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Results for "Willie Copeland"

1 - 25 of 588 Records

Willie S Copeland - 1870 to 1958

Birth: OCT 1870 Morehouse Parish, Louisianabirth0

Death: 15 March 1958 Monticello, Drew, Arkansas, USAdeath0


Father: Thomas Roland Copeland

Mother: Sarah J Weeks

Willie M. Copeland - 1907 to 1993

Birth: 06 Apr 1907 Greene County, Georgia, USAbirth1

Death: 22 Apr 1993 South Carolina, USAdeath1


Father: William Alcester Copelan

Mother: Nettie Wingard Baugh

Willie Etta Copeland - 1915 to 2001

Birth: May 27, 1915 Alabamabirth2

Death: Aug 13, 2001 Hanceville, Cullman, Alabama, USAdeath2


Father: William Copeland

Mother: Sarah Etta Whatley

Willie Lee COPELAND - 1884 to 1946

Birth: 17 Jul 1884 Overton County, Tennessee birth3

Death: 15 Feb 1946 Anderson County, Tennessee, USAdeath3


Father: Emelet Mack Copeland

Mother: Elizabeth, Elena Perdue

Willie M Copeland - 1911 to 2002

Birth: abt 1911 Georgiabirth4

Death: 16 Mar 2002 Clinton, Laurens, South Carolina, USAdeath4


Father: Richard Browning Ferguson

Mother: Frances Carlisle Cromer

Willie Sye Copeland - 1923 to 2007

Birth: 17 February 1923 Bixby, Iron County, Missouri, USAbirth5

Death: 10 October 2007 Alton, Madison, Illinois, USAdeath5


Father: Jesse Albert Copeland

Mother: Lucy Caroline Miner

Willie Copeland - 1887 to 1951

Birth: 5 Nov 1887 Cleburne, Johnson, Texas, United Statesbirth6

Death: 09 Jul 1951 Texas, USAdeath6


Father: William M Copeland

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Hardee

Willie S Copeland - 1870 to 1958

Birth: OCT 1870 Morehouse Parish, Louisianabirth7

Death: 15 March 1958 Monticello, Drew, Arkansas, USAdeath7


Father: Thomas Roland Copeland

Mother: Sarah J Weeks

Willie Copeland - 1873 to 1942

Birth: 3 Dec 1873 Hamilton, Harris County, Georgiabirth8

Death: 22 Mar 1942 Houston, Harris, Texas, USAdeath8


Father: John Thomas Copeland

Mother: Sarah Whitehead

Willie Sye Copeland - 1923 to 2007

Birth: 17 February 1923 Bixby, Iron County, Missouri, USAbirth9

Death: 10 October 2007 Alton, Madison, Illinois, USAdeath9


Father: Jesse Albert Copeland

Mother: Lucy Caroline Miner

Willie M. Copeland - 1907 to 1993

Birth: 06 Apr 1907 Greene County, Georgia, USAbirth10

Death: 22 Apr 1993 South Carolina, USAdeath10


Father: William Alcester Copelan

Mother: Nettie Wingard Baugh

Willie Etta Copeland - 1915 to 2001

Birth: May 27, 1915 Alabamabirth11

Death: Aug 13, 2001 Hanceville, Cullman, Alabama, USAdeath11


Father: William Copeland

Mother: Sarah Etta Whatley

Willie Copeland - 1887 to 1951

Birth: 5 Nov 1887 Cleburne, Johnson, Texas, United Statesbirth12

Death: 09 Jul 1951 Texas, USAdeath12


Father: William M Copeland

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Hardee

Willie lester Copeland - 1902 to 1969

Birth: 18 NOV 1902 West, McLennan, Texas, United Statesbirth13

Death: 24 Mar 1969 Waco, Mclennan, Texas, USAdeath13



Mother: Martha Adaline Staton

Willie Henry Copeland - 1880 to 1948

Birth: Feb 1880 Tennesseebirth14

Death: 17 DEC 1948 Rock Springs, Overton Co., Tennesseedeath14


Father: Sam Copeland

Mother: Caroline Ouselann

Willie Henry Copeland - 1880 to 1948

Birth: Feb 1880 Tennesseebirth15

Death: 17 DEC 1948 Rock Springs, Overton Co., Tennesseedeath15


Father: Sam Copeland

Mother: Caroline Ouselann

Willie Copeland - 1917 to 1986

Birth: 4 June 1917 Kentuckybirth16

Death: 16 December 1986 Mayfield, Graves, Kentuckydeath16


Father: Jordan Copeland

Mother: Mollie Elizabeth Britt

Willie Copeland

Birth: 29 Feb 1890 Pike Co, Arkansasbirth17

Death: 27 Mar 1976 Pasadena, Harris, Texas, USAdeath17


Father: Walter Aaron Wilkins

Mother: Willie A Albright

Willie Copeland

Birth: 29 Feb 1890 Pike Co, Arkansasbirth18

Death: 27 Mar 1976 Pasadena, Harris, Texas, USAdeath18


Father: Walter Aaron Wilkins

Mother: Willie A Albright

Willie H Copeland - 1899 to 1978

Birth: abt 1899 Arkansasbirth19

Death: 6 Mar 1978 Haynesville, Claiborne, Louisiana, United States of Americadeath19


Father: William Copeland

Mother: Jennie E Copeland

Willie H Copeland - 1899 to 1978

Birth: abt 1899 Arkansasbirth20

Death: 6 Mar 1978 Haynesville, Claiborne, Louisiana, United States of Americadeath20


Father: William Copeland

Mother: Jennie E Copeland

Willie Copeland

Birth: 29 Feb 1890 Pike Co, Arkansasbirth21

Death: 27 Mar 1976 Pasadena, Harris, Texas, USAdeath21


Father: Walter Aaron Wilkins

Mother: Willie A Albright

Willie Copeland - 1893 to 1969

Birth: Aug 1893 Ohiobirth22

Death: 1 Oct 1969 East Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USAdeath22


Father: Gerald Joseph Copeland

Mother: Ellen F. Maher / Copeland

Willie Mae Copeland - 1882 to 1914

Birth: 27 May 1882 Carthage, Panola, Texas, USAbirth23

Death: 1914


Father: William C Copeland

Mother: Tabitha Jones Prior

Willie Louis Copeland - 1895 to 1926

Birth: Jul 13 1895 Hertford County, North Carolina, USAbirth24

Death: Nov 17 1926 Buncombe County, North Carolina, USAdeath24


Father: James Ed Copeland

Mother: Lousia Francis Futrell

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