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Results for "Willie Haney"

1 - 25 of 198 Records

Willie May Haney - 1897 to 1966

Birth: Nov 1897 Tennesseebirth0

Death: Feb 16, 1966 Chatanooga, Hamilton Tennessee, USAdeath0


Father: James William Haney

Mother: Alice Margaret Shelton

Willie Myrtle Haney - 1900 to 1984

Birth: 5 Mar 1900 Jackson, Tennessee, USAbirth1

Death: 1 May 1984 Cookeville, Putnam, Tennessee, United States of America, death1


Father: James Willis Haney

Mother: Parazeti Lazola Alexander

Willie Clopton Haney - 1872 to 1941

Birth: 15 December 1872 Coosa County, Alabama, United States of Americabirth2

Death: 19 Jan 1941 Eclectic, Elmore, Alabama, United Statesdeath2


Father: Andrew Jackson Nolen

Mother: Mary Catherine Hawes

Willie May Haney - 1897 to 1966

Birth: Nov 1897 Tennesseebirth3

Death: Feb 16, 1966 Chatanooga, Hamilton Tennessee, USAdeath3


Father: James William Haney

Mother: Alice Margaret Shelton

Willie Myrtle Haney - 1900 to 1984

Birth: 5 Mar 1900 Jackson, Tennessee, USAbirth4

Death: 1 May 1984 Cookeville, Putnam, Tennessee, United States of America, death4


Father: James Willis Haney

Mother: Parazeti Lazola Alexander

Willie Floyd Haney - 1916 to 1996

Birth: 01 MAY 1916 Erath County, Texasbirth5

Death: March 27, 1996 Mansfield, Tarrant, Texas, USAdeath5


Father: Joshua Haney

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Hogan

Willie Clopton Haney - 1872 to 1941

Birth: 15 December 1872 Coosa County, Alabama, United States of Americabirth6

Death: 19 Jan 1941 Eclectic, Elmore, Alabama, United Statesdeath6


Father: Andrew Jackson Nolen

Mother: Mary Catherine Hawes

Willie Clopton Haney - 1872 to 1941

Birth: 15 December 1872 Coosa County, Alabama, United States of Americabirth7

Death: 19 Jan 1941 Eclectic, Elmore, Alabama, United Statesdeath7


Father: Andrew Jackson Nolen

Mother: Mary Catherine Hawes

Willie Haney - 1892 to 1967

Birth: 17 Nov 1892 Nevada county, Arkansasbirth8

Death: 24 Jan 1967 Port Arthur,Txdeath8


Father: William Haynie

Mother: Laura McFadden

Willie Haney - 1892 to 1967

Birth: 17 Nov 1892 Nevada county, Arkansasbirth9

Death: 24 Jan 1967 Port Arthur,Txdeath9


Father: William Haynie

Mother: Laura McFadden

Willie H Haney - 1882 to 1956

Birth: 6 Aug 1882 Kentucky, United States of Americabirth10

Death: 21 Dec 1956 Paintsville, Johnson, Kentucky, USAdeath10


Father: James Haney

Mother: Margaret Simmons

Willie Merritt Haney - 1880 to 1958

Birth: abt 1880 Iowabirth11

Death: 1 November 1958 Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri, United States of Americadeath11


Father: Paul John Haney

Mother: Mary Phalinda Jackson

Willie Merritt Haney - 1880 to 1958

Birth: abt 1880 Iowabirth12

Death: 1 November 1958 Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri, United States of Americadeath12


Father: Paul John Haney

Mother: Mary Phalinda Jackson

Willie Steve Haney - 1954 to 2013

Birth: 17 August 1954 Marianna, Jackson County, Florida, United States of Americabirth13

Death: 6 July 2013 Jackson, Hinds County, Mississippi, United States of Americadeath13



Mother: Mary Yohn

Willie Merritt Haney - 1880 to 1958

Birth: abt 1880 Iowabirth14

Death: 1 November 1958 Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri, United States of Americadeath14


Father: Paul John Haney

Mother: Mary Phalinda Jackson

Willie Mae Haney - 1919 to 1969

Birth: 18 May 1919 Buncombe, North Carolinabirth15

Death: 23 Jan 1969 Asheville, Buncombe, North Carolina, USAdeath15


Father: William Ruffin Jones

Mother: Pearl May Miller

Willie Mae Haney - 1919 to 1969

Birth: 18 May 1919 Buncombe, North Carolinabirth16

Death: 23 Jan 1969 Asheville, Buncombe, North Carolina, USAdeath16


Father: William Ruffin Jones

Mother: Pearl May Miller

Willie Haney - 1876 to 1942

Birth: abt 1876 New Yorkbirth17

Death: 19 Jun 1942


Father: William Haney Heenan Heanue

Mother: Mary Anne Fitzpatrick

Willie Virgil Haney - 1940 to 1985

Birth: 27 may 1940 atlanta, fulton, ga,usabirth18

Death: 08 july 1985 jackson,butts, ga, usadeath18


Father: Willie Haney

Mother: Willow Nell Plumley

Willie Haney - 1917 to 1983

Birth: 21 Jan 1917 Tennesseebirth19

Death: 23 Mar 1983 Gallatin, Sumner, Tennesseedeath19


Father: John Haney

Mother: Salina Ann Payne

Willie Jewell Haney - 1931 to 2008

Birth: 20 Aug 1931 , Douglas, GA, USAbirth20

Death: 4 Feb 2008 Carrollton, Carroll, GA, USAdeath20


Father: William Jefferson Haney

Mother: Della Jennie Shedd

Willie Haney - 1916 to 1971

Birth: 08/25/1916 Scotlandville, Louisiana, USAbirth21

Death: 06/30/1971 Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USAdeath21


Father: Amos Haney

Mother: rosa ella hill

Willie M. Haney - 1900 to 1984

Birth: Mar 1900 Putnam, Tennessee, United Statesbirth22

Death: 1 May 1984 Jackson County, Tennessee, United States of Americadeath22


Father: James Willis Haney

Mother: Parazeti Lazola Alexander

willie haney - 1915 to 1989

Birth: october 6, 1915 Natchez, Mississippi, USAbirth23

Death: july 10,1989 Chicago, Illinois, USAdeath23


Father: Jake Haney

Mother: willie mae

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