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Results for "william flowers"

Name: William Benjamin Flowers

Birth: 15 Apr 1839 Alabama, USA

Death: 29 Mar 1925 Marengo, Alabama, USA

Father: John Flowers

Mother: Margaret Rebecca Rustin

Name: William Flowers

Birth: 17 Apr 1904 Wayne, West Virginia, USA

Death: 11 Jul 1947 Veterans Hospital Wayne County West Virginia

Father: Simeon Flowers

Mother: Olive Grubb

Name: William A Flowers

Birth: Nov 1890 Johnston Co North Carolina

Death: 05 JAN 1967 Wayne County,NC, USA

Father: William Henry Flowers

Mother: Eliza Moore

Name: William Andrew Flowers

Birth: 27 Aug 1887 Tennessee, USA

Death: 04 Nov 1968 Graysville, Catoosa, Georgia, USA

Father: Caleb Jeno Flowers

Mother: Mary Brown

Name: William T Flowers

Birth: 23 August 1849 Tennessee

Death: 1 Mar 1922 Caledonia, Washington, Missouri, USA

Father: William Henry Flowers

Mother: Malinda Block

Name: William Esarel Flowers

Birth: SEP 1857 Maryland

Death: Feb 1927 Denton, Caroline, Maryland, USA

Father: James H Flowers

Mother: Lucinda

Name: William C Flowers

Birth: Apr 1862 North Carolina

Death: 8 Jan 1949 Durant, Bryan, Oklahoma, USA

Father: Christopher Calvin Flowers

Mother: Elizabeth Condrey

Name: William Chadwick Flowers

Birth: 27 May 1920 MS: Leake Co: Conway

Death: 04 Dec 1994 FL: Leon Co:

Father: Howard Lynn Flowers

Mother: Mary Carpenter

Name: William Flowers

Birth: 12 Sep 1879 Valdosta, Lowndes, Georgia, USA

Death: Oct 1962 Miami, Dade, Florida, USA

Father: Paul E Flowers

Mother: Luvinia Norman

Name: William C Flowers

Birth: 21 Aug 1832 Sumner County, Tn

Death: 5 Mar 1916 Allen, Kentucky, United States

Father: James F Flowers

Mother: Betsey Taylor

Name: William Benjamin Flowers

Birth: 1888 Arkansas

Death: 26 Feb 1959 Arkansas, USA

Father: John Jefferson Flowers

Mother: Francis SIDES

Name: William Lewis Flowers

Birth: 10 August 1832 Pennsylvania

Death: 11 Aug 1917 Hopkins, Nodaway County, Missouri, USA

Father: David Flowers

Mother: Mary Anne Meads

Name: William Flowers

Birth: 12 Feb 1866 Dixon Mills, Marengo, Alabama, United States

Death: 31 Aug 1942 Aimwell, Marengo, Alabama, United States

Father: John Stanford Flowers

Mother: Sarah (Sallie) Grantham

Name: William Franklin Flowers

Birth: 24 Jan 1882 Bloomington, McLean, IL

Death: 17 Nov 1958 Joliet, Will County, IL

Father: Alfred J Flowers

Mother: Georgiana American Savage

Name: William Flowers

Birth: 26 Dec 1837 Edgewood, Bucks, PA

Death: 7 Apr 1894 Bayonne, Hudson, New Jersey, USA

Father: Joseph Flowers

Mother: Sarah B Pickering

Name: William Flowers

Birth: 8 OCT 1796 Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, United States of America

Death: 27 Sep 1878 Richland County, Ohio, United States of America

Father: John-5 (Johan) LaFleur (Flower)

Mother: Catherine Baur

Name: William Alexander Flowers

Birth: 11 Mar 1860 Alabama, USA

Death: October 4, 1889 Columbia, Henry County, Alabama, United States

Father: George W Carter

Mother: Amanda Flowers

Name: William H Flowers

Birth: 2 Sep 1833 wana, North Carolina, United States

Death: 14 Sep 1909 New Bern, Craven, North Carolina, USA

Father: Asher Flowers

Mother: Agnes Ally Flowers

Name: William Flowers

Birth: abt 1842 Preston, Northamptonshire, England

Death: 13 MAR 1917 86 Haydons Road, Wimbledon, Surrey, London

Father: John Flowers

Mother: Elizabeth Hudson Flowers

Name: William Russel Flowers

Birth: 17 SEP 1904 Phillipsville, Baldwin Co, Al

Death: 28 May 1974 Biloxi, Harrison, Mississippi, USA

Father: Eli Shorter Flowers

Mother: Annie Coreen Parker

Name: William D Flowers

Birth: 6 Jul 1839 Marion County, South Carolina

Death: 10 Nov 1924 Florence, South Carolina, USA

Father: William Clayton Flowers

Mother: Mariah Hyman

Name: William Joseph Flowers

Birth: 4 July 1948 Zanesville, Muskingum County, Ohio, United States of America

Death: 4 Sep 1996 Zanesville, Muskingum, Ohio, USA

Father: Joseph Lawrence Flowers

Mother: Ellen Lucille Rockey

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