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Results for "William Freeman"

1 - 25 of 19,089 Records

William Freeman - 1925 to 1999

Birth: 15 Feb 1925 Montpelier, Washington, Vermont, USAbirth0

Death: 5 Aug 1999 Montpelier, Washington, Vermont, United States of Americadeath0


Father: Dorman Freeman

Mother: Elnora Currier

William H Freeman - 1855 to 1937

Birth: 20 January 1855 Macon County, Tennessee, United States of Americabirth1

Death: 4 Oct. 1937 Johnston County, Gibbs, Oklahomadeath1


Father: Richard Bennett Freeman

Mother: Martha Elizabeth Driver (Freeman)

WILLIAM FREEMAN - 1790 to 1860

Birth: 31 AUG 1790 York, York, South Carolina, United Statesbirth2

Death: 1860 Winston, Alabama, United Statesdeath2


Father: Christopher Freeman

Mother: Margaret McKnight

William E Freeman - 1934 to 2010

Birth: 14 August 1934 Newtonville, Fayette County, United States of Americabirth3

Death: 10/3/2010 Monticello, Iowa, USAdeath3


Father: Dolphus Freeman

Mother: Dorothy Clark

William Melvin FREEMAN - 1829 to 1901

Birth: 13 Jun 1829 Brilliant, Marion, Alabama, USAbirth4

Death: Aug 09, 1901 Brilliant, Marion, Alabama, USAdeath4


Father: William Freeman

Mother: Cintha (Wells) Freeman

William FREEMAN - 1806 to 1870

Birth: August 1806 Pennsylvaniabirth5

Death: 10 Aug 1870 East Bethlehem, Washington County, Pennsylvania, USAdeath5


Father: John Freeman

Mother: Mary White

William Lucian Freeman - 1870 to 1953

Birth: abt 1870 Georgiabirth6

Death: 23 Apr 1953 Wilkinson Co, Ga.death6


Father: James H. Freeman

Mother: Mary MOYE

William Walton Freeman - 1854 to 1934

Birth: 15 November 1854 Indian Springs, Butts, Georgia, United Statesbirth7

Death: 9 October 1934 Daingerfield, Morris County, Texas, USAdeath7


Father: Josiah B Freeman

Mother: Sarah White Hearn


Birth: 17 Mar 1876 Sumter Dist (Lee County), SC, USAbirth8

Death: 4 October 1952 Sumter, South Carolina, USAdeath8


Father: Louis Collins Freeman

Mother: Exellena Boykin

William Kelley Freeman - 1901 to 1992

Birth: 14 Oct 1901 Kentucky, United Statesbirth9

Death: 12 Jan 1992 Tell City, Perry, Indiana, USAdeath9


Father: Charles Freeman

Mother: Mattie Freeman

William Freeman - 1804 to 1886

Birth: 10 JUL 1804 , Oneida, New Yorkbirth10

Death: 16 Jan 1886 , Fayette, Ohio, USAdeath10


Father: Essec Freeman

Mother: Charity Hunt

William I FREEMAN - 1879 to 1954

Birth: 26 Mar 1879 Bolton, North Carolinabirth11

Death: 28 Apr 1954 Bolton, Columbus, North Carolina, USAdeath11


Father: Napoleon Freeman

Mother: Mary Alinda WARD

William M Freeman - 1869 to 1933

Birth: Oct 1869 Missouribirth12

Death: 23 May 1933 Flat River, Randolph, St. Francois, Missouri, USAdeath12


Father: Richard Monroe Freeman

Mother: Martha C. Taff

William James FREEMAN - 1868 to 1941

Birth: abt 1868 New Bradell, Buckinghamshire, Englandbirth13

Death: 08 Nov 1941 STANLEY County Durhamdeath13


Father: Daniel Freeman

Mother: Matilda Reece

William Freeman - 1833 to 1881

Birth: 31 Dec 1833 Clarke County, Kentucky, United Statesbirth14

Death: 11 Mar 1881 Jackson Twp, Owensburg, Greene, Indiana death14


Father: Thomas Freeman

Mother: Alsey Mahala Freeman

William Guy Freeman - 1927 to 1992

Birth: 2 Aug 1927 Washington, District of Columbia, USAbirth15

Death: 14 September 1992 Sarasota, Florida, United Statesdeath15


Father: William Enoch Freeman

Mother: Ella Van Evera

William M Freeman - 1850 to 1919

Birth: Mar 1850 Marylandbirth16

Death: 03 Mar 1919 St. Mary's County MD Sacred Heart RCCdeath16


Father: John Douglas Freeman

Mother: Eleanor Ann Simms

William Manning Freeman - 1852 to 1929

Birth: 10 May 1852 Messick, York County, Virginia USAbirth17

Death: 24 Jun 1929 York County, Virginia United Statesdeath17


Father: Thomas Freeman

Mother: Elizabeth "Eliza" Lawson

William Manning Freeman - 1852 to 1929

Birth: 10 May 1852 Messick, York County, Virginia USAbirth18

Death: 24 Jun 1929 York County, Virginia United Statesdeath18


Father: Thomas Freeman

Mother: Elizabeth "Eliza" Lawson

William Freeman - 1813 to 1864

Birth: 1813 North Carolinabirth19

Death: 13 May 1864 Killed at Spotsylvania Court House, Virginiadeath19


Father: Tyre "McIntyre" Freeman

Mother: Elizabeth Stow

William Stanley Freeman - 1858 to 1926

Birth: abt 1858 North Carolinabirth20

Death: 22 May 1926 Columbus, North Carolinadeath20


Father: David Freeman

Mother: Olivia "Polly" Webb

William Blaine Freeman - 1891 to 1963

Birth: 18 September 1891 West Virginia, USAbirth21

Death: 17 July 1963 Steubenville, Jefferson County, Ohio, USAdeath21


Father: William Washington Freeman

Mother: Christiana Leah Hughes

William N Freeman - 1864 to 1954

Birth: 1864 Oregonbirth22

Death: 1954 USAdeath22


Father: Barnard Freeman

Mother: Elizabeth (Betsy) Cartwright-Freeman

William G Freeman - 1869 to 1951

Birth: 14 Oct 1869 Illinois, United States of Americabirth23

Death: 17 Aug 1951 Glenville, Freeborn, Minnesota, USAdeath23


Father: Mark Abraham Freeman

Mother: Mary Jennette Seavey

William Virgil FREEMAN - 1889 to 1967

Birth: 22 Oct 1889 Kirby, Franklin, Mississippi, United Statesbirth24

Death: 13 FEB 1967 Meadville, Franklin Co, MSdeath24


Father: William Joel Freeman

Mother: Emma Elizabeth Harrigill

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