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Results for "William Mckay"

1 - 25 of 9,743 Records

William Mckay - 1869 to 1923

Birth: 22 Jan 1869 Tuckersmith Township,Huron County, Ontario, Canadabirth0

Death: 6th April 1923 Oakland, Alameda, California, United Statesdeath0


Father: Hugh McKay

Mother: Flora Anne Campbell

William Samual McKay - 1856 to 1925

Birth: October 1856 Baltimore City, Marylandbirth1

Death: 1925 Baltimore City, Maryland, United States of Americadeath1


Father: William Franklin McKay

Mother: Lydia Kroh

William Ward Mckay - 1867 to 1935

Birth: 28 Jun 1867 Bradley County, Tennessee, USAbirth2

Death: 19 Dec 1935 New Borden, Robertson, Texas, USAdeath2


Father: Thomas Mckay

Mother: Sarah Elizabeth Coe

William Franklin McKay - 1833 to 1887

Birth: 12 Jan 1833 Chester, Clinton, Ohio, USAbirth3

Death: 4 May 1887 Chester, Clinton, Ohio, United Statesdeath3


Father: George Wesley McKay

Mother: Mary Massey Ferguson

William Richard Mckay - 1849 to 1950

Birth: 30 December 1849 St. Paul, Oregon, United Statesbirth4

Death: 27 November 1950 Portland, Oregon, United Statesdeath4


Father: James Thomas McKay

Mother: Cecilia Lawson

William Alexander McKay - 1853 to 1936

Birth: 14 Apr 1853 Ross Twp, Renfrew, Ontario, Canadabirth5

Death: 13 Mar 1936 Renfrew, Ontario, Canadadeath5


Father: Daniel Mckay

Mother: Euphemia Ledgerwood

William McKAY - 1837 to 1909

Birth: 13 Feb 1837 Lanark Twp, Lanark, Ontario, Canadabirth6

Death: 25 Apr 1909 Lanark Twp, Lanark, Ontario, Canadadeath6


Father: Alexander McCooeye/McKay

Mother: Esther 'Essie' McDonald

William Rex McKay - 1929 to 1999

Birth: 3 Jun 1929 Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho, USAbirth7

Death: 11 Oct 1999 Ada County, Idaho,death7


Father: Arthur McKay

Mother: Mildred Jane Morgan

William Jasper McKay - 1857 to 1934

Birth: 22 April 1857 Mississippibirth8

Death: 11 Dec 1934 Leake, Mississippi, United Statesdeath8


Father: Jonathan Jasper Mckay

Mother: Nancy Jane Douglas

William R Mckay - 1889 to 1969

Birth: abt 1889 Mississippibirth9

Death: 8 December 1969 Winston County Mississippideath9


Father: James Alexander McKay

Mother: Loula Jane Parks

William Richard Mckay - 1849 to 1950

Birth: 30 December 1849 St. Paul, Oregon, United Statesbirth10

Death: 27 November 1950 Portland, Oregon, United Statesdeath10


Father: James Thomas McKay

Mother: Cecilia Lawson

William McKay - 1801 to 1875

Birth: abt 1801 Dornoch, Sutherland, Scotlandbirth11

Death: 19 Apr 1875 West Zorra, Oxford, Ontario, Canadadeath11


Father: Andrew McKay

Mother: Lilias Fraser

William McKay - 1853 to 1933

Birth: Oct 1853 Canada (Eng)birth12

Death: 30 Jan 1933 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAdeath12


Father: Charles McKay

Mother: Jane Gibson

William Oscar McKay - 1892 to 1972

Birth: 6 Sep 1892 Texasbirth13

Death: 4 October 1972 Richards, Grimes, Texas, United States of Americadeath13


Father: Sanford Thornton McKay

Mother: Sarah Witcher

William McKAY - 1838 to 1877

Birth: Mar 1838 Lake City, Douglas, Washington, USAbirth14

Death: 9 May 1877 Marion County, Oregondeath14


Father: John McKay

Mother: Josephte Clarke BOUCHER

William Horace McKay - 1848 to 1926

Birth: 6 Feb 1848 Bullitt County, Kentucky, USAbirth15

Death: 17 Feb 1926 Albia, Iowadeath15


Father: Maj. McKay

Mother: Susannah Juliet Dent

William ? Mckay - 1886 to 1964

Birth: abt 1886 Michiganbirth16

Death: 1964 Goodrich, Genesee County, Michigan, USAdeath16


Father: William Harrison McKay

Mother: Pauline M. Hotchkiss

William Alexander McKay - 1850 to 1922

Birth: 4 Nov 1850 South Carolinabirth17

Death: 18 Mar 1922 Greenville, Greenville, South Carolina, USAdeath17


Father: John McKay

Mother: Sarah Ann Halford

WILLIAM ARCHIBALD McKay - 1825 to 1889

Birth: 29 July 1825 North Carolina, United Statesbirth18

Death: 7 Feb 1889 Richmond, North Carolina, United Statesdeath18


Father: Archibald McKAY

Mother: Flora Watson

William McKay - 1841 to 1887

Birth: 1841 Fraserburgh, Scotland.birth19

Death: 21 Apr 1887 High St, New Pitsligo, Aberdeenshire, Scotlanddeath19


Father: William Mckay

Mother: Mary Wilson

William McKay - 1855 to 1939

Birth: 15 Sep 1855 Little Current Canadabirth20

Death: 01 Oct 1939 Lake Earl, Del Norte Co, CAdeath20


Father: Angus McKay

Mother: Mary Bain McKay

William McKay - 1891 to 1950

Birth: 28 Jun 1891 Rockingham, NCbirth21

Death: April 10, 1950 Lumberton, Robeson County, North Carolinadeath21


Father: Duncan McMillan McKay

Mother: Harriett Covington

William Franklin McKay - 1833 to 1887

Birth: 12 Jan 1833 Chester, Clinton, Ohio, USAbirth22

Death: 4 May 1887 Chester, Clinton, Ohio, United Statesdeath22


Father: George Wesley McKay

Mother: Mary Massey Ferguson

William Kelly McKay - 1853 to 1944

Birth: 2nd December 1853 Shelburne, Nova Scotia, Canadabirth23

Death: 31 Jan 1944 Hempstead, Nassau, New York, USAdeath23


Father: Thomas MacKay

Mother: Agnes Ann Ryer

William H McKay - 1859 to 1889

Birth: abt 1859 Ontario, Canadabirth24

Death: 10 Apr 1889 Warwick, 1654311, Ontario, Canadadeath24


Father: David McKay

Mother: Dinah Chaplin

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