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Results for "William Kendall"

1 - 25 of 6,337 Records

William Escrage Kendall - 1873 to 1950

Birth: 28 August 1873 Texasbirth0

Death: 20 August 1950 Houston, Harris, Texas, USAdeath0


Father: Judge Kendall

Mother: Matilda Sherman

William Burton Kendall - 1907 to 1983

Birth: 17 Mar 1907 Indianabirth1

Death: 25 Feb 1983 Beech Grove, Marion, Indiana, USAdeath1


Father: William Ezra Kendall

Mother: Myrtle Ann Burton

William E. Kendall - 1861 to 1923

Birth: abt 1861 Illinoisbirth2

Death: 9 Oct 1923 Quincy, Adams, Illinois, USAdeath2


Father: Franklin Corwin Kendall

Mother: Sarah Ann McCormack

William Eugene Kendall - 1927 to 2014

Birth: 25 Feb 1927 Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USAbirth3

Death: 26 Jul 2014 Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USAdeath3


Father: John Joseph Kendall

Mother: Grace Catherine Thielbar

William P Kendall - 1851 to 1924

Birth: 13 Feb 1851 Kentucky, USAbirth4

Death: 24 Oct 1924 Grant, Kentucky, United Statesdeath4


Father: Andrew Jackson Kendall

Mother: Lillian Kendall

William Kendall - 1825 to 1904

Birth: abt 1825 North Carolina, United Statesbirth5

Death: 1904 Grand Junction, Mesa, Colorado, USAdeath5


Father: John Kendall

Mother: Elizabeth CAGLE

William Escrage Kendall - 1873 to 1950

Birth: 28 August 1873 Texasbirth6

Death: 20 August 1950 Houston, Harris, Texas, USAdeath6


Father: Judge Kendall

Mother: Matilda Sherman

William H. Kendall - 1826 to 1840

Birth: 1826 Hardin County, Kentucky, USAbirth7

Death: 1840 Nelson County, Kentucky, USAdeath7


Father: Bailey Anderson Kendall

Mother: Margaret Catherine Runner

William John Kendall - 1925 to 1993

Birth: 02 JUL 1925 Cooley, Itasca County, Minnesota, USAbirth8

Death: 16 Jul 1993 Stamford, Fairfield, Connecticutdeath8


Father: Oliver William Kendall

Mother: Helga Offilia/Ottilia Hammerstrom

William W Kendall - 1885 to 1930

Birth: 22 Oct 1885 Kansasbirth9

Death: 19 Sep 1930 Kansas City, Clay, Missouri, USAdeath9


Father: Amos Kendall

Mother: Harriet Kenyon

William C. Kendall - 1856 to 1926

Birth: 30 Jun 1856 Indiana, USAbirth10

Death: 4 Sep 1926 Hamilton County, Indiana, USAdeath10


Father: Ahimaz Kendall

Mother: Elizabeth Ann Carter

William KENDALL - 1753 to 1823

Birth: 1753 Dalton in Furness, Lancashire, Englandbirth11

Death: March 1823 Ulverston, Lancashire, Englanddeath11


Father: Thomas Kendall

Mother: Eleanor (Ellen) Harrington

William Burnett Kendall - 1903 to 1981

Birth: 18 Nov 1903 Kentuckybirth12

Death: 12 Oct 1981 McCracken, Kentuckydeath12


Father: William Asa Kendall

Mother: Ora Anna VAUGHN

William Kendall - 1842 to 1932

Birth: Dec 1842 Somerset, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth13

Death: 1932 Somerset, Somerset, Pennsylvania, United Statesdeath13


Father: Elias "Eli" Kennel

Mother: Rachel Shoemaker

William Amos Kendall - 1875 to 1942

Birth: 6 Feb 1875 Newcomb, Elliott, Kentucky, United Statesbirth14

Death: 20 Nov 1942 Elliott, Kentucky, USAdeath14


Father: John W. Kendall

Mother: Elizabeth Francis Steele

William Kendall - 1927 to 2005

Birth: 04/01/1927 Washington, Washington County, Pennsylvania, USAbirth15

Death: 10/01/2005 Elyria, Ohiodeath15


Father: Glenn Gordon Kendall

Mother: Blanch Jackson

William Lewis Kendall - 1917 to 1993

Birth: 22 Sep 1917 Hector, Renville, Minnesotabirth16

Death: 16 Jul 1993 Jefferson, Greene, Iowadeath16


Father: George Leroy Kendall

Mother: Mabel Estella Hurley

William Kendall - 1810 to 1892

Birth: 9 Sep 1810 , Caldwell, NCbirth17

Death: 12 March 1892 Wilkes County, North Carolina, United States of Americadeath17


Father: William Kendall

Mother: Elizabeth Triplett

William Kendall - 1902 to 1965

Birth: 1902 New Yorkbirth18

Death: 13 Jan 1965 New York, USAdeath18


Father: Myron W Kendall

Mother: Charlotte M Cook

William Kendall - 1831 to 1923

Birth: 19 Dec 1831 Tippecanoe County, Indianabirth19

Death: 1923 Oklahomadeath19


Father: 13.2. Elisha Kendall

Mother: Darcus Jane Denny

William Delmah Kendall - 1908 to 1983

Birth: 11 Jul 1908 Stafford, Kansas, USAbirth20

Death: 20 Oct 1983 Topeka, Shawnee, Kansas, United Statesdeath20


Father: Charles William Kendall

Mother: Pocahontas Leak

William Kendall - 1819 to 1908

Birth: 06 Oct 1819 Fayette Co. Indianabirth21

Death: 28 May 1908 Linn Co,MOdeath21


Father: Adam Kendall

Mother: Araminta McKimmey

William F. Kendall - 1840 to 1912

Birth: 7 Jul 1840 Battle Ground, Tippecanoe County, Indiana, USAbirth22

Death: 19 June 1912 Kokomo, Howard County, Indiana, USAdeath22


Father: William Kendall

Mother: Elizabeth McKillip

William Jacob Kendall - 1893 to 1951

Birth: 10 Aug 1893 Kentuckybirth23

Death: 10 Dec 1951 Louisville, Jefferson, Kentuckydeath23


Father: Harry L Kendall

Mother: Annie S. Kendall Craig

William Kendall - 1836 to 1917

Birth: 5 Sep 1836 Indianabirth24

Death: 23 Dec 1917 Burrows, Carroll, Indiana, United Statesdeath24


Father: Robert Kendall

Mother: Sarah Sallie Bartmess

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