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Results for "William Garlinge"

1 - 25 of 86 Records

William Garlinge - 1886 to 1940

Birth: 20th August 1886 Dover Kentbirth0

Death: 4th March 1940 Dover, Kent,death0


Father: George Garlinge

Mother: Mary Ann harlow

William Garlinge - 1863 to 1939

Birth: July 1863 Tilmanstone, Kent, Englandbirth1

Death: Jun 1939 Bridge, Canterbury, Kent, Englanddeath1


Father: Henry Thomas Garlinge

Mother: Jane Emma Divers

William Garlinge - 1863 to 1939

Birth: July 1863 Tilmanstone, Kent, Englandbirth2

Death: Jun 1939 Bridge, Canterbury, Kent, Englanddeath2


Father: Henry Thomas Garlinge

Mother: Jane Emma Divers

William Garlinge - 1936 to 2019

Birth: abt 1936 New Yorkbirth3

Death: 23 July 2019 Suffolk County, New York, United States of Americadeath3


Father: James Edward Garlinge

Mother: Irene Theresa Frankle

William Garlinge - 1738 to 1837

Birth: 31 Dec 1738 Sibertswold, Kent, , Englandbirth4

Death: abt 1837 Shepherdswell (Sibertswold), Kent, Englanddeath4


Father: Thomas Garlinge

Mother: Sarah (Sara) Upton

William John Garlinge - 1906 to 1983

Birth: 1906 Littlebourne, Kent, , Englandbirth5

Death: 1983 Ashford District, Kent, Englanddeath5


Father: Thomas William Garlinge

Mother: Louisa Trice

William Garlinge - 1903 to 1961

Birth: 25/03/1903 Hounslow, Middlesex, Englandbirth6

Death: 11 Jan 1961 Ealing, Middlesex, Englanddeath6


Father: Alfred William Garlinge

Mother: Florence May Benwell

William John Garlinge - 1906 to 1983

Birth: 1906 Littlebourne, Kent, , Englandbirth7

Death: 1983 Ashford District, Kent, Englanddeath7


Father: Thomas William Garlinge

Mother: Louisa Trice

William Garlinge - 1738 to 1837

Birth: 31 Dec 1738 Sibertswold, Kent, , Englandbirth8

Death: abt 1837 Shepherdswell (Sibertswold), Kent, Englanddeath8


Father: Thomas Garlinge

Mother: Sarah (Sara) Upton

William Garlinge - 1903 to 1987

Birth: July 1903 Chatham, Kentbirth9

Death: Jun 1987 Lincoln, Lincolnshire, Englanddeath9


Father: William Garlinge

Mother: Emma Balderston

William Garlinge - 1797 to 1857

Birth: 02 Jan 1797 Shepherdswell, Kent, Englandbirth10

Death: 20 Sep 1857 Tilmanstone, Kent, , Englanddeath10


Father: William Garlinge

Mother: Margaret Brewer

William Henry Garlinge - 1849 to 1927

Birth: 27 May 1849 Barfreston, Kent, Englandbirth11

Death: 23 Aug 1927 Nonington, Kent, Englanddeath11


Father: George Garlinge

Mother: Sarah Ann Lawrence

William John Garlinge - 1833 to 1893

Birth: 30 Jul 1833 Dover, Kent, Englandbirth12

Death: 1893 Dover Kentdeath12


Father: Thomas Garlinge

Mother: Sarah Fowler

William GARLINGE - 1810 to 1867

Birth: 8 Apr 1810 Goodnestone, Kent, Englandbirth13

Death: Dec 1867 Winghamdeath13


Father: Thomas Garlinge

Mother: Lydia Court

William Garlinge - 1580 to 1623

Birth: 1580 Alkham, Kent, Englandbirth14

Death: 21 Feb 1623 Barham, Kent, , Englanddeath14



Mother: Alice Ducken

William Garlinge - 1760 to 1847

Birth: 5 OCT 1760 Sibertswold, Kent, Englandbirth15

Death: 12 Feb 1847 Sibertswold, Kentdeath15


Father: Thomas Garlinge

Mother: Margaret Stewart

William Henry Garlinge - 1850 to 1899

Birth: Sep 1850 Chillenden Kentbirth16

Death: Bef. 1899 South Shields Durhamdeath16


Father: Thomas Garlinge

Mother: Mary Ann Mills

William Garlinge - 1886 to 1940

Birth: 20th August 1886 Dover Kentbirth17

Death: 4th March 1940 Dover, Kentdeath17


Father: John Albert Garlinge

Mother: Annie Harlow

william henry garlinge - 1899 to 1961

Birth: 29 January 1899 Staple, Kent, Englandbirth18

Death: September 1961 Maidstone, Kent, Englanddeath18


Father: Henry Thomas Garlinge

Mother: Mary Ann Bull

William Garlinge - 1738 to 1837

Birth: Abt. Dec 1738 Shepherdswell, Sibertswold, Kent, Englandbirth19

Death: Abt. Feb 1837 Shepherdswell (Sibertswold), Kent, Englanddeath19


Father: Thomas Garlinge


William Thomas Garlinge - 1859 to 1927

Birth: 1859 Chilham, Kent, Englandbirth20

Death: Sep 1927 Canterbury, Kent, Englanddeath20


Father: john garlinge

Mother: Ann shilling

William Garlinge - 1877 to 1950

Birth: 27 Sep 1877 Buckland, Kentbirth21

Death: 9 July 1950 Kilrush, County Clare, Irelanddeath21


Father: John Garlinge

Mother: Rose Garlinge

William Garlinge - 1644 to 1716

Birth: 01 Sep 1644 Barham, Kent, Englandbirth22

Death: 16 May 1716 Barham, Kent, Englanddeath22


Father: Edward Garling

Mother: Katherine Cox

William George Garlinge - 1900 to 1942

Birth: 1900 herne bay,kent,ukbirth23

Death: 17 April 1942 In service with Royal Artillerydeath23


Father: thomas garlinge

Mother: Mary S Higgins

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