Franklin Estes

Mother: Mary Louella CRUMPTON

William ESTES - 1844 to 1913

Birth: 16 Dec 1844 Pulaski County, Kentucky, USAbirth11

Death: 29 Jul 1913 Good Hope, Pulaski County, Kentucky, USAdeath11


Father: David Estes

Mother: Nancy Gooch

William Estes - 1886 to 1965

Birth: 16 Oct 1886 Somerset, Pulaski, KYbirth12

Death: 25 JAN 1965 Greencastle, IN bur Pulaski Co., KY Hazeldell Cem. cem bdeath12


Father: William Fountain Estes

Mother: Elizabeth Ellen Garner

William Perkins ESTES - 1835 to 1921

Birth: 27 Jan 1835 Alabamabirth13

Death: 30 January 1921 Sea Cliff, Nassau County, New York, United States of Americadeath13


Father: Ludwell Hunter Estes

Mother: Anne K Neal

William Newton Estes - 1826 to 1916

Birth: 9 Jan 1826 Howard County, Missouri, USAbirth14

Death: 20 Jan 1916 Edwards, Benton, Missouri, United Statesdeath14


Father: Elisha Estes

Mother: Mariah Bingham

William Nathaniel Estes - 1872 to 1944

Birth: 23 February 1872 Meriwether County, Georgia, United States of Americabirth15

Death: 4 May 1944 Meriwether County, Georgia, United States of Americadeath15


Father: James Wesley Estes

Mother: Mary Etta O’Neal

William B Estes - 1837 to 1922

Birth: 23 February 1837 Jonesboro, Tennesseebirth16

Death: 10 Dec 1922 Whitley, Kentucky, USAdeath16


Father: John Bacon Estes

Mother: Rebecca Travathan*

William Estes - 1910 to 1984

Birth: 20 Mar 1910 Strafford, VTbirth17

Death: Dec 1984 Fairlee, Vermontdeath17


Father: Willis Clarence Estes

Mother: Gertrude Roberts

William Jefferson ESTES - 1876 to 1950

Birth: 27 January 1876 Missouribirth18

Death: 05 Oct 1950 Cape Girardeau County Missourideath18


Father: John R. Estes

Mother: Mary Sophia Hutson

William Estes - 1845 to 1915

Birth: Abt 1845 Louisa County, Va.birth19

Death: 15 Dec 1915 Virginiadeath19


Father: Robert N Estes

Mother: Sally Cosby

William D Estes - 1866 to 1931

Birth: 12 Aug 1866 Winston, Mississippi, United Statesbirth20

Death: 14 Nov 1931 Mississippi, United Statesdeath20


Father: Amos Tims Estes

Mother: Sarah Halsey Robinson

William T Estes - 1862 to 1914

Birth: Apr 1862 Illinoisbirth21

Death: 1914 Mount Vernon, Jefferson, Illinois, USAdeath21


Father: Absalom D Estes

Mother: Nancy Jane Walter

William Thomas Estes - 1886 to 1964

Birth: 18 Dec 1886 Arkansasbirth22

Death: 5 October 1964 Bartlesville, Washington County, Oklahoma, United States of Americadeath22


Father: James Osgood Estes

Mother: Rebecca Wyatt

William Newton Estes - 1826 to 1916

Birth: 9 Jan 1826 Howard County, Missouri, USAbirth23

Death: 20 Jan 1916 Edwards, Benton, Missouri, United Statesdeath23


Father: Elisha Estes

Mother: Mariah Bingham

William Goff Estes - 1856 to 1912

Birth: Mar 1856 Missouri, United Statesbirth24

Death: 12 Apr 1912 Flat River, St. Francois, Missouri USAdeath24


Father: Isham Estes

Mother: Ludema Swift Tate

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