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Results for "william staggs"

Name: William Staggs

Birth: abt 1910 Iowa, USA

Death: 06 DEC 1987 Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri, United States of America

Father: William Andrew Staggs

Mother: Elizabeth "Bessie" Honey

Name: William M Staggs

Birth: Sep 1881 Alabama

Death: 1941 Columbus, Lowndes, Mississippi, USA

Father: John Staggs

Mother: Cecelia Jane Sides

Name: William M. Staggs

Birth: abt 1863 Ohio

Death: 24 Dec 1921 Putman County, Missouri, United States

Father: Otho Staggs

Mother: Amy E. Mercer

Name: William Thomas Staggs

Birth: 12 May 1920 Idaho

Death: 12 July 1968 Thornton, Madison, Idaho, United States

Father: Thomas Jefferson Staggs

Mother: Minnie Lorene Harris

Name: William T Staggs

Birth: 19 Sep 1855 , , Tennessee, USA

Death: 28 Feb 1901 Pineville, Izard Co, Arkansas, USA

Father: John Bell Staggs

Mother: Armetha Allen

Name: William Staggs

Birth: 5/22/1892 Collinwood, Wayne Co., Tennessee, USA

Death: 20 Jan 1970 Florence, Lauderdale, Alabama, United States of America

Father: Andrew D Staggs

Mother: Elizabeth 'Bettie' Lee

Name: William Staggs

Birth: Jan 1868 Tennessee, United States

Death: Sept. 4, 1945 or Aug. 3, 1941 Lauderdale County, Alabama, USA

Father: Ebenezer R Staggs

Mother: Diane Brewer

Name: William Staggs

Birth: 20 Dec 1918 Bartholomew, Indiana

Death: BEF 2006 Winchester, Randolph County, Indiana, United States of America

Father: John Governor Staggs

Mother: Lenora Coryell

Name: William Scoggin Staggs

Birth: 2 February 1895 Dallas, Texas, USA

Death: 17 February 1968 Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada, USA


Mother: Louisa B SCOGGIN

Name: William Frances Staggs

Birth: 16 Nov 1885 Avon Illinois

Death: 22 Mar 1944 Greenbush Twp., Warren Co., Illinois, USA

Father: James William Staggs

Mother: Ida Little

Name: William C Staggs

Birth: 13 Oct 1879 Weatherford, Texas

Death: 26 Oct 1942 Smith, Texas


Mother: Martha Matilda (Moore) Staggs Gabriel

Name: William Franklin Staggs

Birth: 11 Jan 1895 Clay County, Indiana

Death: 13 Apr 1946 Vigo, Indiana, United States


Mother: EVA MAY Myers - Staggs

Name: William G Staggs

Birth: abt 1881 Arkansas

Death: Nov 1972 Prairie County, Arkansas, USA

Father: Billie Staggs

Mother: Katherine Staggs

Name: William Robert Staggs

Birth: 03 Aug 1894 Morrilton, Conway, Arkansas, USA

Death: 6 Feb 1945 Los Angeles

Father: George Birten Staggs

Mother: Anna Josephine Thompson

Name: William Kenton Staggs

Birth: 23 Jun 1833 Kentucky

Death: 15 Oct 1909 (Napa Co.) California

Father: William Riley Staggs

Mother: Alvira (Elvira) Chick

Name: William Leo Staggs

Birth: 9 September 1945 Lawrence, Tennessee

Death: 13 May 2005 Lawrenceburg, Lawrence, Tennessee

Father: William Cletus Staggs

Mother: Lairean Brewer

Name: William Staggs

Birth: January 1847 Alabama

Death: 1926 Mississippi

Father: William Staggs

Mother: Lucinda Garner

Name: William Seth Staggs

Birth: 6 Feb 1903 Oklahoma

Death: Jun 1983 Duncan, Stephens, Oklahoma, USA

Father: Leonard Thompson STAGGS

Mother: Augusta Lou Lambert

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